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In a democracy, the successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen


A politician is also just a member of the population and often those who are successful politicians will resemble the ordinary citizen of a democratic nation. A democratic nation is one in which every citizen has a say in the running of their country, often through a voting system. The success of a politician is reliant on the extent to which he or she manages to convey his/her messages and achieve his/her political agenda. An ordinary citizen in a country is a non-politician who does not have power in their hands to actually implement their political desires. One example of a successful politician who resembled the ordinary citizen was Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian National Congress. He played an essential role in the revolution for India's independence from British East India rule in 1947. He used non-violent civil disobedience to protest the British rule. One of his methods of protesting the British power was to advocate using personal spinning wheels to make garments to wear, in order to cut down on economic gain by the British. He did not just advocate doing this, but he himself practiced it for many years, wearing a simple garment out of yarn that he had hand-spun. Unlike many other politicians, he also did not separate himself from the ordinary citizen through means such as luxury, or extra security. Instead he had a very simple lifestyle that was like that of an ordinary Indian at that time, in spite of the fact that he was educated and was also a lawyer. In this way, Gandhi 'practiced what he preached', lived side by side with his fellow protesters - ordinary citizens - with the lifestyle of a commoner, and shared the same political goals with his subjects. His success is apparent in the fact that India was freed from colonial rule in 1947.


On the other hand, some successful politicians do not resemble the ordinary citizen. One example would be Iran's Mahmoud Ahmedijanab, whose success can be seen in the fact that he is running the Republic in a manner that he deems fit, in spite of both local and international calls for reform. He has also been elected to power twice, to the great dissatisfaction of the majority of the Irani population. Ahmedinejab does not resemble the ordinary citizen in that his wishes and their wishes differ greatly in most issues of economic and social importance to the country. In fact, he disregards the rights of the ordinary citizens of Iran, and has often been known to imprison those who speak up against him, thus denying them their freedom of speech. In these ways and others, Ahmedinejab, who is a successful politician in that he is running the country according to his own political agenda, does not resemble the ordinary citizen, in their views or lifestyle, as Gandhi had.


Thus, a successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen in a democracy when both politician and citizen are striving towards the same common goal. In the first example, Gandhi and his followers were both protesting against the British rule of India and working towards an independent India. In the second example, Ahmedinejab opposes general citizens' wishes in most of his decisions, such as his disregard for human rights, the gas rationing plan that he launched and his support for a nuclear energy program. Thus, a successful politician may or may not resemble the ordinary citizen, depending on if their political agenda matches the will of the citizens in the country.

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Advancement in communication technology have reduced the quality of human interaction.


Advancements in technology have been phenomenal in our world today and it has come to the point where we cannot live without the internet, or our Blackberry. On the downside, advancements in communication technology have in face reduced the quality of human interaction. Advancements in communication technology in essence involves progressing towards a world in which we are all better connected to each other. Hence, the Blackberry Messenger which allows for people to stay in touch no matter where they are and no matter what the time. The quality of human interaction has been reduced in the sense that often with these technological gadgets, we cannot convey our real emotions through our facial expressions and hand gestures. Even though we now have video calling technology, it cannot mirror an in-person interaction because of many reasons, such as not being able to touch one another or see entire body movements, etc. One example of an advancement in communication technology that has decreased the quality of human interaction is the phenomenon of matrimonial or dating sites on the World Wide Web. In conventional dating situations, two people will normally meet, and get to see what their partner actually looks like, what kind of clothes they wear, the smell of their perfume, the sound of their voice, any odd or likable habits they have, etc. However, on dating sites, a person looking to get involved can exhibit themselves in any way they want, even falsify their personality. When two people start talking to each other online, they miss out on all the things that a real dating experience can give. In this way, although dating sites have been able to come about due to the advancement of the internet, they have undermined the dating experience for many.


On the other hand, it can also be argued that advancements in communication technology have improved the quality of human interaction. During the days of the world wars, families would separate and if lucky, they would be able to keep in touch by mail. Even then, receipt of mails sent was uncertain, not to mention the lengthy process involved. Today, families that separate when a member is deployed for military duty outside the country can keep in touch regularly, conveniently and with more certainty compared to a time before the internet was widely in use. This has resulted in improving the quality of human interaction because now, families can keep in touch more often and therefore, familial ties can be strengthened and maintained.


What determines the effect that technological advancements have had on human interaction is the way things would be in the case of particular events had that technology not existed. In the first example with dating sites versus conventional in-person dating, dating sites have made the experience of dating a lot more impersonal and untrustworthy because the person you read about or chat with online may be very different from their real-life persona. Therefore, had the dating sites not existed and people using them were obliged to go on real dates, the quality of human interaction would substantially be greater. In the second example with families separating in war times and being able to keep in touch faster and more efficiently because of the internet, in the absence of the internet, they would not be able to maintain and strengthen their family ties as well using snail mail. Therefore, by comparing how things were in the case of particular events prior to and after the advancement of technology, we can say whether or not the technology has reduced the quality of human interaction. Therefore, specific scenarios would have to be analyzed in order to make a judgement.

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Advancements in communication technology have reduced the quality of human interaction.


Our era has been termed the "Technological Revolution." Advancements in all areas of life are fundamentally altering how we interact with the world. Developments in communications between humans radically has radically changed from the face-to-face speech or handwritten notes of our ancestors to the e-mails, text messages, and Facebook posts of today. However, as with any significant change in the human experience, a conflict has erupted concenring the benefits of this progression in communication. Many decry these new technologies as defacing the uniqueness of human interaction. For example, text messaging is commonly attacked by these "humanists" as an impersonal, synthetic, emoticon-poisened form of communication compared to normal speech. The media is constantly publishing stories about teens becoming obsessed with constantly texting their friends and missing out on the experience of real human interaction. Text messages fail to convey the smaller messages that a certain change in tone, a flutter of the eyes, or a positioning of the body can express. The humanists believe that this is just another aspect of humanity that is losing its authenticity in the face of artificiality.


"Technologists," however, will argue the opposite: that human interaction has, in face been substantially benefitted by these new communications tools. For instance, the advent of social media services such as Facebook and Twitter has affected a revolution in the sharing of information, thoughts, and feelings in the most efficient way possible. It is not only younger people but also an older demographic that is discovering new ways of keeping in touch with friends for a lifetime. Distance may no longer limit the ties of friendship, these technologists argue. With the majority of American citizens now carrying a mobile device in their pockets everywhere they go, miscommunication is eradicated. Soldiers in Afghanistan may see their families at home grow up; children sick in the hospital may have a virtual presence in the classroom; and those long-distance relationships no longer seem so impractical.


Arguments on both sides of the humanist/technologist debate have their merits. Fundamentally, I believe the most important indicator of healthy human interaction is a truly emotional experience. The human experience is based on feelings; your brain's ability to maintain a representation of a person's character relies on the emotional imprint they left on you. Replacing real human interaction with a technological facade, such as having an "Internet persona," subtracts from the human experience of expressing one's self to others. Utilizing communication technologies to further develop relationships with others is a boon to the need for societal interaction.

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Political freedoms are best appreciated in those countries where they do not exist.


Chetan Bhagat was correct when he said that people do not value what they have. He meant to say that if a person has not struggled to get something, he/she won’t consider is as valuable. Right to vote can be considered as political freedom, which unfortunately is not enjoyed by everyone in this world. People from democratic country may not understand the importance of this freedom, while the opposite is true in countries where rulers are not elected by people. Rulers or king can be cruel and they make their own laws without consulting to public, so they understand that if they had the right to vote then, they would have chosen better leader for them. One such example is the king of Burma, named Junta who has been found to violate human rights in his country. Burma doesn’t have democracy and king’s successor will take over his position after him. People of Burma consider them unlucky and believe that if they had the right to choose their leaders, then things would have been different and value the freedom of vote.


Right to vote is also valued in the country where this right already exist. For instance, in the state of Gujarat, in India only 60% of the Muslim people showed up for voting. Muslim people were target in the riots of 2002 in Gujarat as they were the minority, and these riots were supported by the chief minister of the state, Narendra Modi. After the riots of 2002, Muslims in Gujarat realized the importance of voting and in election of 2005 almost 90% of the Muslims showed up for the voting. They appreciated the freedom of right to vote and thought that in order to prevent something like this from happening in future, they need to raise their voice and choose a better leader.


