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My chances?


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Hey everyone,


So I'm a student at UdeM i'm finishing a bachelor this year and after 2 years I got 3.8/4.3.


What are my chances of getting into med at McGill?


Thanks all!


Unknown since grades barely matter. Work on your ECs and your letter and good luck.

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Hey everyone,


So I'm a student at UdeM i'm finishing a bachelor this year and after 2 years I got 3.8/4.3.


What are my chances of getting into med at McGill?


Thanks all!


They say on their website that competitive applicants tend to have a GPA of 3.8 on a scale of 4.

You should ask them how they will convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale.

But yes, ECs matter a lot, especially after the interview.

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I guess you have good chances, regarding to the way they proceed in mcgill to choose their candidates.

Effectively, since your an anglophone, your chances are much better than any french speakers'.


In fact, mcgill tend to refuse students who are not anglophones/jews/from montreal/wealthy/knowing someone on the AC, or who own a combination of those characteristics, no matter if their are genius...

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You seem from Quebec City, it's beautiful.


It's true, McGill takes more jews, anglophones and people from Montreal. I wonder why, really. Maybe because there are more jews, anglophones and montrealers that apply to McGill than to Laval University?


But wait. Maybe because jews are often anglophones and that most of them living in Quebec's Province are living in Montreal?


Saying that you have better chances since you are jewish is like saying you have better chances to get a job in the city of Quebec if you are not an immigrant. It is only true because MORE people from that origin tend to get into university AND aim for medical school.


McGill, just like anglophone universities, are looking for well-rounded applicants. Well-rounded means that having 4.1/4.0 GPA is not always better than having done something interesting. Something interesting is not always having volunteered 2839218 hours in 29 hospitals. It might be being a singer, an athlete, a painter, an amateur-blogger or involved in your community.


The only university in Canada that discriminates is Laval University and it's because they increase your CEGEP R-Score when you come from rural zones of Quebecs Province. Name me one single university in Canada that increases the value of your grades depending on if you live in the city or in rural regions.


But it's true. McGill is really a racist university looking for rich anglophones' kids to get them even richer, right? I even have proof of that ;


  • McGill took off the MCAT requirement to attract more francophones with a bachelor.
  • The last 2 presidents of the Student Society are francophone.
  • McGill launched a initiative to promote the enrollment of First Nations students.
  • McGill is the only university in Quebec that now accepts applicants that are past IMGs.
  • McGill allows you to write your papers in french during your undergrad.


Docteur_café, you are right. McGill is a conspiracy against the francophones. We should call Le Journal de Montréal and Claude Poirier to inverstigate.

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I guess you have good chances, regarding to the way they proceed in mcgill to choose their candidates.

Effectively, since your an anglophone, your chances are much better than any french speakers'.


In fact, mcgill tend to refuse students who are not anglophones/jews/from montreal/wealthy/knowing someone on the AC, or who own a combination of those characteristics, no matter if their are genius...



Well I'm not an anglophone, my first language is french, I just happen to speak fluent english. lol..

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I guess you have good chances, regarding to the way they proceed in mcgill to choose their candidates.

Effectively, since your an anglophone, your chances are much better than any french speakers'.


In fact, mcgill tend to refuse students who are not anglophones/jews/from montreal/wealthy/knowing someone on the AC, or who own a combination of those characteristics, no matter if their are genius...



C'est tellement faux.

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Well I'm not an anglophone, my first language is french, I just happen to speak fluent english. lol..


hehe I thought so..


Anyways as dentalmontreal pointed out, that changes absolutely nothing. I know many francophones that did their undergrad at McGill (I'm one of them), and others that got into med school. McGill even has English classes during the summer to help francophones that get in. It just so happens that the Jewish population in Quebec mostly lives in Montreal, and is mostly anglophone so obviously they will be wanting to attend McGill rather than UdeM! And many francophones just don't apply to McGill either.

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Diego, whatever Genious_café is saying, blame it on the frustration of being rejected at McGill and on the reinvestment of that emotion into a hatred towards the city of Montreal, and more globally, towards it's population consisting of non-francophones.


If you have a great personality and get the interview, you have better chances at McGill than at UdeM because your interviews are worth a lot more.


If you are an egomaniac-arrogant-genius, it appears from the Docteur_café that Quebec has other options and cities for you.

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I guess you have good chances, regarding to the way they proceed in mcgill to choose their candidates.

Effectively, since your an anglophone, your chances are much better than any french speakers'.


In fact, mcgill tend to refuse students who are not anglophones/jews/from montreal/wealthy/knowing someone on the AC, or who own a combination of those characteristics, no matter if their are genius...


Do you have anything to back such claim? Else, it's all rubbish.

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In fact, mcgill tend to refuse students who are not anglophones/jews/from montreal/wealthy/knowing someone on the AC, or who own a combination of those characteristics, no matter if their are genius...


If you check out their enrollment stats, a huge chuck of the students come from French CEGEPs, most students are either francophone or allophones, some of our correspondance from the admissions office was given in french and they certainly do not have a selection favour for jews or the wealthy. Where did you come up with such ridiculous claims?

