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Serious Question About Mcat Protocol!


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Hey everyone, I just had a quick question regarding the MCAT protocol, I've heard that you're not allowed to bring in anything into the actual test center rooms other than your ID and earplugs in packages. I've heard you can't bring water bottles in is this true? If this is the case are you allowed to put a piece of chewing gum inside your mouth before you enter the room? Is there anywhere you can spit during the exam frequently? Thanks.

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The rules state that food or drinks are not allowed in. Gum is in a sort of a grey area, but why chance it? Chewing gum may come off as a disruption, and you really don't want to chance disturbing your neighbour. If you are worried about your sugar levels crashing, I suggest you find snacks that have a low glycemic index, and eat them before each section. Have a mild source of caffeine to keep you focussed and alert, but don't take too much. Keep hydrated during the breaks, but you don't need to have water with you while testing because you aren't giving a speech and talking for 70 minutes or 60 minutes straight. Another break is right around the corner.

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