It is hard to say that political freedoms are not appreciated where they already exist. Regret of not being able to choose the leader determines the appreciation of these rights in country where it does not exist while an unpleasant experience with government determines the appreciation of these rights where they already exist. People of Burma value it because they can’t choose their leader, while Muslims in Gujarat value it because injustice had been done to them. After considering these scenarios, Chetan Bhagat may be forced to put an exception in what he said about people who do not value what they have.

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Thanks again! So helpful when TPR is not working.


In politics, the most popular course of action is usually the correct course of action.


Describe a specific political situation in which the most popular course of action might not be the correct course of action. Discuss what you think determines when the most popular course of action will be the correct course of action.


The role of a democratic government is to serve its citizens as best it can. The decisions made by the government should be in the best intentions of its public so as to fulfill this duty. When a government carries out a new action plan or law, it should be to the benefit of the greater part of the population. They should be looking to the needs and wants of the citizens and basing their actions off of that. The plans most supported by the public will be the ones that most benefit or suit their current needs. This means that the most popular course of action is usually the correct course of action for the government to take. Take for example, the Canada Health Act. This act states that all Canadians have access to medical care. Almost all Canadians would agree that free health care is important and highly beneficial to them. The creation of this act was highly popular because it addressed a certain need of the Canadians and therefore was the correct course of action to take. If the Canada Health Act did not have a lot of support it would most likely be because it was not deemed important in Canadian lives and so would be unlikely to be the correct course of action.


On the other hand, there do come situations in which the most popular course of action is not the correct one. In a situation when the safety of citizens is endangered by the popular opinion, it is the government’s responsibility to go against the popular opinion. In 1970 in Quebec, Canada, two government officials were kidnapped by the Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ). The Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau used the War Measures Act and had the widespread deployment of Canadian troops throughout Quebec. During this time, civil rights of citizens were disbanded and some police misconduct was reported, leading to criticism of the actions of the government. Due to the extreme acts of the government though, one of the hostages was safely returned home. This shows that although the public was not strongly in support of the actions of the government in this situation, it was the correct thing to do to ensure safety of certain citizens. If the government had not gone against popular opinion, the hostage may never have returned home safely.


When deciding when the best course of action for the government to take it the most supported action, one must determine whether or not the safety of citizens is endangered. If safety is not an issue, it is more often than not that the most popular course of action is the correct one, since it will most accurately address the needs of the public. If though, the most popular action will jeopardize the safety of other citizens, it is not the correct course to make. This is shown by the contrast of the Canadian Health Act and the use of the War Measures Act in 1970. Following through with the Canada Health Act was correct because the support of the public showed that it correctly addressed their current needs. Furthermore, the Health Act had no detrimental action towards the safety of Canadians. The War Measures Act on the other hand was not the most popular course of action, but following the popular vote would have endangered the safety of the hostages taken. Overall, it is the safety of the citizens that is the deciding factor.

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Students should not have a significant role in determining university policy.

Describe a specific situation in which students should have a significant role in determining university policy. Discuss what you think determines whether or not students should have a significant role in determining university policy.


In the past few years, university students have actively been involved in their university policies. The methods in which students have tried to influence the universities is through large protests, writing in news papers, and by direct conversations with administrative bodies. University policies are rules and regulations that directly or indirectly students such as tuition fees, accommodations for students on campus, services for disabled students, and many more. There are policies that do not need to be affected by students’ opinions, however. For example, consider University of Toronto’s policy on plagiarism. It is a very strict policy; if a student is caught for plagiarism, he or she can face serious consequences that include failing of a course and in some cases, even expulsion from the university. This policy does not need to be influenced by the students because it sets the university’s ethical standard.


There are cases, however, that require students to play an important role. Consider, for example, the rising tuition fees in Ontario universities. For the past couple of years, students from various universities have gathered together to protest against the rising fees under the campaign “Drop Fees”. The protests have received local media attention and have put a significant amount of pressure on the government to halt the rise in tuition fees. Therefore, in this situation, students play a significant role in determining the tuition fees and their opinions should be taken into account.


To conclude, there are cases where students’ opinions should not influence university policies and cases where their opinions matter. The determining factor is whether or not the policy affects the students’ ability to attend the university. In the first example, the University of Toronto’s plagiarism policy does not need to be influenced by the students because the policy protects the ethical standards of the university and does not hinder a student’s ability to attend the institute. In the second example, however, a rise in tuition greatly affects students’ ability to attend the universities because some families are not able to afford the high cost of post secondary education.

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Thank you so much for doing this and also, for taking up such a great cause! I shall definitely spread the word about this website - thanks again!


Prompt 1: Education comes not from books but from practical experience


The education of children and adults alike, is a primary concern for most individuals in today's civilized world. Most children are put into formal education at the age of five and a lot of them continue to study until they are well into their thirties. The curriculum of our education is based primarily on education through textbooks and more importantly, applying the textbook education in the real world. Indeed, if rote memorization was all that was required from students, the lack of understanding of major concepts would be quite prevalent. For example, the education system in India is primarily based on encouraging students to memorize blindly from textbooks without giving them any tools to apply these concepts in the real world. Without learning through application and practical experience, students lack the creative, critical and imaginative qualities that are honed in the western countries like Canada. The education system here emphasizes on developing understanding of key concepts at an early age. The emphasis continues well into the university education whereby the laboratory component, for example, in science undergraduate degrees, is made compulsory. By ensuring that students learn through experiments and apply what they learn from textbooks outside of the classroom, their education is not only complete but also of a better quality than one based on rote memorization and regurgitation.


However, the application of knowledge cannot always be attained through practical experience but instead needs to be relied solely upon books. For example, when studying the history of a society such as India, it would be difficult to incorporate experiments or applications that would enhance a student's understanding of the concepts such as 'ahimsa' and in fact, it would rather be unnecessary. Similarly, when studying the philosophy of Sigmund Freud, the textbooks are major resource for learning about his ideas and conclusions regarding the human psychology and subconcious motivations. In such cases, Freud's own writings and other auther's books that comment on his writings are one's sole resource for educating oneself in the philosophy upon which his concepts were built. Through books, one can learn the events that took place in the past and how they shaped the society we have today.


Therefore, the defining factor in whether one's education is better achieved through books or practical experience depends on the nature of the education one intends to achieve. In the field of science, the practical experience comes through compulsory laboratory components in one's high school and undergraduate years, co-op terms that can be affiliated with a student's program and one's own curiosity for applying what is learned in books in the real world. On the other hand, when studying history, philosophy or sociology, practical experience fails to help develop the knowledge one hopes to attain in these areas. In such fields, books are one's main resource for the historic events or key ideas that were developed in the past. The study of these ideas and events in books then helps one to understand the society we live in today.



Prompt 2: Scientific inquiry is rooted in the desire to discover, but there is no discovery so important that in its pursuit a threat to human life can be tolerated.


One of the most striking features of the human race, as some scientists believe, is the creativity and curiosity humans possess for their surroundings. The need to understand and comprehend the world around us has always been of great importance to us. This desire to discover and understand our world has been reflected in scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo. Throughout the human civilization, scientific pioneers such as these individuals have pushed the frontiers of science in order to better understand and answer questions about our world. This need to discover is also reflected in J.F. Kennedy's push for the Space program and his desire to 'land a man on the moon' before the end of the decade (before 1970). Although the space program had many inherent risks to human life, the program was funded and developed until its success in 1969. In this case, the risk to human life was acceptable as the program promised new discoveries and a major 'leap for the mankind', as stated by Neil Armstrong. Therefore, in such cases, the threat to human life can be tolerated when the result of such risks is a historic landmark for mankind as a whole.


One the other hand, the threat to human life cannot always be acceptable despite the burning desire for scientists to discover the 'truth'. An example of this is the tight regulation and ban of laboratory experiments on humans. Although, via experimenting directly on human subjects, the questions scientists ask regarding drug side effects would be answered accurately, the practice of such experiments is prohibited. The primary reason for such prohibitiion is the possible harm to the human life, such as physical or emotional pain, disability or death. Also, there are certainly alternatives to experimenting on humans such as using mice models and in some cases, using primates for experimentation. When such alternatives are available, allowing harm to human life is considered unacceptable and morally wrong. Thus, despite the possible benefits of human experimentation, which can help answer a number of questions regarding drug interactions, side effects etc, it is not acceptable to carry out such experiments due to the possible harm to the human life. In such cases, the pursuit for discovery does not triumph the value of human life.