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Hey everyone,


So I'm a student at UdeM i'm finishing a bachelor this year and after 2 years I got 3.8/4.3.


What are my chances of getting into med at McGill?


Thanks all!


Hi, your GPA is competitive. I think the most important thing now is your motivation for becomming a doctor, and your personality. ECs, motivation and grades determine if you get an interview. Personality (and other interview results) determine the final decision. The personal sketch is really important - start early and give it plenty of thought.

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Hi, your GPA is competitive. I think the most important thing now is your motivation for becomming a doctor, and your personality. ECs, motivation and grades determine if you get an interview. Personality (and other interview results) determine the final decision. The personal sketch is really important - start early and give it plenty of thought.


Oh thanks man, I surely need to give thought about it.


Thanks again for the help, i appreciate it :-)

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If you check out their enrollment stats, a huge chuck of the students come from French CEGEPs, most students are either francophone or allophones, some of our correspondance from the admissions office was given in french and they certainly do not have a selection favour for jews or the wealthy. Where did you come up with such ridiculous claims?


Agreed, in fact their admissions statistics for last year said that 60% of the students were francophone. They are constantly trying to "lure" francophones into applying by reassuring them, offering summer English integration classes, coming to French cegeps and advertising their French-friendly policies (exams in French, assignements in French...). Plus you have an option of doing your whole interview in french...

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Maybe he was rejected for non academic reasons so his throwing out his anger.


Yeah, once a year, usually in June, there'll be a few people on McGill's forums raging about McGill admissions. McGill's application system isn't perfect and has its weaknesses but it also has unique advantages compared to the French schools.

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Yeah, once a year, usually in June, there'll be a few people on McGill's forums raging about McGill admissions. McGill's application system isn't perfect and has its weaknesses but it also has unique advantages compared to the French schools.


Like forgiving your first degree if you did better in your second one, while at the French schools, if you didn't do good at your first degrre, or did an easy program (like you weren't interested into med yet), your doomed (maybe for ever).

McGill also bases interview invites on ECs and grades, it could advantage those who were involved in the community but who don't have solid GPAs (and who would be automatically rejected at French schools).

However, something people may not like is that they look at cegep courses (and repeating them at university could harm your CRU for UdeM).

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You seem from Quebec City, it's beautiful.


It's true, McGill takes more jews, anglophones and people from Montreal. I wonder why, really. Maybe because there are more jews, anglophones and montrealers that apply to McGill than to Laval University?


But wait. Maybe because jews are often anglophones and that most of them living in Quebec's Province are living in Montreal?


Saying that you have better chances since you are jewish is like saying you have better chances to get a job in the city of Quebec if you are not an immigrant. It is only true because MORE people from that origin tend to get into university AND aim for medical school.


McGill, just like anglophone universities, are looking for well-rounded applicants. Well-rounded means that having 4.1/4.0 GPA is not always better than having done something interesting. Something interesting is not always having volunteered 2839218 hours in 29 hospitals. It might be being a singer, an athlete, a painter, an amateur-blogger or involved in your community.


The only university in Canada that discriminates is Laval University and it's because they increase your CEGEP R-Score when you come from rural zones of Quebecs Province. Name me one single university in Canada that increases the value of your grades depending on if you live in the city or in rural regions.


But it's true. McGill is really a racist university looking for rich anglophones' kids to get them even richer, right? I even have proof of that ;


  • McGill took off the MCAT requirement to attract more francophones with a bachelor.
  • The last 2 presidents of the Student Society are francophone.
  • McGill launched a initiative to promote the enrollment of First Nations students.
  • McGill is the only university in Quebec that now accepts applicants that are past IMGs.
  • McGill allows you to write your papers in french during your undergrad.


Docteur_café, you are right. McGill is a conspiracy against the francophones. We should call Le Journal de Montréal and Claude Poirier to inverstigate.


I'm sorry but I have to tell you that every argument you pointed out are just false or irrelevant.

However, what is true is that mcgill doesn't even call to the interview candidates who arrive first on the excellence liste of the other faculties. When you call to arg and get some explanations, they show you the biggest lack of transparency ever and just wait for you to hang up because your borred to hear them reread you tirelessly whats written on their stupid website.

If i can give you an advise : become jewish to increase your chances of being accepted in mcgill by 50% ;-)


What you said about Laval is interesting (the fact that they increase your R score of 0,5 point if you come from rural zones). And for once, you're partially right (the exception is when you say that it's discriminating). Laval is the only university in Canada recognizing that studying in rural zones prevents you from getting the R score that you deserve (the one you'ld get if you studied in a city like qc or mtl). Due to sampling errors, bright students see their R score decreased in these kinds or area, so Laval (a university with a much greater sens of equity than mcgill) fixes the problem.

Sorry for being direct, but I just don't like when people say things without backups.


Have a nice day!


PS : mcgill even ask you if your jewish in their interview!

