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EDP or not?

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EDP, in general, especially for a canadian is a BAD idea


1) You can only apply to one school until October, essentially, this reduces your acceptance chances dramatically


2) By the time you hear back, assuming you get rejected, most of the other rolling schools have already filled up a sizable porportion of the class and you need to wait another few months for them to review and process your file before you may/may not get an interview


With a 33/4.0, you stand good odds of being interviewed at multiple schools. Apply early and broadly and you will be fine.

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For OMSAS it comes to 3.90. The last time I took it I had a 32P, and I will re-apply to Ontario again, but not getting my hopes. I got rejected pre-interview everywhere :(


Good GPA, MCAT is decent... whats the breakdown? Toronto you just need 9s and N and as long as you are above the cutoffs MCAT isn't looked at again. Ottawa doesn't require it, McMaster only uses VR. Your OMSAS GPA is quite competitive, I would definitely try at least a couple schools in Canada again, there's no reason why you shouldn't land a couple interviews unless your EC's are seriously lacking.


Good luck bud.

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Truthfully, a solid GPA and MCAT score (provided >30, VR>11, writing >R) will only guarantee you interview at one school in Ontario. People with 3.9 and 40 MCATS have been shot down like flies at U of T and Queens changed their admission criteria in anticipation of the MMI interview and having the old "cutoffs" are no longer safe

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You and hundreds of other premeds hopefuls


Good job on the MCAT, the score is balanced and overall composite is good. Unfortunately, you miss the western cutoff by 1 point and the 10 in VR may not get you an interview from mcmaster (you need to rock the CASPER and even then who knows). U of T is hard to get into as always and Ottawa is a crapshoot for out of the city applicants. You should try for dalhousie, your MCAT meets the cutoff and your GPA is competitive. Unfortunately, they only accept 9 OOP students.

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It's a 10VR/11BS/12PS and O.


I was surprised to not get any interviews this year. My ECs are pretty good I thought, with research, NSERC, volunteering at hospital, working at the government, student government volunteering as well.


your stats are good ... but how were your sketch and essays? Did you have ur app material proofread by others who have gone through the process for their perspective?


Personally, I wouldn't do EDP with a 33 MCAT. Just apply broadly and early to the US and who knows ... you could have an acceptance by the time sept rolls around!

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This is ridiculous, students with stats like yours (and mine) should get into medical school period! There simply are not even close to enough schools in Canada espcially Ontario to admit all qualified applicants.


Apply early, far, and wide in the U.S. you may aswell, apply to Ontario again too. The U.S. schools will practically bow down to you with marks that high. 4.0 GPA is unheard of down there unless you are going ivey league.


BTW I was rejected 2 years in a row from queens and western had 9 VR - cut off was 10, now its 11, it will only get higher. Got accepted to 3 schools in the states (Indiana University, Wayne State, and Howard) I applied late (October) I was lucky. Apply early and you will get many acceptances.


Good Luck

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Thanks guys!


I did have someone read over my essays. I will ask someone to proofread everything this time and I will definitely apply in June.


Any recommendations on schools?


I was thinking Mt Sinai, SLU, SUNY upstate, Chicago, BU, Duke, GWU, NYU, Wayne State, Thomas Jefferson, Columbia, Case Wester, AECOM, Yale, Brown, EVMS, Loma Linda.

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