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Compressed program ?

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Hi, I was just wondering if the intensity/duration of my program will be taken into consideration when medical schools are reviewing my application. I am Lakehead's 3-year compressed Nursing program where I study straight through the summer in order to finish my degree a year earlier than normal. As such, the course is much tougher and getting good grades is even harder. Will they take this into account?


My stats right now are 79% average (slipped a bit this semester from an 82, but I hope to get it back to an 81 with my summer courses), and lets say I get an even 30 Q on the MCAT. I have been volunteering in the ER at the hospital for 2 years, participated in a mock hospital disaster, am a student ambassador for Lakehead University, and have 3 letters of recommendation (1 from my clinical nursing instructor, and 2 from a family practitioner, and an orthopedic surgeon) and I have studied in an international school in Paris for a summer.


Even though my average is a bit lower, do you think that the intensity of my course will help my chances?

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i highly doubt that. I dont think university or hard programs make up for a low gpa, thats why it is advised to pick a program you will do best in. You'll be on the same level as everyone else. Doing a harder nursing program wont really aid your chances, your on the same boat as all other applicants.

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