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Impressions from those who had other interviews.... ie. Mac

Guest Public Health girl

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Guest Public Health girl

Just wondering what impressions people had that attended more than one interview....

How did Northern Ont's interview compare?

If you get into more than one school...what is your first choice etc...


Just wondering how it measures up?

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Guest NurseNathalie

I also had an interview at McMaster, and although both use the MMI style of interview, I found them very different!

NOSM's scenarios/interview questions seemed to be more suited to my own background and experience than McMaster's...


NOSM did a phenominal job in making up scenarios that would evaluate an understanding of northern issues... whereas Mac's seemed to evaluate a broader skill set... I think Mac's process would perhaps be less biased as a result?? who knows if NOSM's narrowed field of view may exclude otherwise well suited applicant to the program?? it was to my advantage though!


I fear I didn't do as well at my McMaster interview, but who knows what they are looking for! in a perfect world where I could do what I want (and not what I have to) I would prefer going to McMaster's. But if offered both (fingers crossed) I think I will accept NOSM's.. since it will be best for my family.

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Guest KerriD

Hi Nathalie,


Just out of curiosity, what was it about McMaster that most interested you in their program. You mentioned that given an ideal scenario, Mac would be your first choice for med school. I wondered if some things were presented differently with respect to the academic program etc.




p.s. this waiting is getting to be very looong.:)

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Guest NurseNathalie

Guess there are a lot of factors for me... firstly, it has always been my 'dream' to go to Macs... and of course, being so well established is also a bonus. I really like their approach to delivery, especially with the new curriculum now which will better address the issue of interdisciplinary work. The program being three years instead of four is also something to consider when looking at the big picture... and although I learn very well on my own (I understand a lot of the courses are offered via webct).. that tool is not my prefered way of learning...


I should also note though, that NOSM will probably work just as well for me.. its just harder to compare both programs, when one hasnt started yet... there will be a lot of 'bugs' to work out of course, with the charter class... but I'm confident things will go well! If offered both, I will most likely accept NOSMs.. BUT if it weren't for all the other factors in my life, I would prefer McMasters.


I really wish I had known about the 'focus' group discussion/class simulation that they had fos NOSM.. I find its a shame that the information was so narrowly 'guarded' towards a select group.. it would have helped me in my understanding of the program delivery and my decision making..and perhaps by opening that up to a broad spectrum of ppl with diverse background would have been more reflective of what class groups will really be like.. ok.. i vented now! lol..shut up nat!


sorry to have written a novel 8o

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Guest Public Health girl

Nurse Nathalie,


My dream too...was to go to Mac. Unfortunately I didn't get an interview there. However, there are lots of neat things about NOMS, charter class, small class size, opportunity to work with specific cultural groups and in interesting settings that appeal to me. Since I only got an interview at NOMS, I am crossing my fingers and waiting is getting tough!!


Just wondering...I interviewed at Thunder Bay and I am not sure what you are talking about with the focus/class simulation thing?? I don't think I had this same experience?


One more question...did Mac ask you any question attempting to get at why you want to be a physician? why you would be good at it?

I was surprised we didn't have a question like this from NOMS. I thought we would definitely be asked "why do you want to be a physician?" OR "why do you want to be a physician in Northern Ont, rural communities etc.?"

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Guest Jimmery

Public Health Girl, it looks like we're in the same boat... I only interviewed at NOSM and therefore there is little choice in the matter of deciding where to go (if I'm lucky and receive admission). But NOSM would have been my first choice anyway... That was decided from the start.

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Guest NurseNathalie

I can't speak to specific questions asked at Mac's since I signed the agreement, blah blah blah..:P


BUT this is my feeling on that question: who cares why?? honestly.. (sorry if I am offending some- not my intention!) so.. I'm glad they didnt ask it. I dont want someone's views and personal feelings judging whether or not mine is THE RIGHT reason..or dictating my future on it.. its just not fair.


I feel that we ALL have different reasons for taking a certain path in life, and people are driven by different needs- ALL of which are valid. can be for helping people; wanting to make a difference; some im sure: being able to make a good living; having great opportunities for trying different things; etc. etc. etc.


Maybe im lost in left field here.. but that's just my opinion.. obviously, we ALL want it.. many for a basic need to serve and make a difference (like me). I think its the extent to which that need drives you to get what you want and need that is important.. and the manner in which you seek that path.



and.. i think that our autobiographical sketch and experience in life (work, schooling, volunteering, references, etc).. gives a really good un-written ''glimpse" into the WHY...

its not only what you say you are.. but what have you shown you are.. throughout the years. THAT.. speaks louder than words ;)

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Guest Public Health girl

Hey Jimmery...


Hope things go well for you...it is really stressful holding out hope for one school only!!! especially with the odds...only 1 out of 8 interviewed.


Nurse Nathalie,


Thanks for your perspective...I agree actions do speak louder than words!!!


Best of luck to everyone!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest UWOmalestudent

^ I would have to disagree.


If someone's marks and MCAT score are superior to someone else's, they should get in.

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Guest waterbottle2

At NOMS interviews, there wasn't indeed a specific question "Why do you want to become a physician". But, I and I hope others would agree that I answered that question many times during all ten interviews. How I answered my questions, with personal answers relayed my reasons clearly for why I wanted to become a doctor. I didn't only answer the question directly. I read between the lines, went a bit father. I'm not sure if this was the right thing to do but I felt happy with my responses to their questions. First and far most, everybody should want to become a doctor and then secondly, you should want to become a doctor up North to get into NOMS. I am from up North but went to school in Southern Ontario because I was told by many prominent figures in Northern ontario that I should go to a school that has a medical school. NOMS was not up and running yet. I just hope that NOMS doesn't choose against people who persued their undergrads down south because many of us were directed to do so by doctors in the north although a lot of us do really want to stay in the North. I wish everybody the best of luck. I cross my fingers I will see some of you in September!

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Guest NurseNathalie

Well said waterbottle2 :)


I think that is the strenght of the MMI of course... to be able to give the interviewers a better idea of who you are...


when I was reading a question.. the first thing I thought of was "what are they trying to know about me with this question" and "how would it relate to practicing in Northern Ontario". Since there are no 'right or wrong' answers.. I tried to make sure to cover two or three points that I wanted to convey- not only relating directly to the question itself, but about what I thought they were indirectly asking...thats really what I concentrated on.


we'll know tomorrow if that was the right way to handle it..lol


I think NOSM would be VERY LUCKY to get the majority of the people that frequent this site... and I for one, am VERY PROUD to see that Canada produces such high quality, caring and intelligent individuals! :)

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