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Question about LOR( UWO specific)

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hey for the UWO ppl and anyone else with this issue ... on my transcript my courses that had a lab like first year Bio, chem and physics say nothing about a lab. So I entered those courses in to AMCAS as Biology 101 with lab and after verification they left the name alone but then they only counted it as 6 credit hours. Most schools say they need 8 credit hours because 2 of the hours are the lab?? Are we short 2 credit hours then?

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hey for the UWO ppl and anyone else with this issue ... on my transcript my courses that had a lab like first year Bio, chem and physics say nothing about a lab. So I entered those courses in to AMCAS as Biology 101 with lab and after verification they left the name alone but then they only counted it as 6 credit hours. Most schools say they need 8 credit hours because 2 of the hours are the lab?? Are we short 2 credit hours then?


I would love to know the answer to this as well please :) Thanks for posting this sans0002!

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