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VERBAL (can you finish all 7 in 60min?)


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I'm writing the MCAT this THURSDAY. I've been working through examkracker101 passages, but i have trouble with timing. I have done ALL the AMCC verbals and usually get 8-9, BUT i can never finish. I was wondering if the majority of people use the strategy where you do 6 passages and just guess on one? or can most people complete all 7?

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I have trouble finishing on time too :( and honestly, this section is really hard to improve upon, especially in a few months. many people are just naturally good at verbal. Try to relax and focused when reading the passages, and yes, guess if you have to:o


good luck thursday!

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i actually had trouble finishing in 60 mins on the practice (maybe because i was less focused doing them at home, etc), but on the actual mcat i finished it with probably a good 5 mins to go. so definitely possible, just be focused and spend the appropriate time on each question accordingly.

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I also went with the do 6 passages and guess on one strategy. Worked for me although I know others can get through 7 passages. You just need to find the optimal strategy for yourself. That might be different from the optimal strategy for someone else.


One thing to try is if you are taking notes while reading the passages see how it affects your scores if you don't. I found I was significantly faster if I just used the highlighting feature without taking any notes and my accuracy did not suffer. Again your mileage may vary.

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Yeah verbal strategies just varies from person to person. I found no difference time wise between mapping and not mapping because the time that I took to map the passage allowed me to answer questions quicker.


If you're definitely stuck on doing 6 passages in 60 minutes and it's a few days out from your MCAT, perhaps you should try to make sure you do well on the 6 passages and guess on the last one.

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