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GPA/VR of class of 2014?

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mac released the class of 2013's stats in late fall of last year. I'd expect the same for 2014!


I think Wendy mentioned the stats at last years info session in July.


Did anyone go to these this summer? I think there was one yesterday.

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At the info session Wendy said the average GPA for 2014 would be 3.7-something. I think she said the average VR would be between 10 and 11.


Thanks HTBG!



That was roughly what the interviewee average was on premed.


LF, based on the analyses you did, is it possible to predict a minimum GPA + VR combo needed for an interview? I realize these are only worth 50% pre-interview, but I think we could still have some idea...no? Perhaps it is possible to get some idea of a percentile needed on CASPer to get an interview???

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You know HBP, you've been a source of inspiration for a number of months leading up to now.


I wish I had your cGPA. I have an 11VR but my cGPA for Mac is 3.35 -_____-. But I'll do my best on CASPer (which, based on my previous experiences being an MMI interviewer and the sample video on the Mac website, seems manageable).

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Completely schoolable... interviewed + accepted with 3.68 + 9VR.


I don't know man. Between my friends and I, we found it to be massively unpredictable after the fact. We had an inverse relationship between how we felt we did on CASPer and whether we actually got invited for an interview - felt good but no interview; or felt bad and still got interview. CASPer, especially its high weighting, scares the poop out of me :eek:

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I'd say we have comparable situations though... your 11VR vs. my 9VR makes up for the GPA. Just gotta do well on CASPer. Make sure you answer everything... better to get a couple sentences down on all 3 parts rather than spending too much time on one. Try to be balanced, neutral, and if you pick a side make sure you back up why. Don't change what you picked in the follow up questions unless something significantly changes. This is just general MMI advice though, and given that you were an interviewer, I'm sure you know much more about it than I do.

Valuable words! I will keep them in mind. Advice never hurts, even if I have been on the other side of the table.



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The minimums are the stated minimums. As Lupe said, an amazing CASPer score will make up for a below average on either GPA or VR. If medicine is something you really want, apply and hope for the best. Just be sure to have reasonable expectations

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I'd say we have comparable situations though... your 11VR vs. my 9VR makes up for the GPA. Just gotta do well on CASPer. Make sure you answer everything... better to get a couple sentences down on all 3 parts rather than spending too much time on one. Try to be balanced, neutral, and if you pick a side make sure you back up why. Don't change what you picked in the follow up questions unless something significantly changes. This is just general MMI advice though, and given that you were an interviewer, I'm sure you know much more about it than I do.



I had a different experience. For a lot of sections, only my first answer was long and well argued while the other two were rushed. Sometimes my third box was still empty or I got cutoff during my first sentence. I was still interviewed and accepted and had a 9VR and 3.9 gpa.


You can't really predict what they want on CASPer!

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I had a different experience. For a lot of sections, only my first answer was long and well argued while the other two were rushed. Sometimes my third box was still empty or I got cutoff during my first sentence. I was still interviewed and accepted and had a 9VR and 3.9 gpa.


You can't really predict what they want on CASPer!


For sure: I interviewed as an out of province with a ~3.3 OMSAS GPA and a 12VR. I must have killed the CASPer to have gotten that interview.


Surprisingly, however, I was not offered a position at Mac in May which to me was odd particularly if the CASPer is meant to reflect the MMI.


Hence, I'm dubious as to whether or not the CASPer actually accurately gauges a candidate's interview skills. Either that or simply put my philosophically sound arguments concerning the absence of personhood in infants are vile :rolleyes:

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I'll give it a go but since we don't have the average GPA and Verbal numbers for the 2011/2012 cycle, I'll just use the numbers I used for the 2010/2011 cycle:


Total Number of IP Interviewees = 47

Average cGPA = 3.77

Average MCAT Verbal = 11.06


Using the data above, the standard deviation was calculated:


SD of GPA = 0.12536592

SD of MCAT Verbal = 1.405222104


To calculate your individual z-scores use the following formula:


z = (x - average GPA)/ SD GPA & z = (y - average Verbal)/SD Verbal


So everyone should have 2 sets of z-scores. This is all from the paper [http://www.springerlink.com/content/w7q454nj577642l0/].


Now comes the speculation. The paper didn't explain what to do next, so I had to figure out a way to make the z-score make sense with regards to the pre-interview formula of 25% GPA, 25% Verbal, and 46% CASPer.


The paper uses an additive measure whereby you add both your z-scores to get a z-sum. The maximum z-score you can get for GPA is 1.829537904 and for Verbal it's 2.801101833. So the maximum z-sum you can get is 4.63064 and the average z-sum is 0. So I feel that the average overall score out of 50 is 50 - 4.63064 which equals 45.36936 or 45.37.


The average GPA score out of 25 is 23.17 (rounded).


The average Verbal score out of 25 is 22.20 (rounded).


So to figure out your score out of 25, take your z-score and add it to the average posted above. So someone with a GPA of 3.85 will have a z-score of 0.633040481. So their score out of 25 for GPA is 23.804.


If this person with the 3.85 GPA had a verbal score of 10 for instance. Then, his z-score would be -0.75705455. So their score out of 25 for Verbal is 21.44.


