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Asking all McGill students

Guest emz552

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Guest emz552

Hi this question isn't related to medical program specifically.



I am just wondering: if you are a person who cannot speak french at all and you want to study at McGill or Concordia (which are deemed to be "english-speaking" universities"), will you have troubles as a student trying to learn? In other words, will lectures, tutorials/labs, exams, all be in english all the time?




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Guest medicator007

As far as i know, unless you are taking a language course: french, french literature...etc... all courses are given in english.

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Guest NurseEpi

Hi there,


Not speaking a lick of french will not disadvantage you in your studies at either McGill or Concordia. At McGill, all course materials and instruction are provided in English (except for foreign language courses, for obvious reasons!). However, students have the option of submitting assignments and essays etc. in either official language. I'm not sure of the policy at Concordia because I was not a student there but I'm sure it must be similar.


Take care,


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Guest cutieyellow

All classes are giving in english at Concordia University. You do have the option of handing in your assignments in either official languages, however prior arrangement must be made with the teacher.


I do believe however that even though you don't speak the language, you will pick it up rather quickly, as Montreal is as bilingual as it gets, and you'll hear lots of french in the halls, as well as have french friends...and you'll catch on ;)

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Guest jbish

I disagree that you'll pick it up easily. I've picked up a swear word or two but that's about it. If you want to learn French and you've never studied it before you'll probably want to take an official course. I've been here for 6 months and I still cannot put a simple sentence together in French. The people I chat with who are francophone have to switch over to English for me.

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Guest cutieyellow

Well it depends on the individual. But if they keep switching back to English, that could be a reason that you're not picking it up... The whole point is for you to TRY to understand their convos and join and what better way to learn but to try yourself. If on the other hand, you don't want to try and they have to switch over for you, then how is that even TRYING to pick up the language? I'm in Med in Quebec City and we're this large group of anglophones. Some of my friends, (who have never ever been in french schools before), insist on speaking french within our group, just so they can get used to it and pick it up. We usually reply in english, to spite them ;)


Anyhow, i think that french is a relatively important language to learn, especially if you're going to interact with patients in this province.

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