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Darn it. People I know well. It used to be strangers as well but I've grown to be way more cynical.


What do you think of hipsters?


They are the bane of my existence. I had to let go of a very good friend because he became the ultimate one, and I just couldn't take it anymore.


What toothpaste do you use?

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They are the bane of my existence. I had to let go of a very good friend because he became the ultimate one, and I just couldn't take it anymore.




LOL! Tooth-paste?


What wouldyou be if you were an invertebrate?


One of those transparent C. elegans guys that we used in first year bio labs.


What's your biggest fear?

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A slug.


How do you feel about Ramanujan?


Just skimmed through some of his Wikipedia article. He actually seems fascinating. I was going to comment that he should have a number named after him (just like the Euler number), but then I saw that he already does! I'll never look at 1729 the same way again.


*Re-asks one of my questions from before*


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

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Just skimmed through some of his Wikipedia article. He actually seems fascinating. I was going to comment that he should have a number named after him (just like the Euler number), but then I saw that he already does! I'll never look at 1729 the same way again.


*Re-asks one of my questions from before*


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

You gotta be kidding me.

I'd make my hair less soft. The slightest breeze makes my hair look like



If murder is wrong and deserves punishment, how does murdering a murderer make it right?

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Parkour. Good answer.


Think I'd have to go with Phoenix on that one Ace.


Favorite soft-drink, and then why do they call them soft-drinks?


Uh the coke I guess. They call them soft drinks because when they were invented any liquid that was garanteed to not give you cholera was considered to be for wussies.


There are already so many children in the world... does it really matter if the child is biologically yours or would you adopt?

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Uh the coke I guess. They call them soft drinks because when they were invented any liquid that was garanteed to not give you cholera was considered to be for wussies.


There are already so many children in the world... does it really matter if the child is biologically yours or would you adopt?


I'm planning on adopting, actually. Genes are just sequences of nucleotides.


How do you feel about ombre hair?

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I'm planning on adopting, actually. Genes are just sequences of nucleotides.


How do you feel about ombre hair?


Uh I don't really know what that is but google image observations indicate it's when the roots start to grow in and you have rainbow hair? In that case I think it's the female equivelant of an unkept beard (I'm not judging at all right now, I haven't seen the sun all week and I have grommed accordingly).


Do you know how much I admire your biological objectivity?

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Uh I don't really know what that is but google image observations indicate it's when the roots start to grow in and you have rainbow hair? In that case I think it's the female equivelant of an unkept beard (I'm not judging at all right now, I haven't seen the sun all week and I have grommed accordingly).


Do you know how much I admire your biological objectivity?


You just don't want to pass on your disgusting Persian genes, I don't blame you.


How many ply is your toilet paper?

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Uh I don't really know what that is but google image observations indicate it's when the roots start to grow in and you have rainbow hair? In that case I think it's the female equivelant of an unkept beard (I'm not judging at all right now, I haven't seen the sun all week and I have grommed accordingly).


Erm, kind of. But it's intentional. The new fad. Pay attention and I'm sure you'll notice a bunch of girls with it... especially those gosh darn hipsters. http://theberry.com/2012/10/05/gotta-have-it-ombre-hair-23-photos/ - it doesn't actually look that bad here but in person.. oh my gosh.


You just don't want to pass on your disgusting Persian genes, I don't blame you.


How many ply is your toilet paper?


3-ply, of course.. and I only ever purchase the double-rolls.


Do you find it difficult to cut your nails on your dominant hand? (Or is it just me that struggles like cray cray?)

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Erm, kind of. But it's intentional. The new fad. Pay attention and I'm sure you'll notice a bunch of girls with it... especially those gosh darn hipsters. http://theberry.com/2012/10/05/gotta-have-it-ombre-hair-23-photos/ - it doesn't actually look that bad here but in person.. oh my gosh.




3-ply, of course.. and I only ever purchase the double-rolls.


Do you find it difficult to cut your nails on your dominant hand? (Or is it just me that struggles like cray cray?)


I have no nail cutting troubles as I am not inbred.


White or red wine?

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I have no nail cutting troubles as I am not inbred.


White or red wine?


Jerkstore's on a roll today, I like it.


Red wine, white makes me gag.


Fine I'll reask: (this time it works even better hah()


What went wrong in your life that made you grow up to be such a despicable human being?

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Jerkstore's on a roll today, I like it.


Red wine, white makes me gag.


Fine I'll reask: (this time it works even better hah()


What went wrong in your life that made you grow up to be such a despicable human being?


I spent eighteen years in a red Chinese prison. They were pretty accommodating actually.

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