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OOP chance at interview?

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Do I have a chance at even getting an interview at UofA? as an OOP


GPA 3.75 (taking off lowest year)

MCAT 31P (does UofA value any specific category?)

BSc + MSc


Lots of EC (biomedical and clinical research, 5 publications, sports, student government, 3 clinical volunteer organizations, traveling, etc)




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  • 3 weeks later...

I only recently found out Alberta has a medical school and just decided to apply.


Please tell me how my chances are:


fourth year student. OMSAS cGPA 3.98, Albertan cGPA 4.00

research: 5 publications (2 papers, 3 abstracts), 1 oral poster in conference

Best MCAT: 12/9/11/Q (9VR)

EC's: president of 2 clubs, exec on another. Lot's of volunteering in hospital, food banks, clinical shadowing etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do I have a chance at even getting an interview at UofA? as an OOP


GPA 3.75 (taking off lowest year)

MCAT 31P (does UofA value any specific category?)

BSc + MSc


Lots of EC (biomedical and clinical research, 5 publications, sports, student government, 3 clinical volunteer organizations, traveling, etc)





No [[it's the GPA, sorry]]


How about a 36S and 3.99 best 2 year, 3.92 overall? EC's i believe are ok, but nothing special. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should take another english and a second physics this year to be able to apply.




I only recently found out Alberta has a medical school and just decided to apply.


Please tell me how my chances are:


fourth year student. OMSAS cGPA 3.98, Albertan cGPA 4.00

research: 5 publications (2 papers, 3 abstracts), 1 oral poster in conference

Best MCAT: 12/9/11/Q (9VR)

EC's: president of 2 clubs, exec on another. Lot's of volunteering in hospital, food banks, clinical shadowing etc.





Anyone else?

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Hi I'm asking for a friend:



4.00 GPA

3rd year


Should be fine. I don't think U of A looks at individual sections of MCAT, and the total score and GPA look good even for a third year.


OOP (Ontario)

GPA: 3.64

MCAT: 34R --> 10/14/10 (14 in Verbal)

Lots of ECs and research experience and publications



GPA is too low for OOP, sorry [is that your two best years? cuz that's what is considered]

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OOP (ontario)


cGPA (OMSAS scale w/ lowest year removed): 3.98

MCAT: 12PS/08VR/13BS, S

I've done quite a bit of volunteer work, TAed a few courses, presented research at national/international conferences.


Thanks! =)

YOu are borderline with the MCAT. But have a decent shot, given the GPA and the S.

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OOP (ontario)


cGPA (OMSAS scale w/ lowest year removed): 3.98

MCAT: 12PS/08VR/13BS, S

I've done quite a bit of volunteer work, TAed a few courses, presented research at national/international conferences.


Thanks! =)


I'm pretty sure you'd get an interview; MCAT for OOP is usually ~36, but your GPA and writing score should make up for that.

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GPA for UofA for OOP should be at least 4.0 or very very close to it


Gonna say this again: I got in (not an interview, but rather, IN) with just above 3.9. [i had a high MCAT though]


YOu are borderline with the MCAT. But have a decent shot, given the GPA and the S.


I agree with this analysis. Until U of A changes their scheme so that verbal means more, I don't think the distribution of your scores matters.


How about 4.00 GPA 30R mcat, really good EC?


Go for it. [for future "I have 4.0 and good EC's but I'm worried about my MCAT" -- go for it. for future "I have 4.0 and 35+ MCAT but I'm worried about my ECs" -- go for it. Chances are good if you have 2 of 3]


OOP with GPA less than 3.8 [alberta scale - best two years and for heavens sakes people stop giving me your OMSAS] probably shouldn't bother though. It's not that Alberta doesn't accept these people. It's that Alberta doesn't accept these people out-of-province. [have you seen the AVERAGE interviewed? it was something like 3.98.]


* I don't speak on behalf of U of A. I should give this disclaimer ahead of time.

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Gonna say this again: I got in (not an interview, but rather, IN) with just above 3.9. [i had a high MCAT though]




I agree with this analysis. Until U of A changes their scheme so that verbal means more, I don't think the distribution of your scores matters.




Go for it. [for future "I have 4.0 and good EC's but I'm worried about my MCAT" -- go for it. for future "I have 4.0 and 35+ MCAT but I'm worried about my ECs" -- go for it. Chances are good if you have 2 of 3]


OOP with GPA less than 3.8 [alberta scale - best two years and for heavens sakes people stop giving me your OMSAS] probably shouldn't bother though. It's not that Alberta doesn't accept these people. It's that Alberta doesn't accept these people out-of-province. [have you seen the AVERAGE interviewed? it was something like 3.98.]


* I don't speak on behalf of U of A. I should give this disclaimer ahead of time.


Does Alberta use best two years? From their website it looks like if you've completed 4 years, they drop your LOWEST year only

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I agree with this analysis. Until U of A changes their scheme so that verbal means more, I don't think the distribution of your scores matters.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if UofA emphasized more balance in the future, but it seems a brash assumption to me to imply that if UofA makes distribution matter, it will be an increased emphasis on verbal explicitly.


OOP with GPA less than 3.8 [alberta scale - best two years and for heavens sakes people stop giving me your OMSAS] probably shouldn't bother though. It's not that Alberta doesn't accept these people. It's that Alberta doesn't accept these people out-of-province. [have you seen the AVERAGE interviewed? it was something like 3.98.]


It's not best two years anymore, they now drop your lowest year if you're 4 year+ (for fourth year applicants only, this actually amounts to the same thing).



omsas w/ lowest dropped: 3.856 (counting A=4.00, it's 3.884)

mcat 10-7-10 P

EC pretty good..

I wouldn't apply, for UofA OOP your GPA and is marginal at best and combined with that MCAT, you'd better have something extraordinary (e.g. olympic medal) to have a shot at interview.

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Does Alberta use best two years? From their website it looks like if you've completed 4 years, they drop your LOWEST year only


No you're right. I remember it being my best 2 years, but that's becaues I had applied in fourth year and had 3 years down.



And to future posters: if your MCAT is below 30, don't bother. Seriously.

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How about a 36S and 3.99 best 2 year, 3.92 overall? EC's i believe are ok, but nothing special. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should take another english and a second physics this year to be able to apply.


haha I think i'm in the same position as you. (Except your WS is a tad higher than mine :P)

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