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Should I retake the DAT? Help Please!!!

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Hey, I think it's hard to tell by just looking at your DAT scores. It depends on what schools you are applying to (because schools weigh components differently), what your GPA is like etc. If you give that info. as well, I think people here could give you a better advice.

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Hey, I can't comment on UBC as I never looked into it, but I can tell you that if you apply on time for NYU and Boston, I am quite certain you will have no problem getting in provided that your BCP average is also around 80%, and you have good LOR's. But, make sure you apply ASAP, application opens on June 1st, try and get everything in ASAP, and courier everything to them, so many people have had their transcripts misplaced, with courier you are buying yourself valuable time. Just check SDN or the school's websites to see what they want etc. to make sure you have everything.

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