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Global Health Applicants?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also wondering if anyone has heard back from McMaster in regards to the MSc in Global Health program? If anyone has any additional information on the program (how many students they will be accepting this year, if you have heard back, what your undergrad degree was in etc.) that would also be great.





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There are 30 spots in the program this year. They have sent out the first round of offers and if any applicants do not accept by the specified deadline, they will be sending out more offers.


30? I thought they were expanding it to 50 or 60? :S that's kind of disappointing.


I know a few people who got GH offers that will most likely be getting into medical school (they'll know tomorrow I guess heh) and will be accepting medicine over a master's program.

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Hmm yeah when I visited the school back in December I was told by the Global Health coordinator they would be expanding the program. She told me that last year they even expanded their limit a bit because they had so many qualified applicants. But again, this was not concrete information and I was told this many months ago.


Just a heads up: they changed the message on the Global Health page today to:


Important information for 2011-2012 applicants to the Master of Science in Global Health Program:


The application period is now closed.

Thank you for your application, only those offered a position will be notified. Offer of Admission letters are currently being sent out via email. Thank you for your patience.


So I guess all we can do is keep checking our e-mails and hope many current 'accepted' students get into medical school and we get our offers of admission! :) Best of luck to all!

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I am currently in the MSc in GH program and my understanding on this matter is the same - for the first class they had to expand the program more than they wanted because of the high quality of applicants. Originally they only wanted about 20 or so students.


I was expecting the class size for the second class to be larger but I think they might have decided against it because they haven't yet developed the capacity to work it out.

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Hey just got this email... I will be taking myself off the wait list (i think this email implies I'm on one?? Not sure if it was sent to all applicants)


Dear applicant


Thank you for your continued patience in this complex admissions process. *As you are probably aware, a first round of offer letters was send out at the end of April. At this time, we are updating our waiting list, and would like to know if you are still interested in keeping your application active for the 2011-2012 MSc in Global Health program. *


Please send your response by Friday, May 13.


All the best,


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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I guess I will give some insight on the program since I applied to it last year and was eventually accepted but did not choose to attend. That said, I was waitlisted for almost 2.5 months and that really changed my view on the program/how it was being run administratively. (Essentially, they will leave you hanging as long as they want, and don't be surprised if they ignore your e-mails until late August and say 'Oh yeah there's a spot for yeah, hope you haven't made OTHER life plans and can still find time to find a place and move!)


I had a 3.9 GPA in my fourth year and a 3.8 GPA overall (using McMaster's GPA rating system). I had two summers of undergraduate research experience, graduated at the top of my program (Honours BSc in Biomedical Sciences), and a fourth year honours thesis completed in the area of cell physiology/diabetes research. I applied straight out of undergrad, with my only related work-experience with a local public health agency over a summer.


Let me reiterate, I was waitlisted until essentially the very last minute for the program (and was likely one of the last people to be accepted). The point I'm trying to make is: being a stellar 'straight from undergrad' applicant may not be enough.


They also did NOT expand the program size last year from the previous year. I think they ended up accept between like 25-30 students last year even though the webpage said it would likely be going way up.


From what I understood, having went to Mac a few times in-person and talking to Sonya de Laat, the applicant pool is extremely 'experienced.' To be brief: they are older and looking for a quick 1 year MSc to further their careers.


ALSO: there are alot of med school applicants (those who didn't make it in, but have extremely strong CV's otherwise) - that are again, looking for a quick 1 year MSc to get into med school. Let's face it, people who are serious about med school are usually very high caliber students, which pretty much eliminates the possibility of an average 'undergrad student' getting in.


(I am playing devil's advocate here, I think the program sounds super interesting and the international exchange opportunity is awesome. That said, I decided on a thesis-based 2 year MSc at another university and I am extremely glad I made this choice. Particularly glad because my end goal is a PhD, and a course-work 1 yr masters can close doors in that respect).


Good luck guys!

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  • 1 year later...
Hey guys!


I heard back from this program a week ago, and I got accepted for the upcoming year Sep 2013- Aug 2014! Has anyone else heard back?


Hey, opss I just saw your post. Yea I heard back too...are you planning to attend? I want to inquire about the courses and residency for living, so I'll browse through the forum to see who is in the program atm. :confused:

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I am currently in the program. PM if you have questions.




Are you enrolled the course or thesis based option? Can you quickly debrief on the strength of the program in relation to further potential in the field? Are there any good places to live near campus? I know..so many questions...but Thanks!

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