Thus, the defining factor of whether the pursuit of discovery triumphs the value of human life depends upon the nature of the discovery itself. In the case of developing the Space program, at the time there were no alternatives to sending humans on the moon. The technological advancements weren't where they are today and hence, it was deemed important to develop the Space Program and take the risks it might pose on the humans that are aboard that flight. The program was a promising and major frontier in the human understanding of the world beyond ours. On the other hand, the ban on human experimentation reflects our moral values for preserving the sanctity of human life and ensuring no human undergoes any physical pain or stress at the expense of fulfilling one's scientific inquiry. Moreover, unlike the Space program which did not allow for alternatives to the humans in space, the experiments for determining drug effects and treatments can easily be done on mice and chimpanzees. Thus, the very nature of the scientific inquiry determines whether a threat to human life can be tolerated.

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Politicians must learn the art of compromise in order to achieve their political goals.


Is the success of politicians reliant on how much they are willing to compromise? For a politician, being able to achieve their political goals is a measure of success, that is, whether they have managed to make a difference in their state in a manner that they consider ideal in their worldview. Compromise involves giving some and taking some, and in this particular case between politicians and their subjects (i.e. the citizens of the country), compromise means listening to the people and incorporating the people's views without sacrificing the politician's own premise. One example of a politician who has mastered the art of compromise is Sonia Gandhi, a member of the Indian National Congress. Sonia Gandhi was democratically elected by the people of India as the next Prime Minister of the country during the last decade. However, there was a general disgruntlement about her Italian ethnicity because a lot of the people did not want to have as the leader of India someone who is not even an Indian by descent. This was in spite of majority vote for the party which showed that the party's agenda was definitely favored. Sonia Gandhi chose to step down from her leadership, passing it onto Manmohan Singh, the second in line. She is still a major part of the party and has a say in the decision-making process. However, she is not the symbolic leader of India. Sonia Gandhi, despite months of hard work put into campaigning and her aspirations to lead India, stepped down from her role in order to make a compromise with the segment of the population that was dissatisfied with her heritage. In doing so, she gave some to the people of India and she took some, since she still has a say in party matters. In fact the Indian National Congress has been re-elected for the second time since then, showing that the party's political goals, which mirror hers, are being well achieved.


An example of a politician who is achieving his political goals without compromising with his people is Mahmoud Ahmedijanab of Iran. His conservative rule of Iran is protested both nationally and internationally, however he is in power for the second time. Ahmedijanab is known to neglect human rights issues, has caused major economic lapses in Iran and has, in general, acted in ways detrimental to his people. Regardless of his role as a president who does not compromise, he has come to power again and is achieving his political goals.


What determines whether or not compromise is a necessary factor for a politician to achieve his or her political goals? Compromise is necessary only to the point where the politician cares about their image and wants to provide at least a bare minimum satisfaction to their subjects. In Sonia Gandhi's case, she did not want to take the position of Prime Minister of India if it meant that a large part of the population was unhappy at the decision. Instead, by stepping down, she raised her image in the country and earned the respect of the people. By doing what she did, she was more of an Indian because she showed that she genuinely cared about the concerns of the people of India and that their concerns were her concerns too. On the other hand, Ahmedijanab is a very controversial figure not only in Irani politics but world politics in general. His people are clearly unhappy with him and he seems to be indifferent with his current image. Ahmedijanab has not bent to any of the calls for reform by the international community and has neglected the voices of his own people. Therefore, it is possible for a politician to achieve his or her goals without compromising, if he or she is willing to execute a tyrannical role, as Ahmedijanab has, without making their subjects satisfied. On the other hand, politicians who care about their self-image and want the majority support will compromise in order to keep the people satisfied.


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Demonstrates proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of clarity and complexity of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent and unified manner.

Strong control of language.


Good examples. For example#2, you may wish to write some more exploring the example and how it pertains to the prompt. Explore how it is a counter-example.


I feel this essay will be scored an:



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Politicians must learn the art of compromise in order to achieve their political goals.


After the debacle over the debt ceiling crisis in the United States, politicians and their true intentions have come under increased public attention. One thing is still clear in regards to politics, politicians, or elected officials, must be able to compromise with the other viewpoint in order to achieve their political goals. These goals for all politicians is to get reelected, and to do so one must show progress and influence that voters look for. In a political atmosphere that is deeply divided, to have any progress or influence a politician must compromise with the other side. Politicians who fail to do so also fail to do anything while in office and this will be reflected in the ballots when it comes to election time. John McCain is an example of a politician who does compromise with the other side of the political isle. He can also be considered to be a successful politian amongst his party as he was able to gain some independent support during the 2008 presedential elections even when the field was heavily biased towards the democrats and Obama due the failures of the republicans in the Bush era. The ability of John McCain to win the Republican primary over his other collegues and his overwhelming support in his own state in Arizona is attributed to his ability to pass many laws which can only be done when he compromises with the opposing party. As a result, as exemplified by John McCain, compromising leads to progress which then leads to further support by citizens.

However, some politicians who campaign on less compromise often do gain a lot of support amongst their base. The Tea Party and some of its candidates like Michelle Bachmann infact sign petetions during campaigns to promise not to have any compromise with the democrats when it comes to key issues like tax and defence reform. At the same time, these politicians are successfull in their districts and achieve their goals which is to get re elected. The reason for this is that these Tea Party politicians often represent areas where the political atmosphere is not variable and a strong constant support base exists for their parties. As a result, campaigning on policies that appeal to their base which go against compromise can be succesfful in their cases.


In conclusion, in order for a politician to achieve their goal , compromise is a must as it results in progress which voters look for. Successful politicians like John McCain thrive on this quality and are able to get wide spread support even when everything else is against them as in the case of McCain in the 2008 elections. The same conclusion can also be made when looking at the politics of different countries such as Canada where the leader of the NDP Jack Layton won a significant amount of seats in the parliment by campaigning on compromise. At the same time, in regions where the political spectrum is lob sided towards a specific party, politicians who appeal to the base of their party and deny compromise can gain support as demonstrated by the Tea Party movement and Michelle Bachman as they were able to sign petetions preventing comprimise and still get elected. As a result, it can also be concluded that the demographics of the voters that the politician is representing is an important factor in deciding wether compromise is an essential aspect. This is demonstrated with the contrast between Michelle Bachman and John McCain who are both in the same party but differ substantially in their willingness to compromise due to the different regions that they represent.







I did not have enough time to go over and check things over so there are alot of spelling + grammar mistakes :(


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Demonstrates proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of some depth thought.

Adequate control of language.


Tasks#1 and #2 were sufficient. The examples were good. You will need to work on the final task, as you lost coherence towards the end of the essay. It was not clear what your rule was. You will need to be more explicit and you will need to remove arguments such as:


"In conclusion, in order for a politician to achieve their goal , compromise is a must..."


Arguments such as these will make your task of arbitration lopsided, which is not what the AAMC graders want to see. Also, avoid introducing new examples in the end, especially if they need further development.


I feel this essay will be scored a:



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Thank you so much for your previous reviews of my essays.




Education comes not from books but from practical experience.


Our system of education today starting from pre-school years to university level tries to balance the theoretical and practical acquisition of knowledge. Education, in essence, is learning about our world, scientifically and historically, and human development, biologically and culturally, through specific subjects such as the sciences, mathematics and psychology, to name but a few. Our learning can come from theoretical knowledge passed on by experts in a certain topic, most often via the written word, that is, in books. Or, it can come from practical experience that we ourselves gain when we are exposed to the situation we are learning about. An example of the latter is the education of a researcher of science. Although a researcher will have had a basic understanding of the scientific arena they are in, when it comes down to actual experimentation, they cannot learn from textbooks only but rather, must learn from practical experience. They have to see for themselves how to do a PCR and run a gel; they must make mistakes and see their experiments go awry in order to learn from them and they must resort to trial and error in order to find the best ways to achieve the required results. Only these practical experiences can teach a researcher how to do research, in a manner that books cannot.


