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So how much importance do you put for the money/women ?? (future male doctors)


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Even tough I did notice I have more luck with girls since I got into medicine, I never use my status to hook up with girls. In fact, when I meet a new girl, I try to dodge the subject as long as I can.

I want to share a relationship with a girl who likes me, not the money I'll make in the future.

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Personable, confident nice guys don't need tricks, they just need to be themselves as they go about life and their personal life will take care of itself, whereas any smart gal can sense a trickster or player a mile away and he is dead before he opens his mouth and she turns the other way to ignore him as her answer

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Resident salaries are public. They know exactly how much you make.

im sure your typical dumb chicks will look you up asap

I hope you realize that as a physician your long hours will dictate how much "fun in life" you'll actually be able to have.



Even tough I did notice I have more luck with girls since I got into medicine, I never use my status to hook up with girls. In fact, when I meet a new girl, I try to dodge the subject as long as I can.

I want to share a relationship with a girl who likes me, not the money I'll make in the future.


yeah you have to be doing this, but what I was talking about was hook ups/casual dating... not real relationships.

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No. In medicine, in North America you're guaranteed to make a lot (even too much according to some).


I generally don't feel that there are ever guarantees in life. As the cost of medical care continues to rise throughout the developed world governments (and insurance companies) will be looking to reduce costs significantly. Don't worry though, I am sure the general public seeing a bunch of MDs driving "lambos" and threads about 'motivation to be an MD' will garner the profession a lot of sympathy. I don't think that MDs will be poor in the future, but I also don't see any guarantee of smooth sailing 10 - 20 years from now. Personally, I am fine with that.

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I generally don't feel that there are ever guarantees in life. As the cost of medical care continues to rise throughout the developed world governments (and insurance companies) will be looking to reduce costs significantly. Don't worry though, I am sure the general public seeing a bunch of MDs driving "lambos" and threads about 'motivation to be an MD' will garner the profession a lot of sympathy. I don't think that MDs will be poor in the future, but I also don't see any guarantee of smooth sailing 10 - 20 years from now. Personally, I am fine with that.


Then that'll be the case for all professions. No one can still name any profession that is as likely as an MD to provide as much money. Instead people name professions where you're as likely as a pro athlete to be in that status to make the big bucks.


I mean lets face it... aside from MDs, you won't be making over 300k/year in your early 30s. People like to point out guys in their 50s who've spent 25 years working insane hours until they finally make >200k/year, and say "business = money!" when in reality business = 40k/year competing against the most popular degree in north america to get a raise.

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the problem is you really don't have any idea how hard medicine is, my friend has a masters in chemistry and three trade tickets, works 80 hours a week (what you'd be doing in surgery, except he spends 25 of those hours doing jack **** (literally going on shopping trips)) and makes around 300 k (13k every 2 weeks * 26 2 week periods @ 240 hours pay (remember OT gets double pay) * 55 an hour) as an "electrician" building bomb shelters for the oil sands... and he does this in the city, he's like 30... the big thing you don't factor in is that people who go into medicine have to work like dogs, if you work like a dog in industry you'll get paid off as well... med is killer if you can land optho or derm... besides that, you work for your money... and if you think you'll have time to drive that lambo and chase chicks think again, lol... you're better off going off into dentistry and trying to land a specialty (which is about as hard as getting into derm anyways)


Then that'll be the case for all professions. No one can still name any profession that is as likely as an MD to provide as much money. Instead people name professions where you're as likely as a pro athlete to be in that status to make the big bucks.


I mean lets face it... aside from MDs, you won't be making over 300k/year in your early 30s. People like to point out guys in their 50s who've spent 25 years working insane hours until they finally make >200k/year, and say "business = money!" when in reality business = 40k/year competing against the most popular degree in north america to get a raise.

