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The Elephant and Medschool

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I thought I'd create a thread with all of the different pieces of the medschool/elephant analogy... so here they are.


Thanks for the input Blue, Ace, Kyla and Mac... to all the others... see if you can add to it.


I still stand by my analogy... waiting for med school is like pregnancy.


You start out really excited... then after about 5 or 6 months you start to wonder what it will be like... then at about 8 months onward you're just thinking get this thing over with already. The only major difference is that for med school it's like were gestating a baby elephant...


Accepted- gave birth to a beautiful little elephant

Waitlisted- overdue giant elephant

Regrets- turns out you just had really bad indigestion, but you learned from the experience and realized that you want to have a baby elephant... just not this year


Regrets after waitlist- you thought you were pregnant with an elephant, the doctors thought you were pregnant with an elephant, but you really had a gas bubble in the shape of an elephant. the experience made you slightly more cynical towards having a baby elephant, but you were pretty happy with the feelings you had and the overall experience was positive... you want to have that baby elephant!

Refused offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you're more of a cheetah kind of person... so you went to law school instead.


Deferred offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you just weren't ready to care for it so some supports were put in place and you are able to see your baby elephant on weekends until you are ready to take the plunge.


International school offer- you paid immense amounts of money in administration and shipping fees to adopt a foreign baby elephant into your care. (macbook)


And then you were never going to be sure you would be able to bring back the elephant to Canada or not. You may have to live with your elephant forever in St. Kitts, sipping pina coladas on the beach. But you won't know until you've raised your elephant to full grown. (kyla)


We can probably expand a bit on the International offers, regrets, waitlists and have some fun with it...


Multiple offers- your doctor thought you were only having one elephant, but in reality you are actually having 2,3,4,5,6… elephants! Surprise!! Because of the rules enforced by the wildlife conservation society you are required to give up the other elephants to be raised by loving families. (kyla)


Accepted off of waitlist- technically you are taking somebody else's elephant... so we can either say that your labor was induced and you gave birth to a beautiful 115lb baby elephant or we can say that it turns out you're just fat... but you adopted a beautiful baby elephant that somebody else couldn't keep.

Remediation in medschool (addition to the flunking out of medschool portion)- You gave birth to a beautiful baby elephant, and everything was wonderful, sunshine, lolly-pops and rainbows.

However, as time passes you find that you are struggling to take care of your little one. For whatever reason, you are failing at being a good parent to your elephant. The other baby elephant parents give you dirty looks at the playground, and won't let your elephant play with the others. Each day brings a new challenge, and you find yourself falling behind where you should be, and before you know it, your little baby elephant is now a giant, raging beast that is ruining your life. You start to question your abilities and wonder how you got into this mess. You withdraw emotionally, no longer caring that your offspring is hanging out with the wrong group of elephants, and is causing trouble in the neighbourhood, crushing your neighbour's cars and stepping on their mailboxes. There is help available, and with their support you try to fix the situation but it seems hopeless. So what happens next?


Passing remediation in medschool- After all of the effort and supports put in your elephant is back on track, attending school, bathing, not crushing cars and generally having a good time hanging with the other elephants on the playground. You’ve put in some hard work and your elephant appreciates you for it.


Flunking out of medschool (ace of spades)- remediation attempts have failed… Wildlife Conservation Society has decided that your baby elephant is better off in the care of the wild. You decide to go on a journey to find your soul… apparently elephants aren’t your favorite animal anymore. Maybe you like monkeys?

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Kissed and then back slapped (the administrators accidently sent you an acceptance notification that was meant for someone else)- the newborn elephant was not actually yours but your best friend's. You became so embittered by this incident that your became more hard working in creating the elephant (applying again).

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I thought I'd create a thread with all of the different pieces of the medschool/elephant analogy... so here they are.



Multiple offers- your doctor thought you were only having one elephant, but in reality you are actually having 2,3,4,5,6… elephants! Surprise!! Because of the rules enforced by the wildlife conservation society you are required to give up the other elephants to be raised by loving families. (kyla)


I think the idea was mine but the specifics were someone else...





Flunking out of medschool (ace of spades)- remediation attempts have failed… Wildlife Conservation Society has decided that your baby elephant is better off in the care of the wild. You decide to go on a journey to find your soul… apparently elephants aren’t your favorite animal anymore. Maybe you like monkeys?


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Of course, we can't forget the "regrets, no interview offered". I guess this is mostly based on my own experience:


You took an elephant pregnancy test, the 5 minutes you had to wait to read the test seemed like an eternity but it was negative.


Your friends are all excited about their elephants that may/may not be on the way. Every once in a while you feel a little pang of jealousy (some were pregnant on their very first try!) but you know you'll have an little elephant of your own someday too. Other people who had a negative test seem to be having a lot of trouble accepting the results, and can't even seem to be around their friends who had positive tests. It's a little sad, but you can understand why they feel that way. :(


You see the multi-pack of elephant pregnancy tests in costco but feel it's too pessimistic to buy them that way. You hope the next test you take will be positive! You start taking folic acid tablets and doing other things to help make yourself more likely to conceive.

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Darn it, I knew I was doing something wrong. Must be why they say you have to go to Africa to get into med school.


Or the vancouver zoo! Just gotta sneak in the cage without getting caught.

I actually think getting it from an elephant could work as an analogy for the application process. Makes sense in the pregnancy timeline. Although its a pretty nasty mental image...*so how bout them canucks??*

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Or the vancouver zoo! Just gotta sneak in the cage without getting caught.

I actually think getting it from an elephant could work as an analogy for the application process. Makes sense in the pregnancy timeline. Although its a pretty nasty mental image...*so how bout them canucks??*


Speaking of elephants... Just got back from water for elephants.


To the girl sitting to my left: stfu you're 26 years old... You do not need to swoon Every. Single. Time. Robert pattinson comes onscreen.


To the girl on my right: I love you

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Any sort of affirmative action (Francophone, SWOMEN, Rural, IP, etc) and the elephant.


The government knows that you want an elephant but are "less likely" to have one because of socio/geo/political/economic status, so they improve your chances through magical birthing formulas that they devise. However, not everyone can get these magical birthing formulas because of birthright (such as poor immigrant asians in the GTA who work hard to pay for school and study = no magical formula! Sorry.) and many are awarded really by where you were born instead of how hard you tried during your "pregnancy" school. However, all sorts of people still get elephants at the end of the day...just some have a better chance than others. The rest look on with envy and try again to have elephants.

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