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ID Related Question


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I passed my G2 exit driving test (for anyone not from Ontario, that's the final road test to get your full license) just over 2 weeks ago. So right now, the license that I use has a sticker on it saying "VALID PHOTO ID ONLY" and comes with a separate piece of paper that says I have a G license. I write August 12th, and my new license hasn't shown up yet. If it isn't here by the 12th, should my G2 license still be fine? It would still be completely valid if I'd failed my driving test.


My passport isn't valid, so I don't have that as a backup.


Anyone know? Or am I stuck just praying my license arrives soon?

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AAMC replies to my email asking (I'd sent one on Monday) today saying that they most likely would not be able to accept it. Which would have freaked me out, but my official G license came today. <3 Crisis averted. Now I can worry about once they do let me in to the test room, rather than them not. :P

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