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Chances of getting in?

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Hey guys been reading up here quite a bit for the last few months and was wondering how my chances look for applying for a US MD for the fall 2012 cycle


I'm currently studying in my fourth year at Waterloo taking Health Studies



Term Units GPA


1st year (fall) 2.5 3.7

1st year (winter) 3 3.51

2nd year (summer) 2.5 3.74

2nd year (fall) 3 3.66

3rd year (winter) 2.5 3.86

3rd year (fall) 2.5 3.84

4th year (winter) 3 3.54


cGPA: ~3.69 sGPA ~ 3.69


MCAT (august 2010) B 9/ Phys 11 / V 10 Writing: Q

Total 30Q


Rewriting MCAT again this august


I have one more semester to complete this fall

I had to take one semester off in the winter of 2nd year due to medical reasons and as a result had my course sequence rearranged a bit so this fall I will require 2 more courses to graduate but am going to be taking a few courses extra to meet the full course load requirement


I have also completed all my science prereqs

I have volunteering experience both in the hospital and in clinical settings at a cardiac rehabilitation center and a cancer patient exercise clinic

I am also an exec member on the pre med society, and have been part of various cultural clubs and the varsity dance team for three years


I haven't had any research positions yet but hope to get some done between the time i finish my undergrad in december and hopefully begin med school in september however I won't be able to add that on my application yet


I am also late in the game in terms of making solid connections with any of my professors but will look to be doing that as soon as school starts as I will be having a few seminar courses which will allow for closer interaction with the professor.


Do I have a shot at the mid tier or low tier schools in the north east?

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Your GPA/MCAT is just at/slightly below average for Us citizens applying to American schools (below average for Canadian applicants applying to US schools).


I would apply to a lot of low tiers and some mid tiers. Without research/publication and other amazing extra curriculars, its hard to get into a a mid-tier school with your stats. Apply early to a bunch of low tiers (wayne, georgetown, gwu, jefferson, suny upstate) to name a few and you should get some interviews.

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Thanks Deathvvv for the quick response


I was also considering maybe applying for DO programs, I don't mind staying in the US for the duration of my career, I'm not too focused on coming back to Canada


What are your opinions on a low tier MD program versus a stronger DO program?

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Personally, I would pick lower MD over DO


Both have equal practice rights. However, having MD allows you to have more opportunities. If you want to practice internationally, you pretty much need an MD. While there are DO's in competitive residencies like dermatology and orthopedic surgery, having an MD will make it easier for you to obtain them. Also, the big perk is that you only have to write one board exam instead of two.

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In my last semester of university what should I really focus and prioritize to increase my chances at a mid tier school (i.e. retaking MCATs, GPA, volunteer work)


I don't really know how feasible it is to get a meaningful research opportunity at this point but would it help my application if I shadow a family physician for the remainder of the summer?


Also are the schools outside the north east any easier to get into, perhaps on the north west or south east side?

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your best bet is rewrite the MCAT. For a Canadian with average GPA, average to below average extracurriculars, I think you need around a 33 minimum to get mid tier school's attention (35 is more likely), check the accepted thread. Most who gets accepted to the mid tiers usually have 3.7+ GPA and 33+ MCAT.


Its too late to get research opportunities now unless you plan to apply next year. If you apply this year, what you do during the year would have no meaning. Sure you can update the school, but in many cases they wont even be considered.


If you dont mind waiting a year, get research opportunites, present abstract/publication/conferences, shadow MDs, do meaningful volunteering and up the MCAT if you REALLY REALLY want to apply to the mid tiers.

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I was reading this forum and I am in the same boat

I took the MCAT back in January and got a 28M. I have pretty good ECs and some shadowing, no research. My undergrad is from the states but im not a US citizen 3.9GPA. I was wondering what you think I should do. Should I apply Canada/USmd/USdo or spend the year working on my ECs retake the MCAT(i really don't want to) and try next year.

Any help would be awesome!

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With 28M, you are probably looking at DO. As a Canadian citizen, its hard to get a MD school to take you with a 28 (you probably need 30 for a realistic shot at some of the low tiers). My advice: apply to a bunch of DOs and a few low tier MD schools.


With your good GPA, you can try U of T. As long as you have a 9 in each section, you should have a decent chance at U of T. The M might be a problem though.

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thanks death

any help with the lower tier md or do i can apply to. my breakdown was 10 9 9 so that helps a little.

when would i hear back from the schools? like would i hear back in time to retake the mcat (a few months studying+processing time) in order to reapply(hopfully not)

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thanks death

any help with the lower tier md or do i can apply to. my breakdown was 10 9 9 so that helps a little.

when would i hear back from the schools? like would i hear back in time to retake the mcat (a few months studying+processing time) in order to reapply(hopfully not)


You should try UofT and McGill with your 3.9 GPA. It's worth a shot. Also Mac as well.

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You should try UofT and McGill with your 3.9 GPA. It's worth a shot. Also Mac as well.


thanks what about in the US?

does anyone know what the numbers are on Israel/US med schools like Sackler Ben Gurion and Technion

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Those schools generally look for 3.5/28+, but I would advise against going there since they are not LCME accredited.


As others have said, try Canadian schools that favour high GPA (UT, Mcgill) and apply broadly to DO schools and a few MD schools. If you are set on higher ranked US schools, you need to rewrite the MCAT

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Those schools generally look for 3.5/28+, but I would advise against going there since they are not LCME accredited.


As others have said, try Canadian schools that favour high GPA (UT, Mcgill) and apply broadly to DO schools and a few MD schools. If you are set on higher ranked US schools, you need to rewrite the MCAT


Ok in your opinion,where do u think i stand a chance?which do and md schools are canadian friendly and possible for a 28m?

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For DO, check the DO thread on this forums. For MD, I think Wayne State, GWU and MSU are your only shots, and they are a longshot by far since they receive 10k+ applications per year.


For AMCAS schools, you mail your reference letter to AMCAS, they will relay it to all the schools. Not sure about Isreal schools


also if i apply to US MD and DO and Canadian MD (and maybe Israel) is there any program that will allow my LOR writers to submit once or do I have to harass them every time?
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also if i apply to US MD and DO and Canadian MD (and maybe Israel) is there any program that will allow my LOR writers to submit once or do I have to harass them every time?


I believe you can use Interfolio for AMCAS, I think it works for DO schools as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys so starting to narrow down the schools here is the working list,


Boston U

Case Western

George Washington


Michigan State

Rosalind Franklin


Wayne State


Is this a sufficient number of schools to apply to (3.7 / 30Q) and are there any other low tier recommendations that are within a 10 hour drive of Toronto that other members have?

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Hey guys so starting to narrow down the schools here is the working list,


Boston U

Case Western

George Washington


Michigan State

Rosalind Franklin


Wayne State


Is this a sufficient number of schools to apply to (3.7 / 30Q) and are there any other low tier recommendations that are within a 10 hour drive of Toronto that other members have?


-many of those schools on your list are not considered "low tier".


-you need to apply to more schools with a 3.7/30 Q. Add William Beaumont/Oakland to your list.

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Hello! I have a question about my MCAT score which is 34Q (14 PS/ 8 VR/ 12 BS). Is this a competitive score for american schools for a canadian applicant especially the VR score? I have a good GPA and am just worried about the VR. I am re-writing the MCAT this summer but I'll apply with my previous scores and if my score improves I'll notify the schools. Would that work or would they not accept the new score even if it is higher if I don't indicate in the beginning that I am aniticipating to write the MCAT again?



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