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English Prerequisite

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I am currently doing my Masters in Science and will be applying to American school this upcoming cycle. I did not take any English courses during my undergrad. And now, I need to take 2 English courses to fulfill the prerequisite requirement for most of the American schools that accept Canadian citizens.


I have two questions:


1) Do I need to take the English courses by end of Summer or can I take the courses in Fall 2011/Winter 2012 even though I will submit the application by June? My quick research found me that I can take the prerequisite in Fall 2011/Winter 2012 but I just want to confirm this with fellow members here.


2) I am doing my Masters at University of Toronto but after talking to other students it seems there are no easy English courses at my University. I am thinking of taking the two English courses at Ryerson University - The Chang School - I am thinking this should be ok with most of the American medical schools. Any suggestions/comments on this issue?


Thanks for reading and helping. I know some of these questions have been answered on this forum several times. I did take a quick look at first few pages and I think I know the answers but I just want to confirm this again. So Sorry if I am repeating the same questions as asked before.


Also, I would really appreciate if you can provide some info on good/easy English courses for someone from Science background at Ryerson University, University of Toronto and/or maybe at York University. Thanks again.

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I will rephrase my first question.


Are there any American schools that require prerequisites to be completed before applying? Thanks for helping.


No. As long as you take the courses before you matriculate, you will be fine.


Ryerson courses will be fine since it's an accredited University, and the process is enrolling in Chang School courses is easy and straightforward...


You can also take distance courses at Athabasca University, Waterloo and others. But, from my personal experience, they are not easy!

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I heard ENG100 (Effective writing) and ENG237 (Science Fiction) are good choices. If I am forced to take ENG I would take these two this summer.


In my opinion, these two courses are really hit-and-miss (in fact, all ENG courses at UofT are...) It really depends on which prof is teaching that particular semester, as well as on how good of a reader/writer you are. Some say ENG100 is 'decent' - others say it was the worst course they took at UofT.


I would take it at Ryerson.

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No. As long as you take the courses before you matriculate, you will be fine.


Ryerson courses will be fine since it's an accredited University, and the process is enrolling in Chang School courses is easy and straightforward...


You can also take distance courses at Athabasca University, Waterloo and others. But, from my personal experience, they are not easy!


Notable exceptions to this rule: Weill (Cornell) and Penn State. Those two (for whatever reason) place a limit on completing your ENG courses before the calendar year that you would hypothetically matriculate in (i.e. the latest you can complete your prereqs at Cornell for 2012 matriculation would be the 2011 Fall semester...so finish your ENG course(s) by December of this year).


This may not apply to you at all OP but just throwing this out there in case Cornell or Penn State hold a special interest for you.

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Thanks everyone for quick help!


I just got the MSAR and I am going through it to figure out the best schools for me.


My other problem is that my MCAT is too old for a lot of the schools. And, I don't want to re-write it again since I am too busy with my graduate studies.

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depends on the school


generally, its very risky to take pre reqs the summer before you matriculate.


For one, summer courses end in late june for 0.5 FCE courses and late july for 1.0 FCE courses. As such, the marks wont show up on your transcript until mid july/august. By then, most school would have started orientation then. My advice is to just suck it up and take it during the year so you dont have to worry about your hard earned acceptance being rescinded

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