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Friend food generally makes me gag but I like kalamari


What would you do if your med school interviewer turns out to be someone you had a one night stand with *and never called again*?

If you don't do that you know this person and got into a massive argument with them that offended them deeply.


Smile, wink, and give such a deep and thought-provoking answer to their interview question that they can't help but want to have another one night stand. Which I won't call them after again... Although maybe they'd get a balloon if I got into med school.


Favorite Disney princess?

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Smile, wink, and give such a deep and thought-provoking answer to their interview question that they can't help but want to have another one night stand. Which I won't call them after again... Although maybe they'd get a balloon if I got into med school.


Favorite Disney princess?

Princess Ariel <3


Plans for winter break?

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Relax and spend time with my girlfriend.


Most fun activity you've been involved with?


Split between Varcity football and Junior B hockey in terms of athletics. Coaching and time spent as a big brother are my fun non-athletic activities.


How do you cope when receiving a bad mark? (note: a lowly A- is not a bad mark btw)

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Split between Varcity football and Junior B hockey in terms of athletics. Coaching and time spent as a big brother are my fun non-athletic activities.


How do you cope when receiving a bad mark? (note: a lowly A- is not a bad mark btw)


I throw in the towel. :)


I figure out what I did wrong and learn from it. If it continues to happen I consider alternative careers.


Favorite olympic event?

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Split between Varcity football and Junior B hockey in terms of athletics. Coaching and time spent as a big brother are my fun non-athletic activities.


How do you cope when receiving a bad mark? (note: a lowly A- is not a bad mark btw)

Find the exam paper I wrote. Rip it to shreds. Dispose of it in the garbage. And try to take my mind of off it.


Highest mark you've received on a midterm/final?

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Find the exam paper I wrote. Rip it to shreds. Dispose of it in the garbage. And try to take my mind of off it.


Highest mark you've received on a midterm/final?


105% (there were bonus questions :D)


I throw in the towel. :)


I figure out what I did wrong and learn from it. If it continues to happen I consider alternative careers.


Favorite olympic event?

Dressage (it's ultra redic)


Did you know that if you try to add yourself to your ignore list the website will give you this message "Sorry, no matter how much you try, you can not ignore yourself."? LOL

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105% (there were bonus questions :D)



Dressage (it's ultra redic)


Did you know that if you try to add yourself to your ignore list the website will give you this message "Sorry, no matter how much you try, you can not ignore yourself."? LOL


I didn't even know that there is an ignore list on here, lol. Everyone on here is so lovely that I would never dream of ignoring anyone, ever :).


How did you first come across this website?

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*(Sort of) saves my favourite thread*


If you could live in any country other than Canada (or the U.S... because that's no fun), what would it be?


Anywhere in Western/Northern Europe. France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. Japan too. Toss up.


Regular human activity that you don't tend to partake in?

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Favorite thing for breakfast?


Well isn't this a happy coincidence... french toast

oh and bacon strips (& bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips)

Nikola Tesla


Do you have any finals left this term?

Yes, 2


Is there anything you own that would embarrass you if word got out that you owned it? (now would be a great time to use your anonymity)

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Well isn't this a happy coincidence... french toast

oh and bacon strips (& bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips)


Yes, 2


Is there anything you own that would embarrass you if word got out that you owned it? (now would be a great time to use your anonymity)


World of Warcraft...


Favorite movie?

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