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Aamc Tests


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I averaged 34-38. Never less than a 13-14 in PS (couple 15's). VR ALWAYS 10-11. BS usually 11-12.


I scored a 35 on my actual mcat :) so I found them to be pretty accurate, I had a couple stupid mistakes too that might have brought me up to a 37 had I not made them. So get out there and kill it guys :)

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Daniel.. Don't think like that! Your scores are amazing and I expect you to get at least a 35 forsure!


Haha, alright....I'll go for broke. Aiming for a 40R. I find it helps to think of the Rocky series, I like Rocky 3 where he's getting the **** kicked out of him and he says "you aint so bad"....thats my attitude for this thing, haha.

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Just did AAMC 3 yesterday and scored a 32 (11 in Verbal :) !!). Hoping to do one every two days until Aug 18th.


This is supposedly the easiest one, so I'm not holding my breath lol. Hopefully I can bump it upto a 33-35 range before my write.


Meh, that's the AAMC I did worst on haha.

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7-10 are supposed to be the harder ones, but they're all pretty similar, I think the orgo in the later tests was super easy compared to the earlier ones, they all vary somewhat and are all reasonably close to the real thing.


Good luck to Daniel going for a 40! Thats what my original goal was going to be but I ran into major family issues on our vacation (brother got jumped in the dominican republic and almost ended up going to jail there) that all got in the way, in the end i was only able to study for 3.5 weeks after that was all taken care of, so I'm happy with the 35 :)

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7-10 are supposed to be the harder ones, but they're all pretty similar, I think the orgo in the later tests was super easy compared to the earlier ones, they all vary somewhat and are all reasonably close to the real thing.


Good luck to Daniel going for a 40! Thats what my original goal was going to be but I ran into major family issues on our vacation (brother got jumped in the dominican republic and almost ended up going to jail there) that all got in the way, in the end i was only able to study for 3.5 weeks after that was all taken care of, so I'm happy with the 35 :)


I found 10 the easiest (3 doesn't count), 7 was the hardest for me in terms of VR (very long passages)


Its funny how you guys are comparing 35 with a 40... does it even matter other than the fact that only 0.1% or less get a 40? lol

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