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OOP file review criteria

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I disagree. The x2 is only for GPA which makes sense, since the numerical amount is way less than VR (max of 4 vs max of 15). It helps to differentiate between applicants with a 3.7 vs a 4.0. So, if both have a VR of 10, the 3.7 would have a score of 17.4, vs 18 for the 4.0.


But most applicants,especially OOP can not be differentiated by that big of a GPA difference. If it works your way,then a person with 1 point higher in vr can afford 0.5 in GPA difference ,which is absurd. Based on last year's calculation,I think the former is more likely.

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I'll have to agree with CaptainCrunchMan on this one. Calgary stated that they would be heavily weighing VR this round. It only makes sense that this gets reflected as such in this formula. Bottom line is a one point difference on a VR score can make or break you, especially if you're applying OOP.

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"4.1 Albertans and Non-*‐Albertans

All Albertan applicants who meet the minimum criteria to apply undergo full file review. Non-Albertan applicants will initially be ranked using the following formula:


2xGPA + VR


The top 200-250 applicants based on this calculation will subsequently undergo full file review."



Sounds to me like standardizing is only done for the top 200. I think the OOP cut-off calculation really is just a raw score of 2x your gpa plus your VR score. Remember, they never standardized scores pre-cut off in past application cycles.


Well here's an e-mail exchange I had with admissions:


I was going through the applicant manual and saw on page 10 the following formula for Out of Province students:


2x GPA + MCAT (VR)


to determine if OOP students are competitive to undergo a full file review. My question was, the number that you put into the GPA/MCAT VR for the formula, is it the raw GPA and MCAT VR values or standardized?


For example, my GPA would be 3.84 with a 9 in the VR section of the MCAT, therefore is my score 16.68?



Their Reply:






You cannot calculate what your score will be at this time because the scores will be standardized.



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It's pretty simple. Your GPA and VR are standardized according to all other applicants. The mean GPA and mean VR are given a score of 100. If your GPA is higher than the mean, you get higher than 100. If your GPA is lower than the mean you get less than 100. For each standard deviation you are above the mean, you get an additional 15 points. For example, say the VR OOP mean is 10 with an S.D. of 2. If you score 8 you get 85, if you score 9 you get something around 92, if you score 12 you get 115. So let's say the mean VR is 10 and the mean GPA for OOPs is 3.7. If you apply with a 3.7 and 10 VR, your initial score is:


2*GPA + VR = 2*100 + 100 = 300. 300 will be the mean score for OOPs.


By looking at last years stats for OOPs you can see what the mean and SDs were for GPA and VR. I don't think they will change much from that this year. So if your GPA is above and your VR is above, especially by an SD or two, chances are decent you'll go to file review. If your GPA is above by a lot and verbal is below, you may still have a chance since GPA counts more. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a high VR will balance out a low GPA (unless your VR is 14 or 15 and your GPA is borderline).

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In my opinion, all the above posters should apply. It is very hard to say what the OOP file review cut off will be this year, as this is the first year that the new formula has been used. That said, there is only a small number of OOP spots, so good luck!


Personally, I would spend the application money (and time) if I thought there was a chance that I could get in.

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There were several of you asking who had 10's in VR... I had a 10 in VR and I got in last cycle OOP, I don't know how much this means because of the changed formula... but it means there have been OOPs with 10 getting accepted, I am not sure about <10... last year we could calculate our score and compare to scores from the previous years to gauge whether or not it is worth apply, I guess you guys kinda get shafted because last cycles score isn't directly comparable to the score you calculate for yourself using this years formula. But I agree with Asta, when in doubt apply cuz you never know! Unless you got a 2 in verbal and a 1.3 gpa and OOP...then you know :)

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