The original post is here: http://premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50333&page=7


For your convenience, I made an Excel file that everyone can download. All you have to do is enter your GPA and Verbal Score in the marked area, and then your GPA and Verbal score out of 25 will be given to you and your total score out of 50 will also be provided. Here's the link:




Now with regards to how well you need to do on CASPer to get an interview, it's tough to do any real stats related work because so little is known about the marking scheme. All we do know is that roughly 4000 people apply to McMaster and 544 get an interview. So the top 13.6% of applicants will get an interview. There is also an interview waitlist to take into account. CASPer will make or break your application; I would just concentrate on how to do well on that.


EDIT: Keep in mind that you are comparing yourself to the average score out of 50 which is 45.37. If you're below it, then you have to do better on CASPer than the average person who gets an interview, and if you have a score above 45.37 then you can do slightly worse than the average person getting an interview on CASPer, and still get an invite.

Lupe, I cannot BEGIN to tell you how much respect I have for your work with the Mac scoring system.


And then to actually go to the trouble of making a spreadsheet so easy to use is the cherry on top.


Hats off to you!!

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I'll give it a go but since we don't have the average GPA and Verbal numbers for the 2011/2012 cycle, I'll just use the numbers I used for the 2010/2011 cycle:


Total Number of IP Interviewees = 47

Average cGPA = 3.77

Average MCAT Verbal = 11.06


Using the data above, the standard deviation was calculated:


SD of GPA = 0.12536592

SD of MCAT Verbal = 1.405222104


To calculate your individual z-scores use the following formula:


z = (x - average GPA)/ SD GPA & z = (y - average Verbal)/SD Verbal


So everyone should have 2 sets of z-scores. This is all from the paper [http://www.springerlink.com/content/w7q454nj577642l0/].


Now comes the speculation. The paper didn't explain what to do next, so I had to figure out a way to make the z-score make sense with regards to the pre-interview formula of 25% GPA, 25% Verbal, and 46% CASPer.


The paper uses an additive measure whereby you add both your z-scores to get a z-sum. The maximum z-score you can get for GPA is 1.829537904 and for Verbal it's 2.801101833. So the maximum z-sum you can get is 4.63064 and the average z-sum is 0. So I feel that the average overall score out of 50 is 50 - 4.63064 which equals 45.36936 or 45.37.


The average GPA score out of 25 is 23.17 (rounded).


The average Verbal score out of 25 is 22.20 (rounded).


So to figure out your score out of 25, take your z-score and add it to the average posted above. So someone with a GPA of 3.85 will have a z-score of 0.633040481. So their score out of 25 for GPA is 23.804.


If this person with the 3.85 GPA had a verbal score of 10 for instance. Then, his z-score would be -0.75705455. So their score out of 25 for Verbal is 21.44.


The original post is here: http://premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50333&page=7


For your convenience, I made an Excel file that everyone can download. All you have to do is enter your GPA and Verbal Score in the marked area, and then your GPA and Verbal score out of 25 will be given to you and your total score out of 50 will also be provided. Here's the link:




Now with regards to how well you need to do on CASPer to get an interview, it's tough to do any real stats related work because so little is known about the marking scheme. All we do know is that roughly 4000 people apply to McMaster and 544 get an interview. So the top 13.6% of applicants will get an interview. There is also an interview waitlist to take into account. CASPer will make or break your application; I would just concentrate on how to do well on that.


EDIT: Keep in mind that you are comparing yourself to the average score out of 50 which is 45.37. If you're below it, then you have to do better on CASPer than the average person who gets an interview, and if you have a score above 45.37 then you can do slightly worse than the average person getting an interview on CASPer, and still get an invite.


Amazing Lupe! Thanks so much.


Something to add (which is likely either a horrible application of intuition, or my intuition is completely misguided to begin with (most likely the latter)):


Since we know the percentage of applicants interviewed, (544/4000)*100=13.6%, and we have an approximation of the SD of combined GPA and VR standardized scores, is it not possible to figure out what percentile on CASPer would be required to get an interview?


Does it make sense to say that you need 'X' percentile on Casper to get into the top 13.6% of the SD range, meaning you would be ranked in the top 13.6%?


I realize it is rather futile to be thinking about this, and one should focus their efforts on actually preparing for CASPer, but, nevertheless, I still find harmless speculation fun.

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Amazing Lupe! Thanks so much.


Something to add (which is likely either a horrible application of intuition, or my intuition is completely misguided to begin with (most likely the latter)):


Since we know the percentage of applicants interviewed, (544/4000)*100=13.6%, and we have an approximation of the SD of combined GPA and VR standardized scores, is it not possible to figure out what percentile on CASPer would be required to get an interview?


Does it make sense to say that you need 'X' percentile on Casper to get into the top 13.6% of the SD range, meaning you would be ranked in the top 13.6%?


I realize it is rather futile to be thinking about this, and one should focus their efforts on actually preparing for CASPer, but, nevertheless, I still find harmless speculation fun.


If you're in the top 14% with regards to your CASPer score you will likely get an interview... I think I know where you`re going with this. You would like to have a personalized system whereby one enters their GPA and Verbal and it tells them how well they would need to do on CASPer to get an interview.


That would require a cut-off score out of 100 to get an interview which we have no access to. We can always chose arbitrary numbers. Keep in mind this has no value whatsoever...


The average score out of 50 for Verbal + GPA is 45.37. Let's say that the cutoff for an interview is 80/100. So a person with an average GPA and an average Verbal score would require to get 34.63/46 on CASPer to get an interview.


Is this what you were going for? Feel free to speculate away.

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