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the problem is you really don't have any idea how hard medicine is, my friend has a masters in chemistry and three trade tickets, works 80 hours a week (what you'd be doing in surgery, except he spends 25 of those hours doing jack **** (literally going on shopping trips)) and makes around 300 k (13k every 2 weeks * 26 2 week periods @ 240 hours pay (remember OT gets double pay) * 55 an hour) as an "electrician" building bomb shelters for the oil sands... and he does this in the city, he's like 30... the big thing you don't factor in is that people who go into medicine have to work like dogs, if you work like a dog in industry you'll get paid off as well... med is killer if you can land optho or derm... besides that, you work for your money... and if you think you'll have time to drive that lambo and chase chicks think again, lol... you're better off going off into dentistry and trying to land a specialty (which is about as hard as getting into derm anyways)


Ya lifestyle specialties... I've talked to a couple family doctors (one who's an "acne specialist") and they both said its possible to make a good money and have free time. No one forces you into deadly work specialties anyway, and theres definitely a middle ground between derm and surgery stuff.


How many of those electricians do you know? There's rare examples in every profession. Of course all these things for me are simply factors... I cant think of anything else (even remotely close) that I wanna do besides medicine. lol @ dentistry, I'd rather pull my eyes out with those cleaning tools.

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This guy makes the cash he does because he's good, and he's good because he knows so much of the fundamental chemistry and physics involved in the processes that he is invaluable to the company... he had a 3.8 GPA in undergrad, has 3 trade tickets, and a business diploma, got cancer, which left him on deaths door bed. He always talks about how he's glad he never went into law school because he would be broke.


What I think you fail to understand is that he's not average, he could apply to medicine and get in quite easily, give up 3 million dollars of income over the next 10 years and probably be a top 5 student in the class.


The average med student also isn't average (in terms of work ethic), if you're to take your skills and work habits and apply them in something other than medicine, you'll never have that "safety net", but it's not inconceivable to make as much or more than a physician and have time to enjoy a lambo.


On an aside, running a cosmetic clinic, acne clinic or being a lasik doc is about (more on the a lot more) as boring as being an orthodontist, prosthodontist, omfs etc., and running a cosmetic clinic requires significant start up cash too.


I wasn't talking about dentistry when I mentioned going into it... you want to drive a lambo, unless you're in a dental specialty you're going to have a hard time making that kind of cash with that kind of free time, thus the specialty reference. I think you'll find that that "middle" ground wont provide the movie star lifestyle you're envisioning, and if you can't imagine yourself doing anything besides medicine I'd venture to bet you haven't tried enough things.


Ya lifestyle specialties... I've talked to a couple family doctors (one who's an "acne specialist") and they both said its possible to make a good money and have free time. No one forces you into deadly work specialties anyway, and theres definitely a middle ground between derm and surgery stuff.


How many of those electricians do you know? There's rare examples in every profession. Of course all these things for me are simply factors... I cant think of anything else (even remotely close) that I wanna do besides medicine. lol @ dentistry, I'd rather pull my eyes out with those cleaning tools.

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That's why you make yourself invaluable to the company, put in those 16 hour days in undergrad you spent studying developing algorithms that day trade bank of america using a scalping method... there's a reason big banks trading division in the black almost everyday.


Do what my friend is doing and get a PhD working with an organism that can be used in biological weapons by the US army. There's another chemical engineer studying vaccines for the military and modelling the immune system, he makes fat cash because he's the best at what he does.



I mean lets face it... aside from MDs, you won't be making over 300k/year in your early 30s. People like to point out guys in their 50s who've spent 25 years working insane hours until they finally make >200k/year, and say "business = money!" when in reality business = 40k/year competing against the most popular degree in north america to get a raise.

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If a guy needs the confidence of a MD to be successful with women, he is in trouble and has been in trouble long before. ;)


A woman's radar can penetrate beneath the emotional/psychological surface pretty quickly without really trying and when she picks up on signs of insecurity, unless he is very special, he is burnt toast.


What a man does or has is relatively unimportant compared to who he is, e.g., is he comfortable with himself, does he have a sense of humour, is he intelligent and compassionate, does he have an oversized ego, does he have a sense of direction in his life, is he stable, outgoing, fun, does he enjoy activities you can share, etc.

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This guy makes the cash he does because he's good, and he's good because he knows so much of the fundamental chemistry and physics involved in the processes that he is invaluable to the company... he had a 3.8 GPA in undergrad, has 3 trade tickets, and a business diploma, got cancer, which left him on deaths door bed. He always talks about how he's glad he never went into law school because he would be broke.