However, there is some learning that must be acquired through books, rather than practical experience. For example, when a student of history is learning about a certain historical event, they have to rely on the information presented in books that have been compiled by experts in the topic based on what evidence was left from the event. This is especially the case because it is not possible to relive a historical event in its entirety and learn from it, because of the very essence of historical studies - dealings with the past. The only method, thus, of learning history is through books rather than the practical experience of witnessing the situation that is being learned.


Therefore, there are times when education comes from practical experience and times when it comes from books. Whether from books or through practical experience depends on the availability or possibility of obtaining the practical experience. In the first case, it is easy and in fact, in the very nature of a researcher's role, to obtain practical experience in conducting research. Hence, their education comes primarily from practical experience. On the other hand, in the case of a student of history who cannot re-live the moments in history because they have passed already, the student must rely on textbook information to learn about and analyze the events of interest. To sum it up, practical experience is conducive to learning in cases where it is possible to obtain such, and when it is not possible to obtain practical experience, we resort to relying on books.

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Scientific inquiry is rooted in the desire to discover, but there is no discovery so important that in its pursuit a threat to human life can be tolerated.


Our knowledge of science would have come to a standstill if our human desire to discover were to run dry. As humans, we are progressing every minute and at the core of our progress is scientific inquiry, that is, asking the right questions and seeking their answers through rigorous, meticulous experimentation. Today, we would not have known what we know about diseases today had it not been for Louis Pasteur's desire to discover which he turned into years of scientific inquiry to learn about micro-organisms. And we would not know what we know about gravity had it not been for Newton's desire to discover and his numerous experiments. However, pursuit of science posing a threat to human life may not be tolerated under most circumstances. We have many institutions in place to regulate the extent to which a discoverer can experiment in fields that can affect humans. One such example is Health Canada, the body responsible for approving clinical trials to be conducted. When a new pharmaceutical product has been created, it must be tested on humans to learn more about its effects in order to improve on it or simply to confirm that it is safe enough to launch commercially. However, no matter how important this drug may be - even if it is the cure to AIDS, which has the potential to save millions of lives worldwide - the FDA will still ensure that there is no threat to human life. This is because no matter how important the discovery, the purpose of the drug is to save a life and starting clinical trials without knowing about its dangers could potentially pose a threat to human life, which would be contradictory to the basic purpose of the drug - saving lives. Therefore, a discovery that is a threat to human life will not be tolerated in this case.


On the other hand, if we look at the example of Barry Marshall, one of the two researchers who dedicated years to show the world that the H. Pylori bacterium, rather than stress, causes stomach ulcers, we see that he himself posed a threat to his own life for the sake of scientific discovery. When the scientific society was unconvinced by their hypothesis, he decided to drink the bacteria himself in order to get stomach ulcers and he used antibiotics to cure the ulcers and therefore, prove his hypothesis in a human subject - himself. In this case, the subject being affected by the research (Barry Marshall himself) knew what he was doing and the dangers of his situation, and still did it willingly. Therefore, in some cases scientific discovery may require posing a threat to human life. In this case, Marshall proved that he was correct and ultimately, won the Nobel Prize along with his colleague Warren.


In conclusion, it is not usually okay to pose a danger to human life for the sake of scientific inquiry because the purpose of science is progression of human society and any danger to human society is a contradiction to this purpose. In the first case, we see how institutions such as Health Canada rigorously monitor pharmaceutical companies seeking approval for a clinical trial of a new drug, in order to ensure that it is completely safe to the participants of the trial. This shows that we do not tolerate scientific inquiries that may be dangerous to humans. On the other hand, Barry Marshall chose to risk his life in order to prove and subsequently, found the cure for stomach ulcers, relieving a great social and economic burden since this is a very common condition. It may therefore be said that as long as the human subject that may be affected the scientific inquiry has full knowledge of the consequences of the experimentation and willingly chooses to take part in it, then it is alright to proceed with the inquiry. It must be mentioned that only an expert in the relevant field would have "full knowledge" of the consequences. To sum up, scientific inquiry that poses a threat to human life should not be allowed to proceed, unless the human subject who will be affected is completely aware of the situation and the consequences.

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PastaInhaler, I had a difficult time thinking of the refuting statement. Please let me know which areas I should improve on (writing style, logical presentation, ideas) Thank you so much :)


Businesses succeed by taking advantage of consumers' weaknesses.


Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which businesses succeed without taking advantage of the consumers' weaknesses. Discuss what you think determines whether or not businesses take advantage of consumes' weaknesses in order to succeed.


Task 1:

Advertisement is a phenomenal aspect of developed countries - we see them on the streets we walk, the Internet websites we surf, and the radio stations we regularly listen to. The frequency that we as consumers are exposed to marketing schemes is innumerable. The above statement urges the notion that businesses succeed by taking advantage of consumer weaknesses. To discuss this topic, defining "weakness" and "consumer" are necessary. A consumer is any entity who seeks materialistic or financial benefit through giving a business money. A weakness refers to the consumer's desire to purchase goods marketed by businesses. Certainly, it is evident that the statement is sometimes true. Consider the example of the brand Louis Vuitton. A single handbag may cost thousands of Canadian dollars, yet consumers still give in to the prestige of owning such a product. The business benefits generously from sales. The consumer's desire to conform towards a certain image propels the success of Louis Vuitton. Therefore, it is inherent in this example that in marketing situations where projecting self-image is crucial to the sale of goods, then businesses indeed can take advantage of a consumer's weaknesses by producing advertisements that further their desires.


Task 2:

The weaknesses of a consumer are not always the primary means through which businesses succeed. For example, consider investments in a company such as Google. The consumer can be designated as the person who invests money in this situation, because they are nonetheless putting in finances towards a benefit. Google is clearly not taking advantage of consumer weaknesses to conform, but rather Google is taking advantage of consumer strengths in this example. In most cases, consumers who invest in large companies tend to be successful themselves, and are looking for further financial profits. The strength of these consumers lies in their ability to decide upon the growth potential of companies they invest in. If a consumer is very confident about Google because they have researched all the possible factors to their potentiality, then it is inherent that both Google and the consumer will prosper because of consumer confidence in the company stocks.


Task 3:

Where the consumer money flow is directed to shall then determine whether businesses succeed through consumer weakness. In the case of Louis Vuitton, where the consumer's money is directed towards purchasing materialistic goods, then clearly the marketing schemes have succeeded in taking advantage of the consumer's desire to conform with a prestigious self-image. However, in cases where the consumer's money is invested into a prospering company such as Google, the consumer has done their homework before signing any cheques and so the consumer would be cautious not to be taken advantage of due to an impulse to buy. Regardless of a company's financial goals, trust is common in both situations. It is the propellant towards the action of purchasing goods or investing money. Success, then, is indefinitely dependent upon the ability of a business to establish consumer trust.


You're welcome, Tsuki_123.

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Demonstrates proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of some clarity and depth thought.

Adequate control of language.


Tasks#1 and #2 were sufficient. The examples were good.


By refuting statement, were you referring to the arbitration task?


Where the consumer money flow is directed to shall then determine whether businesses succeed through consumer weakness.


or were you referring to the actual refutation of the prompt:


The weaknesses of a consumer are not always the primary means through which businesses succeed.


My gut feeling is that you were referring to the arbitration step. In this case, you may wish to come up with a more complex rule, something a little more powerful and a little more clear. You may wish to set up a rule that it really depends on the person. Who is the person that is giving money? Is the consumer a wise person with money, or does the person like to spend money on depreciating items? It could really just depend on what kind of consumer we are talking about.


It is also a good idea not to refer back to 'the statement' or 'the prompt,' and to also avoid having subheadings like 'task 1,' etc. The subheadings can make the essay less unified, at least on the surface.


I feel this essay will be scored a:



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Youth and innovation are sometimes more beneficial in politics than age and experience.


Describe a specific political situation in which age and experience were or might be more beneficial than youth and innovation.

Discuss what you think determines whether youth and innovation are more beneficial that age and experience in politics.




