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Verbal Score progressively getting lower... WTF?


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My MCAT is next week, and I am so frustrated right now.

I originally started with ~9-10 range, and it seems that my verbal score keeps decreasing. Today, I just did the AAMC practice test, only to get an 8 on the thing.


I am following the examcrackers method, where you're supposed to look at the main idea of the passage and find answers that match the scope of the argument, but it's not really doing me any good. It feels like there are more details to go through in the MCAT than the main idea.



It's really stressful, and I would very much appreciate some advice from people!

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Well it really depends on the practice test. Those AAMC tests all vary in difficulty (for VR) so its hard to approximate what your score will be on the real thing.


If you plan to do all 7 passages, use EK methods i.e. concentrate on the main idea but if you want to do only 6 passages, then you'll have to concentrate on the details as well because you want to get more questions right per passage. I like doing 6 passages... its tends to be less stressful.

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I'm rewriting this year. During my prep last year I averaged 7.5 on my AAMCs for verbal and on the actual MCAT i got a 9. Verbal is really iffy for me, it really just depends on the passages and how focused you are at that given time. I'm sure the pressure of the testing conditions will have you alert and focused. Lets do this thing!

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My MCAT is next week, and I am so frustrated right now.

I originally started with ~9-10 range, and it seems that my verbal score keeps decreasing. Today, I just did the AAMC practice test, only to get an 8 on the thing.


I am following the examcrackers method, where you're supposed to look at the main idea of the passage and find answers that match the scope of the argument, but it's not really doing me any good. It feels like there are more details to go through in the MCAT than the main idea.



It's really stressful, and I would very much appreciate some advice from people!


You may be burning out. You should take a day or two off from verbal reasoning, then have at it again. Also, pick up a novel and spend an entire day reading leisurely. Learn to enjoy reading. Don't do this on your off day however.

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