PPS : I don't really care about what any mtl's journalist can think of that, cause I and many bright students are gonna be great doctors to the pride of Laval after mcgill sadly spat on us...

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You have not named a single fact in your post. Can you tell me in what way my list of statements are false. I am open to any critics. But when you pretend something at least have the humility to tell me why I am wrong.


There is something you did not get out of all this argument. Medicine is not only grades. Life is not only Medicine. If you believe that academic success is purely based on percentage, then you will be deceived.


You are an individual with many aspects. One of them is grades. And McGill wants complete individuals. They thought that you were not a complete individual for their program. I do not know you. But stop raising the i-had-good-grades argument as a shield to the acceptance of the fact that you may lack social, creative, innovative, athletic or artistic talent.


I really congratulate you on your good grades. But it's not something that will make your ego-maniac-condescendant-and-jealous-personality less condemnable.


Just get over it by accepting that the rejection was your fault and not McGill's fault. And that it was related to you as an individual and not to your origin, city of birth or religion.


Remember these steps :








Sincerely, I hope you good luck with your studies.

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You have not named a single fact in your post. Can you tell me in what way my list of statements are false. I am open to any critics. But when you pretend something at least have the humility to tell me why I am wrong.


There is something you did not get out of all this argument. Medicine is not only grades. Life is not only Medicine. If you believe that academic success is purely based on percentage, then you will be deceived.


You are an individual with many aspects. One of them is grades. And McGill wants complete individuals. They thought that you were not a complete individual for their program. I do not know you. But stop raising the i-had-good-grades argument as a shield to the acceptance of the fact that you may lack social, creative, innovative, athletic or artistic talent.


I really congratulate you on your good grades. But it's not something that will make your ego-maniac-condescendant-and-jealous-personality less condemnable.


Just get over it by accepting that the rejection was your fault and not McGill's fault. And that it was related to you as an individual and not to your origin, city of birth or religion.


Remember these steps :








Sincerely, I hope you good luck with your studies.


Maybe you find yourself intelligent and wonderful or whatever, but your demonstration of immaturity wasn't necessary nor impressive at all. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that by "BRIGHT" I just meant "complete", as you said... it's just a matter of definition.

We have an expression in french "Jetter ses choux gras par la fenêtre"; just look it up in the dictionnary if you can ;-)

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Dear "Docteur_café",


Below is a quote from one of your posts:


"I'm sorry but I have to tell you that every argument you pointed out are just false or irrelevant." (Docteur_café)


To reply to this quote, I must say that "dentalmontreal" provides several facts to support his/her argument. All this information is available online on the McGill website.


As for the "discrimination" argument (pertaining to Laval), the word discrimination does not necessarily mean to dislike somebody; it is merely defined as treating somebody differently than others. That is, to discriminate can also mean to like somebody because he or she is a certain way. Thus, Laval does discriminate because it treats students who attend CÉGEP's in rural communities "better" than those who go to school in an urban environment.


Finally, just as "dentalmontreal" has done, I must stress that fantastic grades will not guarantee admission into a medical program. Although, I did achieve decent grades in CÉGEP, and happen to be anglophone, I highly doubt that these factors alone granted me an acceptance to McGill. I am not Jewish, nobody in my family has ever even considered a medical career, and I know nobody on the Admissions Committee.


It is only natural to blame rejection on a source other than oneself. I can see from other posts you write that you are not mean-spirited; in fact, you encourage people who have questions and who seek answers. However, in this thread you are bullying both McGill's Admissions Committee and "dentalmontreal". I can only suggest that you stop writing insulting comments (i.e. "just look it up in the dictionnary if you can" -- this implies that the recipient of this message is incapable of consulting a reference book), but what you post is your decision alone.


I wish you luck and success in your medical career. If there are two pieces of advice I would have to offer, they are to learn from any mistakes you might make, and to treat others as though you wish to be treated.





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What you said about Laval is interesting (the fact that they increase your R score of 0,5 point if you come from rural zones). And for once, you're partially right (the exception is when you say that it's discriminating). Laval is the only university in Canada recognizing that studying in rural zones prevents you from getting the R score that you deserve (the one you'ld get if you studied in a city like qc or mtl). Due to sampling errors, bright students see their R score decreased in these kinds or area, so Laval (a university with a much greater sens of equity than mcgill) fixes the problem.


Even though I don't agree with most of your post, I will only address one point.


Laval does not increase the R score of candidates from rural regions to "correct" any inequities in the calculation. They do it in order to get more doctors in rural regions. Their thinking is that if you come from a region, you are more likely to go back to practice after you get your license. It has nothing to do with sampling errors, or bright students getting low R scores.

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PS : mcgill even ask you if your jewish in their interview!

PPS : I don't really care about what any mtl's journalist can think of that, cause I and many bright students are gonna be great doctors to the pride of Laval after mcgill sadly spat on us...


Yeah I don't know if you even got invited to the interview (maybe that's why you're so bitter?) but I certainly did and they asked no such thing, nor did they ask any of my friends any personal question such as religious beliefs.

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