The Youth are always encourged to express their ideas because many believe that the youth are much more better at thinking of benificial innovations. Innovations are totally new or alternate ways of doing something. That something can be from machines, to politics.In Politics, the youth are often encourged to vote and to take an active part, because they are believed to be the most innovative. History has shown us that if a Youth takes an active part in politics, that is the governing of a state, then that youth can achieve the unachievable.Take recent uprisings in the Middle East as an example. many Middle Eastern nations were being governed by dictators for much of the 20th and 21st centuary, but the revolution created by the youth put a halt to the rule of these dictators. The youths used their innovation to turn the nation of egypt into a democracy, and they forced the dictator to resign. By thinking of innovative ways to get their message accross to the rest of the world, such as posting information on facebook, they were able to gain the support of the UN as well as the support of many countries who halted trade with the dictator and placed sanctions on trade from that country. All of these things forced said dictator to resign.


Another excellent example is the revolution conducted by Ghanghis Khan. The youngest of the family, Ghanghis Khan was able to unite all the other Khans (kings) of monoglia to form a formidable force. He used that force to conquar much of asia, eastern europe, the middle east and parts of africa. His empire once ran from china, to Hungary to pakistan and to turkey. He started at a very young age, by age 19, he was considered the king of mongolia. His innovation was to unite all the different clans of mongolia so that they can beat their enemies, the chinese. This innovative thinking was never possible by the aged kings of those clans. Many examples such as these have created an idea that the youth are much more innovative than we give them credit for, and for these reasons, many people want the youths to take part in politics.


Often times, the youth are very good at creating the innovative ideas to produce a revolution, but when it comes to development, the age and the experience of a politician is precieved to be of much more importance. When the soviet union had just turned from a communist economy to a capitalist economy, the innovative youth was redundent in the policy making. Though these innovative youths were the core of the actual revolution, they were not very useful when it came to creating policies for the new russia.At that point in time, the experienced economists had taken over, and they were providing much of the policies of the new russia. The youths innovation though was very useful when the revolution was to be initiated, it was useless after the communist government was taken down. The age and experience of those politicians was very useful when it came to making policies about the education system, the trade, housing and employment. Without the experience, Russia would have taken much longer to get back on its feet. Russia was back to being one of the top economy in just 10 years after the fall of communism. Had the youths been in power and used their radicalistic ideas, Russia would take much longer to get back up and might have even been in a worse position than what it is now.


It can be argued that both the innovative youth and the experienced man are necessary to have a good political system. The innovative youth is much more important when a change or a revolution is needed such as those in the middle east. The youths of egypt used their innovative ideas to bring down the government of their dictator. Ghanghis Khan also used innovative thinking to beat their rivels, the chinese. These events would not be possible had there been an aged experienced person in charge. They would have a hard time comming up with innovative ideas because their experience would always hinder them. The Experienced man is however necessary when it comes to developing a nation such as the nation after the fall of soviet russia. The aged and experience filled politicians took over when the communist part of brought down. These experienced politicians were absolutely necessary to provide russia with policies that helped russia get back up in just a matter of 10 years.


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Demonstrates proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of clarity and depth thought.

Adequate control of language.


There were three examples posted, two in support of the prompt and one that refuted the prompt. It would be good to keep an equal number of examples for the argument and counter-argument to keep the essay balanced. It becomes easier to arbitrate that way in task#3. Also, for task#3, it would be better to be explicit with the rule that determines when the prompt is true and when it is not. After that has been established, then you can refer back to your examples to demonstrate how your reasoning allowed you to arrive at that arbitration.


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In matters of conscience, the law of the majority is unimportant


In the issued statement that In matters of conscience, the law of the majority is unimportant, the term conscience will herein refer to matters of morality and the law of the majority will be considered as the legislative rulings which are in place and have been decided upon by the majority in society. Thus, it is stated that when a moral dilemma is at hand, the decision taken by the rest of the society bears no weight as a moral dilemma is a personal matter. For example, during the Vancouver riots which took place after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup, many infuriated fans took it upon themselves to demonstrate their disgust in their home team by ferociously vandalizing downtown Vancouver. Many department stores were broken into and looted and many vehicles were set on fire. The day after the riot, it is understandable that many of the late-night activists (read anarchists) did not dare admit to their involvement in the horrendous destruction. However, some rioters did come forward and admit their participation in the acts of debauchery. When later interviewed and questioned by reporters as to why these select few individuals chose to come forward and admit their guilt while many hundreds of other individuals had upheld their anonymity, these rioters stated that they felt immense guilt for the destruction and pain they caused their city. In such an example, it is evident that this decision was based upon a consideration of conscience and that the “’law” of the majority meant nothing.

In contrast, if those who are affected by a matter of conscience are unable to make a decision based on what they consider to be “morally right”, then the law of the majority must take precedence. For example, during the late 1700’s, France was ruled by King Louis XVI and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. These monarchs were in power at a time when France was attempting to rid itself of its sever bankruptcy. However, the monarchs were more interested in fulfilling their material needs and spent exhuberant amounts of money on lavish paintings, and parties, to entertain themselves and the aristocratic members of their court. To pay for these extravagances, Queen Marie Antoinette saw to it that her citizens were taxed ridiculously high amounts even though her constituents appealed to her to lower the government’s taxation. As such, the people of France felt severe hatred for their monarchs and undertook it themselves to fix the problem as it was evident that the Monarchs were incapable of comprehending the negative effects their lavish lifestyle was taking on their followers. As such, the citizens revolted and brought an end to their financial suffering.

What decides whether or not the law of the majority plays an important role in matters of conscience depends on the upbringing of the individual. For example, the participants of the Vancouver riots who came forth and admitted their guilt understood that what they had done was wrongs because they saw the aftermath of their ignorance and thus they were able to ignore the idiocies of the majority of rioters and do the right thing. However, the French revolution was the result of the inability of the Monarchs to understand the suffering of their people due to the fact that they had been brought up with wealth not being an issue and thus their conscience couldn’t comprehend how having wealth was wrong when their people were lacking. Then, in that situation, the law of the majority, needed to come into effect to ensure that the citizens of France would no longer go to bed hungry


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Ideas are somewhat developed.

Evidence of some clarity of thought.

Adequate control of language.


It seems that the examples provided do not adhere strictly to the definition that you had given for the law of majority which is the: legislative rulings which are in place and have been decided upon by the majority in society. Mob rule isn't necessarily the law of the majority in British Columbia. In fact, despite the number of rioters, it only encompasses a small proportion of the total population of Vancouver. You will need to redefine your parameters for this idea. I see your position, but you will need to write it clearly and explicitly for the grader since your definition fits the conventional meaning, but your usage of the idea does not.


The monarchical framework (laws set by kings and his court) isn't the best context in which to attack this prompt. It would be best to find an example better suited to the law of majority. However, there is utility in your example, and it was in the case of a violent revolution from unjust laws that became overbearing on the people. Perhaps, you could use this for your rule in the arbitration step. What determines whether or not the law of majority is important in matters concerning conscience is the presence of an unjust ruling body that causes unnecessary suffering to its people.


This will allow you to reframe your first example, that the Vancouver rioters had shifted their conscience from the law of majority by adopting a mob rules mentality. Their conscience no longer coincided with the law of majority because the laws of majority were thrown right out the window, and the mob destroyed property and looted businesses. The concept of right and wrong had been warped by the mob, because the rioters could hide under the guise of anonymity. Since they were mostly anonymous, their moral centers were shifted, and actions that were once crimes by the law of majority are now accepted as legitimate and just action. They would govern their own rules of ethics by their own standards and not by those of society. The mob had created their own measure of crime and punishment, one that was far more swift, violent, and unforgiving than the society in which they were situated.


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businesses succeed by taking advantage of consumers' weaknesses


Every individual has their own strengths and weakness. We live in a competitive society where people try to improve their weak qualities in order to be competent. Everyday people are subject to a great amount of advertisements. Often these advertisements appeal to a consumers weakness. In this case, the consumer is an individual with a specific weakness and will be attracted to what the advertisement has to offer in order to improve their weakness. Therefore the businesses placing the advertisement is taking advantage of the consumers' weakness in order to succeed. For example, in the fashion industry, many businesses sell impossible standards or set an opinion of what one should percieve as "beautiful" rather than selling a product that is useful and affordable. Louis Vuitton sells handbags for hundreds of dollars. These handbags are advertised in settings of luxury with "beautiful" people. The consumer is lead to believe that owning this product will grant them luxury and beauty. Handbags can be bought at department stores for a tenth of the price and they will serve the same purpose. Knowing that, one can conclude that a business like Louis Vuitton appeals to the an individuals weak self esteem and therefore succeeds by taking advantage of the consumers' weaknesses.


