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Problem with Verbal


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I dont know what to do now..


Im getting 11s and 12s in Physical science and Biological Science but am getting only 7-8 in verbal.. I have about a week left till my exam. Is there really anything I can do in this one week to improve my verbal? How should I approach this sitation..? Any guidance would be appreciated

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Were you getting better verbal scores before? I found when I started to get burnt out my verbal score quickly plummeted so I took a day off and my scores went back up.


How are you doing, time-wise?


What happened was I was doing fine in verbal afew months ago, but I focused on Bio too much and now my score isn't doing too good. Time wise, I would be fine. Before, I was getting an average of 1-2 wrong per passage.. but now its not the case... Its as if I forgot all the basics.


At the moment I am writing a sentence for each paragraph but In this week I hope that I wont need to do that so I would be alright time wise for the test

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What happened was I was doing fine in verbal afew months ago, but I focused on Bio too much and now my score isn't doing too good. Time wise, I would be fine. Before, I was getting an average of 1-2 wrong per passage.. but now its not the case... Its as if I forgot all the basics.


At the moment I am writing a sentence for each paragraph but In this week I hope that I wont need to do that so I would be alright time wise for the test


I was in a similar situation too when I was studying. I was getting 11s and 12s in verbal, then I focused on PS and saw my verbal drop to 9s consistently. I started to refocus on verbal (just doing a couple practice passages daily) and saw it go back up to a 12 two days before my test and the day before my test.


So just keep trying...identify the key things you used in your strategy and remember to use them during your test - don't forget all your prep!

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