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Perhaps if they are simultaneously a sociopath who are good at 'blending in'? Although.. this just spells recipe for serial killer or somethin creepy.


Would you rather be an amoeba or a paramecium?


What's wrong with sociopathy a disproportionate number of the most successful people (including surgeons) score high on it!

Paramecium man, they're so cool and they have trichocysts! It's like your body is a cannon


Would you rather eat 10 bigmacs or 10 whoppers?

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What's wrong with sociopathy a disproportionate number of the most successful people (including surgeons) score high on it!

Paramecium man, they're so cool and they have trichocysts! It's like your body is a cannon


Would you rather eat 10 bigmacs or 10 whoppers?


Bigmacs... I would phagocytize them like an amoeba.



If you could take a bath in something other than water, what would it be?

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What's wrong with sociopathy a disproportionate number of the most successful people (including surgeons) score high on it!

Paramecium man, they're so cool and they have trichocysts! It's like your body is a cannon


Would you rather eat 10 bigmacs or 10 whoppers?


Big macs. How can you even ask that question?


A Wendy's comparison would have been more appropriate.


Do you know how to play chess, the game of kings?

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Lol yeah I came first place in my grade 6 chess competition *tear*


How low is your self confidence, really?


Kay so you know there's the floor level? And then there are platform shoes just above the floor? It's pretty much at the top of the platform shoe level.


http://arts.nationalpost.com/2012/12/12/justin-bieber-murder-plot-two-men-hired-to-kill-castrate-the-canadian-pop-star-have-been-arrested/ Even though this is a *tiny* bit humorous, does it kind of give you chills anyways?

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Kay so you know there's the floor level? And then there are platform shoes just above the floor? It's pretty much at the top of the platform shoe level.


http://arts.nationalpost.com/2012/12/12/justin-bieber-murder-plot-two-men-hired-to-kill-castrate-the-canadian-pop-star-have-been-arrested/ Even though this is a *tiny* bit humorous, does it kind of give you chills anyways?


I lol'ed at the title, scrolled down, LOLed at the picture of the guy. “I was going to go ‘Snip, Snip,’ ” said investigator Clinton Norris ahahah

Creepy as hell though. Seriously though nobody should be killing justin beiber right now, he'll go down in history as a *died young so he'll be respected forever* kurt kobain/hendrix type, and I find that unacceptable.


Should I be ashamed of enjoying this song

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Kay so you know there's the floor level? And then there are platform shoes just above the floor? It's pretty much at the top of the platform shoe level.


http://arts.nationalpost.com/2012/12/12/justin-bieber-murder-plot-two-men-hired-to-kill-castrate-the-canadian-pop-star-have-been-arrested/ Even though this is a *tiny* bit humorous, does it kind of give you chills anyways?


If you mean chills of joy, then yes.


I've made a frenchtoast voodoo doll which I am now poking with a pin, do you feel anything?

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I lol'ed at the title, scrolled down, LOLed at the picture of the guy. “I was going to go ‘Snip, Snip,’ ” said investigator Clinton Norris ahahah

Creepy as hell though. Seriously though nobody should be killing justin beiber right now, he'll go down in history as a *died young so he'll be respected forever* kurt kobain/hendrix type, and I find that unacceptable.


Should I be ashamed of enjoying this song



Ah yes that's brilliant, we must let his career take the natural course.



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I lol'ed at the title, scrolled down, LOLed at the picture of the guy. “I was going to go ‘Snip, Snip,’ ” said investigator Clinton Norris ahahah

Creepy as hell though. Seriously though nobody should be killing justin beiber right now, he'll go down in history as a *died young so he'll be respected forever* kurt kobain/hendrix type, and I find that unacceptable.


Should I be ashamed of enjoying this song



I'm currently listening to Ke$ha on repeat, so I'm not judging.


If you mean chills of joy, then yes.


I've made a frenchtoast voodoo doll which I am now poking with a pin, do you feel anything?


Nope. You probably didn't make it look enough like me. Next time try to model it after this: http://i.qkme.me/35kmst.jpg


Ever met (or seen) a celebrity?

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I'm currently listening to Ke$ha on repeat, so I'm not judging.




Nope. You probably didn't make it look enough like me. Next time try to model it after this: http://i.qkme.me/35kmst.jpg


Ever met (or seen) a celebrity?


Few musicians here and there, few athletes, Prozaak, I met Sharon, Lois, and Bram when I was little.


What do you think were the biggest fads ever?

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Few musicians here and there, few athletes, Prozaak, I met Sharon, Lois, and Bram when I was little.


What do you think were the biggest fads ever?


Lol @ Sharon, Lois and Bram. My faves.


Milky pens (eight-year-old girls drawing all over themselves with pens - really?) and Pokemon.


If you were to give me a real name, what would it be? (Laqueesha is not acceptable.)

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1. Jane n Finch

2. Distillery district/dundas square


What makes people think it's okay to consume especially aromatic meals in the library while I'm hungry as hell over here?


:(. Go buy food. Also, this is only half a question, but why is there a slash between Distillery District and Dundas Square?


Is it weird that I follow Stephen Harper on Twitter?

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:(. Go buy food. Also, this is only half a question, but why is there a slash between Distillery District and Dundas Square?


Is it weird that I follow Stephen Harper on Twitter?


I like them equally?


No, that is the kind of person you SHOULD be following on twitter. NOT celebrities.




Hard, hard question. I liked the one with virgin mary statue and stan's alcoholic dad LOL


What's the point of twitter?

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No, that is the kind of person you SHOULD be following on twitter. NOT celebrities.





Toast I've found your


Aw shucks. Thank ya. Too bad I can't see it.. my YouTube's been acting up lately :s.


There is no point.


Do you prefer Southpark, Family Guy, or Simpsons?


South Park.


Have you had any weird dreams lately?

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