Many may argue that businesses succeed without taking advantage of the consumers' weaknesses. A company can thrive by demonstrating great potential and attract investors looking to increase their own profits. In this case, both the business and consumer have one thing in common, to increase their profits. The consumer in this case is an investor who is not being taken advantage of due to their weakness. The investor, being one that has experience and knowledge of the economy, wants to increase his or her profits by working with the company he or she ahs invested in. For example. Google is a company that has seen significant growth in the past years. Investors that caught on early bought into Google's shares and both parties, the business and consumer, have succeeded. The company by showing its great potential and the consumer by finding a means to increase their profits due a intellectual financial decision.


The goal of both the business and consumer decide whether or not a business is taking advantage of the consumers' weakness. Furthermore, one must define the consumer. It is common that in the fashion industry, a business must take advantage of a consumers' weaknesses to succeed. The consumer is one with self conscious issues, with a desire to improve their weakness, and the business is one that offers products with "imaginary" benefits. Louis Vuitton, for example, offers the sense of beauty, power , and luxury to those who need to ensure themselves these intangible qualities. In other situations, the consumer is one who has a strength in financial decision making and is attracted to companies who promise growth, like Google, in order to increase their profits. Therefore, the business is succeeding off of the consumers strengths.


Thank you!


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Ideas are somewhat developed.

Evidence of some clarity of thought.

Some issue with organization.

Adequate control of language.


You began to define consumer in the final paragraph, yet the term is referred to throughout the essay. It would be better to define the term early on so that you can work with it in the essay, and the grader can see how well you are working with the term in the argument and counter-argument. Also, when you are dealing with definitions in this nature, it would be good to keep one solid and general definition of the term since it seems to change in your essay from buyer to investor. Each definition also seems to take on a different direction, but the term must have the same universal meaning within the essay. Therefore, your final task, which weighs heavily on the definition of consumer, is not adequately accomplished. You will need to re-clarify your definition of the term consumer.


You may wish to change the rules for arbitration. Whether the company needs to exploit the consumer's weakness or not to succeed in business largely depends on either: 1) the product being sold, or 2) the goal of the consumer/the purpose of spending money, be it to make money by investing in google or purchasing an investment vehicle from a bank, or to buy an item to raise an apparent social status in the buyer. The two points mentioned are quite similar.


The examples are sufficient, and if you revise the essay as suggested, you should be able to tie in both examples more readily and more cohesively yielding a much more compelling essay, and an even stronger arbitration.


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Education comes not from books but from practical experiences.


Gandhi once said "An ounce of practice is worth more than a kilogram of preaching." Education is the process is which new knowledge is learned. Practical experience in the above statement means the experiences that allow us to retain and fully understand what we have learned. In the current education system, most of learning done comes from books. How much we really have learned is assessed by how we apply the skills we have learned. Take for example the profession of a surgeon. Many of the best surgeons are relatively older. The reason for this is experience. Practice makes perfect. With more practice in surgery the better the surgeon becomes. On the same note, students are required in med school to make rounds in the hospital to gain and build practical experience.


However, the profession of medicine, and many other professions, a basic foundation of knowledge is required. With a strong foundation built on knowledge from books, often times there is no value to the practical experience. For a surgery to be successful, the surgeon is required to know where parts of the body are and the consequence of each of his or her actions during the surgery will be. All of this information is learned prior to performing an actual surgery to lay the framework for practicality.


Education, no matter where is comes from, is key in the development of a person. Learning requires both education from books and practical experience. The knowledge gained from books lays the foundation for practical experience to develop.


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Ideas are undeveloped.

Evidence of some clarity of thought.

Adequate control of language.


It may be best to choose another example instead of using the same example in a counter-argument. Doing so weakens the essay. As well, the final task was not properly completed.


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Thank you!


Voters should not be concerned about a political candidate’s personal life.


Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which voters should be concerned with a political candidate’s personal life. Discuss what you think determines whether a political candidate’s personal life is a public concern.


Living in an age where personal information and privacy are threatened by social media and the internet, politicians are often in the spotlight due to public interest in their lives “behind the scenes”. Typically politicians are viewed as the holders of an esteemed and respected position in authority, and behaviour unbecoming of an authoritative figure is often sought by opposing parties and enemies, not to mention to average voter, because society expects its elected leaders to lead by example, even in their personal lives. However, critics may argue that certain personal details about politicians lives only feed gossip and simply become an object of interest to the public due to the media’s interest in promoting such stories which will be shared and which will attract public attention. Whether these details will actually indicate how a political candidate will perform his or her duties as a leader, is often unjustly deemed irrelevant. For instance, during the 2008 USA elections, Sarah Palin became a political candidate who attracted the attention of many voters and the public worldwide, not primarily due to her political views or aspirations, but rather because her unwed teenage daughter Bristol Palin announced her pregnancy during her mother’s race for the vice-presidency of the country. The media also publicized the story of her baby with down’s syndrome who Sarah Palin had refused to abort, and Sarah Palin’s past as a beauty pageant competitor was also made common knowledge. During the elections, these stories were given much publicity, however, if considered objectively, none of these stories had any effect on Mrs. Palin’s efficiency as a potential leader and were mostly gossip, which should not have mattered to voters.


There are however situations in which a political candidates personal actions should matter immensely to voters, as exemplified by the recent scandal involving Dominik Strauss-Kahn, who was the very powerful and influential chief of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and front-runner for the upcoming French presidential elections. Mr. Strauss-Kahn was accused of sexually assaulting a hotel worker, and following these accusations, other women also came forward with similar allegations regarding sexual abuse. Not only did these personal details ruin Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s bid for the presidency of France and call for his resignation as the chief of the IMF (regardless of whether a court had proven him guilty), they revealed to the public that Mr. Strauss-Kahn had a potentially disturbing and criminal past and present. This is an example of public interest in a politician’s personal life which is valid, because such criminal behaviour would obviously be unbecoming of a leader of a country.


Therefore, at the heart of the issue of determining whether or not a political candidate’s personal life is the business of voters, is the question of whether the personal information is indicative of criminal or extremely immoral behaviour. If the personal details provided by the media are simply for promoting gossip and have no relevance towards the competency of the candidate, public interest in such matters would be unnecessary. However, if a political candidate is likely guilty of criminal behaviour, voters should be interested in such news because electing a criminal as a leader would be truly disastrous, not to mention embarrassing, for a nation.


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Proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of clarity and depth of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent manner, with some focus and utility.

Adequate control of language.


Good and useful examples.


You may wish to state the obvious regarding Palin, that, the reason why this information about her was relevant was because people were looking for ways to dismiss her candidacy. She is also in the public's eye. How did she survive all this negative attention? The negative attention was negative only to a point, what was this point?


You may wish to explore why the revelation of criminal activity is so relevant. Specifically, why is it so bad that a political candidate be exposed of his criminal past and why is this criminal past so bad? You will need to connect how sexual assault is cause for a bad candidacy. If you do not use a direct connection, you can argue with an indirect connection. What does it say about his character? How will this make him a bad politician?

Task#3 was good.


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History is the record of humanity's wars.


Describe a specific situation in which history might be the record of something other than humanity's wars. Discuss what you think determines when history should be the record of humanity's wars and when it should be something else.


History is composed of several events and the most memorable part of history is humanity wars. A war could be either war with ammunitions and several soldiers fighting a battle, or an individual or a group of people protesting against an entity. Humanity’s war is a war undertaken by people to set up peace and benevolence in society; to preserve the human race. Whether it is the civil war in America to abolish slavery in attempts to bring justice to people of colour or the series of Middle Eastern revolutions against unjust leaders such as Mubarak or Ghadhafi, history is a record of wars undertaken by civilians to restore peace and justice.


Nevertheless, there have been incidents in the past where a war was raged for restoring anything but peace and justice for the human race. Hitler’s fanatic move to rage a war against a particular race of people observed during the Holocaust is the record of a war undertaken solely to destabilize the peace and sanctity of the world and the human race. Another record of such a war is the one undertaken by the editors and the owner of the newspaper News of the World, against its fellow citizens by unlawfully tapping their phone lines and eves dropping on private and sensitive conversations.

History isn’t black and white, and thus there will be evidence of events taken place that would’ve completely shaken the basic foundation of being human.


