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Stuff to bring to the Interview?

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Hey Everyone


I just wanted to get a general consensus on what everyone's thoughts are on what to bring to an interview in terms of 'paperwork.'


Like should I/we be printing off a resume and/or CV, copy of our AMCAS application, and/or copy of any publications to bring to the interviews?


What do you all think?


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No real need to bring a resume/CV since most important things will be in your AMCAS activities.


You can bring a copy of your AMCAS app so that you can review it between interviews (since most schools have multiple interviewers). Also, bringing publications wouldn't hurt, in case the person is an expert in the field and wants to discuss it with you.


Bring these all in a professional looking binder/portfolio thing. Schools usually have papers and more info to give you when you arrive, so its useful to put that info into your portfolio too.

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Like should I/we be printing off a resume and/or CV,


Your primary is pretty close to CV, with a little more dash of it in the secondary possibly. There is a good chance your interviewer will have read that stuff already. I would say no.


copy of our AMCAS application,


This would be for your own benefit to go over to make sure you remember what you put down. Nothing says fail more than them quizzing you on the primary and you answering wrong/inconsistently. They get access to it online.


and/or copy of any publications to bring to the interviews?


If you think it is relevant and could help push you in, there is no harm; however, keep in mind there isn't enough time for an interviewer to comb through any papers. You'd possibly be better off to orally ascertain what you've gotten done.

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