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SciGPA calculation - just basic or all science?


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This is what the website (http://www.mcgill.ca/medadmissions/what-are-we-looking/academics-university) says:

"Basic Science Performance

The assessment of basic science performance is based upon a candidate's academic results in the relevant science prerequisite courses as undertaken either in college, university, or acceptable pre-university alternatives as described in the requirements. Advanced studies in the basic sciences may also be considered in this assessment."


It's the last sentence that gets me wondering. Can anyone comment on if the SciGPA will just be calculated based on the prereq, or on all science - introductory plus advanced level? (like all the upper level bio, chem, phys, AND things like microbi, physiology, biochem, stats)...

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I emailed McGill's admissions office recently and what I think it means is that you can replace a basic science requirement with a higher level one. For example, I only have 1 first year biology course, but my subsequent major was biology and so I fulfill the 'basic' requirement even though my other bio courses aren't exactly basic.

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