Thus, the record of history is based on the presence of certain type of people who are responsible for conducting wars and not just one type of a war. Wars such as the civil war and the war of the rebels of Libya fighting against Ghadafi go down in history as humanity’s war; but the presence of people like Hitler with motives such as attempting to erase a race, which is completely inhumane are also a record of history.


Thanks a lot!

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To obey an unjust law is to approve of it.


Describe a specific situation in which obeying an unjust law might not necessarily mean approving of it. Discuss what you think determines when disobeying a law is justified.

In a democratic government, citizens are entitled to the right to freedom of speech. Thus, they also have the duty to acknowledge and take a stand against an unjust law and make their opinions public. For instance, the passing of the HST tax law by Stephen Harper’s government was not taken warmly by the majority of the citizens. Introduction of more taxes during a time of economic recession and increasing unemployment rates resulted in rage amongst the citizens. This initiated the campaign against HST. Thus protesting of the citizens against this unjust law exemplifies their disapproval to the HST tax law.


However, certain countries don’t have the luxury of having a government that carefully listens to the thoughts and disapprovals of its citizens. In a dictatorship government for instance, the laws passed by the dictator are absolute and any defiance demonstrated by the citizens against an unjust law is dealt with severe and cruel punishments. Under such a situation, even if the citizens disapprove of a law, they are not able to disobey it as the fear of punishment is overpowering.


Therefore, to obey or disobey an unjust law is contingent upon the government. If the government will permit the citizens to vocalize their thoughts and disapprovals, the citizens will not be forced to obey an unjust law. On the contrary if the government serves severe punishment to people if they take a stand against an unjust law, the citizens are compelled to not display their disapproval because of fear. Thus they are forced to obey an unjust law even though they disapprove of it.



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The primary goal of a buisness is always to maximize profits.



Whenever you hear about a buisness in the market for the first time, the first question that comes to mind is always "How much is the buisness worth?" A buisness' value comes from solely how much that buisness is earning/profiting. Profits of a buisness are correlated generally with how much monetary funding the buisness receives for the product they supply. The product which buisnesses supply may be a material good or a service. The tendency is for private buisnesses is to produce material goods which are set to increase in price and provide high income profits. For example, Apple as a private buisness launches various products such as the iMac, iPod, and iPhone, all of which are products which they want to sell to the consumer and gain a profit from doing so. Last week Apple launched the release of their new operating system Lion OSX which can be purchased online or directly from Itunes. This operating system which contains minimal upgrades from the last verison requires Apple product users to pay a fee of sixty dollars, and allows Apple as a private buisness to maximize their own profits. It is the private buisness such as apple whos primary goal is to maximize the amount of moetary funds which it receives over the year for the products they supply. As seen from the above example something as small as an upgrade by Apple which costs roughly sixty dollars a piece is created for the sole purpose of increasing profits. For these reasons it is usually the primary goal of private buisness such as Apple, to maximize profits.


Although a large majority of buisness prey on the fact of increasing profits, not all are equally alike. Most publicly owned buisness' primary goal is not to reap the largest amount of monetary funds by rather provide a service to the general public at a minimalistic cost basis. These public buisnesses are often ran by government agencies which try to provide services for society. London Transport Corporation is a prime example of a public buisness which tries readily not to maximize profit but increase service to their customers. In 2010, the LTC added various expanding busses routes into the North ends of London, Ontario and increased their running hours till 2am in the morning after listening to feedback from their customers. Although they implemented such changes, the price of transportation fare in London, Ontario didn't increase showing that this public buisness was not interested in generating sizable profits from the integration of the change. Here you can see that a public owned buisness made changes to increase the service they provide to society while not acting solely based upon maximizing profits. Generally it is not always the primary goal of publicly owned buisnesses such as London Transport Corporation to maximize profits.


All in all the primary goal of most buisnesses is to always increase its monetary income value to raise it's profits. What determines whether this is the primary goal at most times, is whether the buisness is privately or publicly owned. In privately owned cases such as Apple, it is often seen that minor changes such as an upgrade, are listed at high prices to consumers with the main goal of increasing profits. As in the example above a great cost of such an upgrade may cost an individual sixty dollars. On the contrary, most publicly owned buisnesses tend to focus on the service they provide customers without having thoughts of maximizing profits in mind. As was shown by the London Transport Corporation, they implemented various services for better service in 2010 without charging consumers a single penny more. For these reasons it is the private vs public ideology which determines whether or not the primary goal of a buisness will be to maximize profits.





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Thank you so much Pasta Inhaler! You are saving me!


Businesses succeed by taking advantage of consumers weaknesses


Businesses, described as the individuals making or producing the products being sold, get ahead in the business world by taking advantage of consumers', described as the buyers in an economy, weaknesses. This can be seen commonly in instances of want. Businesses using soft sale advertisements, use tactics such as photographs of models, etc to create an image, worthy of wanting, connected to their product. This can be seen among most fashion businesses. In most cases, consumers purchase the image connected to the product, rather than the product itself. Take for example, a Louis Vuitton handbag, displayed in the magazine on the shoulder of a tall, slender, blonde haired, blue eyed model walking alongside her handsome, tall, dark featured partner. This advertisements plays to the consumers weaknesses and essentially allows Louis Vuitton to succeed as one of the top luxury handbag producers worldwide.


However, in some instances, a businesses' success doesn't depend on taking advantage of the consumers' weaknesses, this is true in times of need. Hard sale advertising is a specific type of advertising containing statistics, facts, figures and numerical data (versus the images connected to soft advertisements). Such tactics can be seen among advertisements for computers, a product that is needed in our society. For example, when looking specifically at Dell Computers, during their advertisements on television, Dell includes information about the product itself, such as memory, hard-drive, exact prices etc and includes only a picture of the computer itself. Such advertisements do not take advantage of their customers, rather they equip the consumer with the proper knowledge in order to make a firm decision about their product.


The factors determining whether or not the success of businesses' come from taking advantage of the consumers' weaknesses depends on whether or not the consumer wants or needs the product being sold by businesses. If the buyer wants an item, such as a Louis Vuitton handbag, he or she is taken advantage of by Louis Vuitton through soft advertisements, selling the image attached to the handbag, rather than the product itself. Such tactics lead to impulse buying, a consequence of soft ads, allowing businesses to play towards consumers' weaknesses. This is in comparison to consumers purchasing goods in order to fulfill their daily needs. Individuals buying a Dell Computer are equipped with the appropriate information in order to make an efficient decision about their purchase, thus impulse buying is decreased among the world of computers, thus decreasing the companies ability to take advantage of the buyers weaknesses. Essentially, in order to take advantage of a customers' weakness, businesses must employ soft advertising techniques when attempting to sell items, not necessary for everyday living.


You're welcome, Jdr44. Glad to be of assistance.


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Proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of clarity of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent manner, with some focus and utility.

Adequate control of language.


Good and useful examples.

You may wish to talk more about the nature of the advertising as it pertains to Louis Vuitton. How does it work? Does it do something about needs and wants? How come it works? Is it because that type of advertising is more effective against certain people, the same people who buy the bags?

You may also wish to talk about the people buying Dell computers. The ads are created to appeal to certain people. Talk more about these peoples. How do they shop? Is there shopping strategy different? Do they price shop more, and care more about other things, not so much about brand names, but processing speeds, RAM capacity, etc...


This will give your essay a bit more depth.


I feel this essay will be scored a:



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Clicked. Thanks :)


In a democracy, the successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen.


A politician is also just a member of the population and often those who are successful politicians will resemble the ordinary citizen of a democratic nation. A democratic nation is one in which every citizen has a say in the running of their country, often through a voting system. The success of a politician is reliant on the extent to which he or she manages to convey his/her messages and achieve his/her political agenda. An ordinary citizen in a country is a non-politician who does not have power in their hands to actually implement their political desires. One example of a successful politician who resembled the ordinary citizen was Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian National Congress. He played an essential role in the revolution for India's independence from British East India rule in 1947. He used non-violent civil disobedience to protest the British rule. One of his methods of protesting the British power was to advocate using personal spinning wheels to make garments to wear, in order to cut down on economic gain by the British. He did not just advocate doing this, but he himself practiced it for many years, wearing a simple garment out of yarn that he had hand-spun. Unlike many other politicians, he also did not separate himself from the ordinary citizen through means such as luxury, or extra security. Instead he had a very simple lifestyle that was like that of an ordinary Indian at that time, in spite of the fact that he was educated and was also a lawyer. In this way, Gandhi 'practiced what he preached', lived side by side with his fellow protesters - ordinary citizens - with the lifestyle of a commoner, and shared the same political goals with his subjects. His success is apparent in the fact that India was freed from colonial rule in 1947.


