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McGill med and international students? (Aussies!!!)

Guest aussiechica

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Guest aussiechica

Hey there!


I am wondering if any of you may be able to help me... I am a 4th year BSc specialization student at the university of Alberta but I am an Australian international student.. I'm just researching my opportunities here in Canada as I really don't want to go back (I know you're probably asking why!!)


Anyways...I'd like to find out some general information on med school admissions for international students (particularly at McGill). Does anyone know much about this?

My parents are currently living in Montreal although I don't know if that makes much of a difference to anything.


Also...does anyone know of anyone I can talk to or any resources pertaining to med school admissions in Canada and the US for international students in general? I'm struggling to find anything really helpful!


Thanks a bunch!!

-Carolyn :)

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Guest lothya

McGill accepts quite a few international students as far as I know. Apparently, the QC gov't allows about 30ish spots for international med students in the province each year, and McGill usually gets most of them (20+). It's well worth trying to apply, I believe that your chances of acceptance are much better as an Australian than if you were an Alberta resident!


Their admissions staff are very helpful in my experience, and they seem to have a useful website as well, which can be found from the McGill main page (http://www.mcgill.ca) -- good luck!

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