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IP waiting thread

Which category do you fall under for the class of 2015? (anonymous of course)  

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  1. 1. Which category do you fall under for the class of 2015? (anonymous of course)

    • NS waitlist
    • NB waitlist
    • PEI waitlist
    • OOP waitlist
    • Not waitlisted, I'm just interested in everything Dal
    • Troll

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I was placed on the IP waitlist only after I had my phone interview because we realized there was an error in my residency status. The only confirmation I received afterwards was a general email from Tracy, no papers to fill out. I've talked to people on the waitlist from other schools and they actually received forms to fax back to their schools to accept their waitlist position. What was Dal like for others who got on the waitlist?

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Hi everyone,


I spoke with admissions today and thought I would share my score as a few other applicants did last month. My score was a bit lower than I expected, unfortunately, at 69.1 points. This puts me just behind Potter on the NS list.

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I had a 67.6 and I'm on the IP waitlist, so you (cmdbrwl) and Potter are probably near the top of the list. I imagine that they made the list longer this year, so I've pegged myself at 25ish. Last year, I believe the list was all within one point of each other.


Last time that I talked to admissions, they mentioned that the list was still moving. I heard through the grapevine that some IP spots are appearing!

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My score: 69.8, with a z-score of 13.


As I understand, the spread seems to be:


67.6, 69.1, 69.5, 69.8, 69.8, 70.0


with one of the last accepted peeps having a 71.


I have been told that the wait list does not exceed the "worst case scenario." Meaning, 10% of the class usually is from the wait list (6 people). Last year, just over 15 people moved of the IP list. So I can't see the list exceeding 20 people.


Does anyone know how many people have moved off the list?


Thanks! and keep posting.

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I had a phone interview with Dr. Sutton yesterday and she told me that the lowest person on the NS list had a score of 68.1 and a Z score of 6.8.


The highest had a score of 74 or 73.2 (she said 74 but also said the last person to be accepted had a 73.2 which is conflicting info) and a z-score of 33.


An emo meter: are you on the NS waitlist? if so then there is more conflicting info than I originally thought.


Thanks for your spread gecko.

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Yip, I'm from NS. I should be on the NS waitlist. Beats me how it all works. I was in there last week and was talking to them about it. I'm pretty sure that they said I was on the NS waitlist! Maybe they just used the term "In Province" though. Are you sure that those numbers are from this year?


Unless they are ranking us by Z-score. Mine was a 9.6. I don't know what that means, but I did find a link to a paper about it on premed.

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Yes, the numbers are from this year. How is it possible for someone to have a higher raw score than someone else, but a lower z-score? And which one are they ranking us by??


Hopefully, as the list moves, or as more information becomes available, this scoring system will be explained.


(my score is 69.5 with a z score of 13.8 and I am also on the NS waitlist)

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I am also on the NS in province wait-list and my score was 69.8 (I am the other 69.8 score that gecko refers to). I did not receive my z score when I did my phone interview but my understanding is that it is only used as a tie-breaker and is calculated based on the ratio of your score with the average of each scoring section along with the standard deviation of the scores for each section.

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This is speculation, but the z score could take into account the different scoring practices of the interviewers/average score of the other applicants on the interview track. Since we interviewed on different tracks/with different interviewers, and even interviewed at different locations (I'm from NS but interviewed in Saint John), they might standardize the interview score relative to the other people interviewing in that track.


This could explain the difference between z-score and raw scores. Whoever has a meeting with Dr. Sutton should ask her for clarification.

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I had the same questions regarding the interpretation/usefulness of the z-score after I had my feedback interview so I emailed Dr. Sutton to try and get some clarification on how the z-score was calculated and what it meant.


In an email I asked her if the z-score was calculated by taking weighted z-scores for each of the different sections.

For example, total z = (z-score MCAT)(0.1) + (z-score GPA)(0.15) + (z-score Sup)(0.35) + (z-score MMI)(0.40)

Meaning that the total overall z-score would be more heavily influenced by the MMI & supplementary sections.


She said yes. Specifically her response was:


You are correct re interpretation of the z scores; we use it to rank order applicants as many have same total scores... It does not tell you where you rank overall. The feedback is intended to provide you with feedback on the strenghts and weaknesses of your application. I apologize for confusing you with specific z scores as you are correct, it does not tell you where you ranked...


I interpret this to mean that an applicant with a raw/z-score of 69/12 still ranks higher than an applicant with a 68/13. The applicant with the 13 z-score was just less "far off" from the average (or score significantly higher than the average) in the different sections which make up the raw score.

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It definitely appears that the z-score can be higher with a lower raw score. since MA246 has a score of 69.5 with a z score of 13.8 and gecko has a score of 69.8 with a z-score of 13. I also think that the z-score is how we are ranked on the list. Earlier someone mentioned that it is used to differentiate individuals with the same raw score, and thus would make more sense when ranking people. It doesn't really make sense mathematically, however, that you can have a lower z-score and a higher raw score unless they're somehow only taking certain factors into account when calculating your z-score (which still doesn't make any sense haha).


I am meeting with Dr. Sutton this Friday, so if anyone has already talked to her/won't be talking to her but has general questions they want me to ask I'll do my best, just let me know! I know I'd like some answers, no matter what they are, at this point.


Out of curiosity, @AppleJack, what was your z-score, if you don't mind sharing of course. Since you were accepted of the list, and that score seems to relevant, it may help us to place ourselves better.


My Z-score was 32 and again my total was 71.6

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