On the other hand, some successful politicians do not resemble the ordinary citizen. One example would be Iran's Mahmoud Ahmedijanab, whose success can be seen in the fact that he is running the Republic in a manner that he deems fit, in spite of both local and international calls for reform. He has also been elected to power twice, to the great dissatisfaction of the majority of the Irani population. Ahmedinejab does not resemble the ordinary citizen in that his wishes and their wishes differ greatly in most issues of economic and social importance to the country. In fact, he disregards the rights of the ordinary citizens of Iran, and has often been known to imprison those who speak up against him, thus denying them their freedom of speech. In these ways and others, Ahmedinejab, who is a successful politician in that he is running the country according to his own political agenda, does not resemble the ordinary citizen, in their views or lifestyle, as Gandhi had.


Thus, a successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen in a democracy when both politician and citizen are striving towards the same common goal. In the first example, Gandhi and his followers were both protesting against the British rule of India and working towards an independent India. In the second example, Ahmedinejab opposes general citizens' wishes in most of his decisions, such as his disregard for human rights, the gas rationing plan that he launched and his support for a nuclear energy program. Thus, a successful politician may or may not resemble the ordinary citizen, depending on if their political agenda matches the will of the citizens in the country.


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Proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of clarity, depth, and complexity of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent manner, with some focus and utility.

Strong control of language.


Good and useful examples. Task#3 was good.

I would recommend that you do not introduce new pieces of evidence in the final stages. It would be good to keep the gas rationing plan and nuclear energy program in the previous paragraph.


I feel this essay will be scored an:



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Clicked. And thanks again :)


Advancements in communication technology have reduced the quality of human interaction


Advancements in technology have been phenomenal in our world today and it has come to the point where we cannot live without the internet, or our Blackberry. On the downside, advancements in communication technology have in face reduced the quality of human interaction. Advancements in communication technology in essence involves progressing towards a world in which we are all better connected to each other. Hence, the Blackberry Messenger which allows for people to stay in touch no matter where they are and no matter what the time. The quality of human interaction has been reduced in the sense that often with these technological gadgets, we cannot convey our real emotions through our facial expressions and hand gestures. Even though we now have video calling technology, it cannot mirror an in-person interaction because of many reasons, such as not being able to touch one another or see entire body movements, etc. One example of an advancement in communication technology that has decreased the quality of human interaction is the phenomenon of matrimonial or dating sites on the World Wide Web. In conventional dating situations, two people will normally meet, and get to see what their partner actually looks like, what kind of clothes they wear, the smell of their perfume, the sound of their voice, any odd or likable habits they have, etc. However, on dating sites, a person looking to get involved can exhibit themselves in any way they want, even falsify their personality. When two people start talking to each other online, they miss out on all the things that a real dating experience can give. In this way, although dating sites have been able to come about due to the advancement of the internet, they have undermined the dating experience for many.


On the other hand, it can also be argued that advancements in communication technology have improved the quality of human interaction. During the days of the world wars, families would separate and if lucky, they would be able to keep in touch by mail. Even then, receipt of mails sent was uncertain, not to mention the lengthy process involved. Today, families that separate when a member is deployed for military duty outside the country can keep in touch regularly, conveniently and with more certainty compared to a time before the internet was widely in use. This has resulted in improving the quality of human interaction because now, families can keep in touch more often and therefore, familial ties can be strengthened and maintained.


What determines the effect that technological advancements have had on human interaction is the way things would be in the case of particular events had that technology not existed. In the first example with dating sites versus conventional in-person dating, dating sites have made the experience of dating a lot more impersonal and untrustworthy because the person you read about or chat with online may be very different from their real-life persona. Therefore, had the dating sites not existed and people using them were obliged to go on real dates, the quality of human interaction would substantially be greater. In the second example with families separating in war times and being able to keep in touch faster and more efficiently because of the internet, in the absence of the internet, they would not be able to maintain and strengthen their family ties as well using snail mail. Therefore, by comparing how things were in the case of particular events prior to and after the advancement of technology, we can say whether or not the technology has reduced the quality of human interaction. Therefore, specific scenarios would have to be analyzed in order to make a judgement.


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Evidence of clarity of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent manner, with some focus and utility.

Strong control of language.


Good and useful examples. However, you may wish to develop the counter-argument a little more. Also, you will need to tie the two arguments in better in task#3. Task#3 was not adequately accomplished. The rule that you provided can be used to refute the argument that you created in paragraph #2. Certain technology did not exist in the two World Wars, and they exist now, therefore [according to your argument], the way that things would be without that technology are: poor communication with family because mail was read, and sometimes censored by superior officers and censors.


I feel this essay will be scored a:



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It is always best to be cautious in financial matters.


Matters regarding money often yield unexpected surprises to people. Being careful and utilizing a lot of time when making a financial decision is often regarded as best. Being cautious is defined as taking a long time to make a decision, and financial matters involve a decision-making action. For example, the leading cellphone companies such as Samsung were already contemplating the idea of manufacturing Smartphones about a decade ago. At that time, ordinary people were not even familiar with the idea of using phones that were able to act as a miniature version of computers. Samsung began such project about 10 years ago when it began to contact the software engineers to build a system fit for a smartphone. Of course, such decision was not made until Samsung reviewed many reports, researched the field of intellectual technology for a long time. As a result, Samsung became one of the biggest mobility companies of the world. Samsung demonstrated that taking time to contemplate a decision to verify its competitiveness is beneficial in a financial way.


On the other hand, taking time to decide may not yield favorable results to some financial matters. For example, there is a House Lottery system in South Korea where houses that are subsidized by the government are put to lottery. To explain such a system, the real estate market in South Korea possesses sky-rocking price range. For middle class people, it is often hard to buy a house of their own. To aid them, the government put forth a plan where the government subsidizes building an apartment or houses, and put them in the market for a low price. It is then, when eligible citizens are allowed to enter into a draw to buy such buildings. The lottery is only open for a day or a very few days and is often closed early due to the high volume of substances that it receives. Thus, when someone takes their time whether they should enter the draw or not, the lottery may be closed when they make a decision. Quick decision would increase the chance of obtaining their ‘dream house’ at a very cheap price in this case.


Time could play two different roles when it comes to making a financial decision. Whether taking sufficient time to make a decision would pose a negative impact to the supposed financial decision is a determining factor in such a case. For example, utilizing the time to plan for the upcoming era of smartphones have brought Samsung a huge financial success. As the company took time to decide, develop and research into all the technologies and necessities of manufacturing a smartphone. On the other hand, taking a lot of time when making decisions regarding the House Lottery system in South Korea would yield negative impact on one’s financial decision. The lottery system may be closed due to high volume of applicants. In such case, the individual may lose a chance to even enter the draw itself. Therefore, time has two sides when it comes to making a financial decision: to aid it or not.





Thank you so much, you're awesome!


You're welcome.

Thanks for the kind words, I don't think I'm that awesome, but I do want to help.


Thanks for clicking. Appreciated.


Proficiency in responding to the tasks.

Evidence of some clarity of thought.

Ideas presented in a coherent manner, with some focus and utility.

Adequate control of language.


Good and useful examples. Task#3 was good.

For the first example, it is hard to see the financial side of things. You will need to be more clear about it, and mention certain key words such as: financial decision, contribute large amounts of resources, lots of money, money, investing resources, etc... to really emphasize that the points relate to the prompt. Otherwise, it seems that business decisions which are not always financial, will require caution. The same can be said about the counter-argument. You can also emphasize the financial side a little bit more, and talk about the consequences of certain actions.


I feel this essay will be scored a:



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Hi Pasta,

I was wondering if you mark the essays daily or you clear the back log of essays first? I've actually been posting my essays for the past week and I haven't got any reply yet. I would really appreciate if I could get any feedback, my exam date is right around the corner and I dont know how Im doing on my essays :confused:


Thanks a lot!

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