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I just ask questions that are on my mind.




If I asked you out for a romantic rooftop dinner at some restraurant in toronto, what would you say? (guy/girl)


I would say "oh my, aren't you a bit young to be asking me out?" ;)


Have you ever thrown or been thrown a surprise party that actually worked?

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I would say "oh my, aren't you a bit young to be asking me out?" ;)


Have you ever thrown or been thrown a surprise party that actually worked?


Yes, my dad and I threw my mom a surprise for her 50th birthday and she had absolutely no clue, she screamed at the top of her lungs when everyone jumped out at her. She didn't think we had the ability to organize such a thing. Little did she know... :P


Favourite childhood memory?

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Yes, my dad and I threw my mom a surprise for her 50th birthday and she had absolutely no clue, she screamed at the top of her lungs when everyone jumped out at her. She didn't think we had the ability to organize such a thing. Little did she know... :P


Favourite childhood memory?


My dad taking me to the water splash park! There was a waterfall! It was really fun! :D


Who is the fashion guru of PM101?

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I will answer both:




white chocolate macadamia nut (esp. the ones from costco...just taste so much better!!!)



artist or daredevil?




... artist? I'm not sure what the question's getting at but I don't like taking risks and I do like art :)


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.

I just love it. Sooo much.


If you could be any t.v. character/personality, who would you be and why?


Rory Gilmore. Yale educated, following Barack Obama (last we saw her), pretty, funny, with a cool mom. Plus Jess. Oh, Jess...


Oops, forgot to ask a question.


Do you use sunscreen on a regular basis?

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When I am out for prolonged periods of time. SPF 15, I got Banana Boat sunscreen and it smells just like bananas!



What is the saddest song you know?


Someone like you - Adele. Makes me cry my eyes out just thinking of it, and I've only heard it once in its entirety.


What song never fails to put you in a good mood?

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