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what are my chances for the US?

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I have a 3.96 AMCAS gpa from UWO and a 30 o on my MCAT. My extracurriculars are decent. I just finished 3rd year undergrad and am deciding if I should apply to US and hence come back for another year or just dip to Caribbean.


Can someone put my chances of of US into perspective?


Also I was thinking of redoing my MCAT because I feel I can improve my score, but I would be doing so at the expense of applying early to the US with my current MCAT score, in June. Whats the better option?

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Come on, 3.96 GPA and you are talking about the Caribbean? This is more than enough for schools like UT and McGill.


I think 30O is not great, but it's not bad. You should go ahead and submit your app. Your GPA for US is very much above the average accepted (~3.78 for Canadians I believe)

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I had the same MCAT score and similar GPA and was accepted at MSU CHM and WSU. Keep in mind these aren't top or mid-tier schools but it is possible to gain acceptance with low MCAT score. As others have mentioned on this forum, the key is to apply early! Good luck!



MD Candidate, University of Western Ontario 2015

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Hey Wizard-22, how many schools in the US did you apply to and how many interviews did you get?


I applied to 5 schools in US, had two interviews (MSU and WSU) and acceptances from those two. Keep in mind you should apply to more than 5 schools to maximize your chances.


MD Candidate, University of Western Ontario 2015

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I applied to 5 schools in US, had two interviews (MSU and WSU) and acceptances from those two. Keep in mind you should apply to more than 5 schools to maximize your chances.


MD Candidate, University of Western Ontario 2015


Congrats Wizard!


When did you apply? I'm re-writing the MCAT July 29th, so I won't be complete for a while... still worth it to apply?

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Congrats Wizard!


When did you apply? I'm re-writing the MCAT July 29th, so I won't be complete for a while... still worth it to apply?


I completed all of my application, including secondaries, by the end of August. This is considered relatively early but I know some people who were complete by end of June. I think its still worth applying. My advice would be try to submit primaries early on so you can get the secondary applications. This way, you can start working on secondaries right after you finish your MCAT. If you do that, you can complete your application right when the MCAT score is released. Cheers!



MD Candidate 2015, University of Western Ontario

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I completed all of my application, including secondaries, by the end of August. This is considered relatively early but I know some people who were complete by end of June. I think its still worth applying. My advice would be try to submit primaries early on so you can get the secondary applications. This way, you can start working on secondaries right after you finish your MCAT. If you do that, you can complete your application right when the MCAT score is released. Cheers!



MD Candidate 2015, University of Western Ontario


I got another question for you! haha


So I have all of my primary complete but the reference letters have not been sent yet (they will be sent out next week, fingers crossed). Can I still 'submit' without the LOR being marked as 'complete' on AMCAS?

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I got another question for you! haha


So I have all of my primary complete but the reference letters have not been sent yet (they will be sent out next week, fingers crossed). Can I still 'submit' without the LOR being marked as 'complete' on AMCAS?


Yep. It just has to be in before you complete secondary.

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I have a 3.96 AMCAS gpa from UWO and a 30 o on my MCAT. My extracurriculars are decent. I just finished 3rd year undergrad and am deciding if I should apply to US and hence come back for another year or just dip to Caribbean.


Can someone put my chances of of US into perspective?


Also I was thinking of redoing my MCAT because I feel I can improve my score, but I would be doing so at the expense of applying early to the US with my current MCAT score, in June. Whats the better option?


Don't dip to the Carribean. You are not taking into account the many difficulties associated with that, especially assuming you don't hold a US green card. There are many individuals who are struggling to get a residency spot graduating from the Carribean anywhere, let alone a good one. This will be worse given that you are a Canadian citizen.


As a graduate of the Carribean, you will not be able to participate in the regular match stream and be put into the IMG stream where the success rate for a match is 10-15%, often associated with contracts to work in rural areas for number of years.


Take your time, improve your application with clinical experience. Perhaps take the MCAT one more time by identifying your weak points. Most places only look at your last MCAT score


You finished ONLY 3rd year. You havent even finished undergrad? Take your time trust me. I'm only saying this because I know only too many people who try to rush the process and get screwed.


You are in good shape, just stick with the plan of applying to Canadian schools by upgrading that MCAT. If that doesnt work out, try again another year and then apply to the States.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have another question. If I do not indicate on my AMCAS application that I will be taking the MCAT again, and do decide to retake it later on, would the medical schools that I have applied to automatically find out and put my application on hold?


Again I ideally would like to apply to the States with my current MCAT score of 30 and rewrite the MCAT to improve my score for canada without delaying my US application.

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  • 1 month later...


I have another question. If I do not indicate on my AMCAS application that I will be taking the MCAT again, and do decide to retake it later on, would the medical schools that I have applied to automatically find out and put my application on hold?


Again I ideally would like to apply to the States with my current MCAT score of 30 and rewrite the MCAT to improve my score for canada without delaying my US application.


we are in the exact same situation.would also like to know.

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we are in the exact same situation.would also like to know.


As far as I know (I went through this last year) they will proceed through the initial screening with your first MCAT. Lots of schools don't even screen for secondaries, and for those that do if your MCAT is in the 30 range you're fine. By the time interview invites really start coming and final admissions decisions made, however, they'll have your new MCAT and it will, in all likelihood, be your new score that ultimately affects your application. Think of it this way - your first score gets you through the hoops, your second score is what gets you accepted. Needless to say it's important to do just as good or better your second time around.


Good luck!

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As far as I know (I went through this last year) they will proceed through the initial screening with your first MCAT. Lots of schools don't even screen for secondaries, and for those that do if your MCAT is in the 30 range you're fine. By the time interview invites really start coming and final admissions decisions made, however, they'll have your new MCAT and it will, in all likelihood, be your new score that ultimately affects your application. Think of it this way - your first score gets you through the hoops, your second score is what gets you accepted. Needless to say it's important to do just as good or better your second time around.


Good luck!


But aren't your files put on hold until they receive your new score?

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