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I think he does, and I think it's perfectly normal.


Did you hear about the nurse who killed herself after the prank phone call?


Yes. The title of the article didn't specify how she died so I thought prince harry hunted her down with his royal spear for what she did. She wasn't even the nurse that released the information, she was just the one that connected the call. These radio show hosts are douchebags man


If you had to cut off your index finger or middle finger, which would it be? (tough one, I know)

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Yes. The title of the article didn't specify how she died so I thought prince harry hunted her down with his tribal spear for what she did. She wasn't even the nurse that released the information, she was just the one that connected the call. These radio show hosts are douchebags man


If you had to cut off your index finger or middle finger, which would it be? (tough one, I know)


Well, what they did wasn't THAT bad, this girl was just clearly on the edge.


Middle finger. I actually think my life would improve as a result.


Favorite sport, to watch and to play?

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Stupidity when the person has no excuse to be stupid.


What do you think of Christopher Hitchens?


I really liked him. So intelligent, and I loved that he just lived how he wanted to live and enjoyed life for what it is. I used to love reading his columns.


Is there anything that makes you particularly squeamish/grossed out?

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Feet. Not much grosses me out anymore (seen it all... from a necrotic penis glans to 1L of pus removed from a guy via paracentesis ), but a nasty ingrown toenail... Ick. I have all the respect in the world for Foot nurses and podiatrists.


If you could have someone with you on a deserted island, who would it be?

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Feet. Not much grosses me out anymore (seen it all... from a necrotic penis glans to 1L of pus removed from a guy via paracentesis ), but a nasty ingrown toenail... Ick. I have all the respect in the world for Foot nurses and podiatrists.


If you could have someone with you on a deserted island, who would it be?


My gym junkie karate master friend that knows how to kill someone with one hand lol


How is it that every time I get to a bus stop a bus has just left?

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My gym junkie karate master friend that knows how to kill someone with one hand lol


How is it that every time I get to a bus stop a bus has just left?


It's because you're silly and don't check the bus times before you leave. You need to get there ~3 minutes before they say they'll be there to be safe.


Why is this my favourite thread on this website?

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It's because you're silly and don't check the bus times before you leave. You need to get there ~3 minutes before they say they'll be there to be safe.


Why is this my favourite thread on this website?


Because I post on here all the time

Ps. you're now my new favourite person after that Hitchens bit.


What would Canada be like if nobody paid any taxes?

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Because I post on here all the time

Ps. you're now my new favourite person after that Hitchens bit.


What would Canada be like if nobody paid any taxes?


Hahaha - it's you and jerkstore. Y'all make the thread.


If everyone simultaneously stopped, it'd be normal for a while --> more debt and more debt --> ??!?!? (CHAOS. Everyone dying in the streets. No money for elections. Coup ensues. Military dictatorship. Looting. Fun times to be had.)


Do you like the Spice Girls?

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Hahaha - it's you and jerkstore. Y'all make the thread.


If everyone simultaneously stopped, it'd be normal for a while --> more debt and more debt --> ??!?!? (CHAOS. Everyone dying in the streets. No money for elections. Coup ensues. Military dictatorship. Looting. Fun times to be had.)


Do you like the Spice Girls?



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Hahaha - it's you and jerkstore. Y'all make the thread.


If everyone simultaneously stopped, it'd be normal for a while --> more debt and more debt --> ??!?!? (CHAOS. Everyone dying in the streets. No money for elections. Coup ensues. Military dictatorship. Looting. Fun times to be had.)


Do you like the Spice Girls?


Even if I was a prepubescent female circa 1997 I still wouldn't like them


Favourite spongebob character?

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:o Why so many questions, people?


Even if I was a prepubescent female circa 1997 I still wouldn't like them


Favourite spongebob character?


Spongebob himself. I'm boring, I know.


the ocean calld, theyre runnin out of ______?


Salmon, tuna, halibut, haddock, sole, shrimp, scallops and seaweed. Silly carnivores/pescetarians and sushi-lovers.


Thread - "Ask a question for the person below you"



Question: "Are you enjoying this?"






K now I'm just going to ask one question, and it's not going to be a very good one because exams are frying my brain.


What is your favourite fried food?

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What is your favourite fried food?


Friend food generally makes me gag but I like kalamari


What would you do if your med school interviewer turns out to be someone you had a one night stand with *and never called again*?

If you don't do that you know this person and got into a massive argument with them that offended them deeply.

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