What I think you fail to understand is that he's not average, he could apply to medicine and get in quite easily, give up 3 million dollars of income over the next 10 years and probably be a top 5 student in the class.


The average med student also isn't average (in terms of work ethic), if you're to take your skills and work habits and apply them in something other than medicine, you'll never have that "safety net", but it's not inconceivable to make as much or more than a physician and have time to enjoy a lambo.


On an aside, running a cosmetic clinic, acne clinic or being a lasik doc is about (more on the a lot more) as boring as being an orthodontist, prosthodontist, omfs etc., and running a cosmetic clinic requires significant start up cash too.


I wasn't talking about dentistry when I mentioned going into it... you want to drive a lambo, unless you're in a dental specialty you're going to have a hard time making that kind of cash with that kind of free time, thus the specialty reference. I think you'll find that that "middle" ground wont provide the movie star lifestyle you're envisioning, and if you can't imagine yourself doing anything besides medicine I'd venture to bet you haven't tried enough things.



lol @ saying i dont think medicine is for me. I've spent easily 20 times the amount of time of other people my age thinking about different careers.


And no one heres looking for a movie star lifestyle, lambos arent expensive to the point where you need millions... (not even close). Just an example anyway.

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That's why you make yourself invaluable to the company, put in those 16 hour days in undergrad you spent studying developing algorithms that day trade bank of america using a scalping method... there's a reason big banks trading division in the black almost everyday.


Do what my friend is doing and get a PhD working with an organism that can be used in biological weapons by the US army. There's another chemical engineer studying vaccines for the military and modelling the immune system, he makes fat cash because he's the best at what he does.


I think most people are MUCH more likely to get into derm or some dentistry specialty that you speak of than getting such positions. People can be geniuses at certain things as well, work ethic =/= success at every single thing.

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Not really, people with the discipline to work diligently for 8 years to get into such positions will most certainly succeed in another discipline, not every discipline, but definitely some.


Another important factor is networking and social intelligence. I've been told by career advisors (after mock interviews and looking at my cv) to stop applying to online posting and going to job interviews for entry level business/social science positions for a year until I apply to dent because I intimidate managers. I've had interviews for 55 k 35 hr a week jobs where people are like who the **** is this guy and why are his on the spot answers so polished, and how is he able to make eye contact with all 3 of us without breaking to gather his thoughts... I don't want him taking my job... better hire the just competent enough guy and I've gotten passed over for someone less qualified.


The advice they gave me was to start joining professional organizations and going to conferences where I would meet senior management/vice presidents face to face and get hired right there, since my success is their success, instead of middle management where if I'm too good I make them look bad. I got my job (which is pretty sweet, I'm getting paid right now (since my friend is in charge of paying people) and I'm at home) just because I knew the guy under the president, don't worry, if you know how to play the game and network/bull**** financial success isn't that hard to come by.


If medicine is truly what will make you happy though then go for it, money is great, but job satisfaction is important too.


I think most people are MUCH more likely to get into derm or some dentistry specialty that you speak of than getting such positions. People can be geniuses at certain things as well, work ethic =/= success at every single thing.
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I'll give you that once you finnish with family med etc. there's no easier guaranteed money, you bill the government at will, there's no easier money than that.


I think most people are MUCH more likely to get into derm or some dentistry specialty that you speak of than getting such positions. People can be geniuses at certain things as well, work ethic =/= success at every single thing.
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Just my 2 cents, most specialties in medicine will make sufficient money unless you pick one with a really bad job market. As for women, I've actually been told being a doctor won't get me very far. Maybe that's just the girls I know.


It will with the wrong ones and not with the right ones.


Anyone can get far with the wrong ones...

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Just my 2 cents, most specialties in medicine will make sufficient money unless you pick one with a really bad job market. As for women, I've actually been told being a doctor won't get me very far. Maybe that's just the girls I know.


lol u believe what girls tell you?


women don't know what they want, 90% of chicks who say "oh money doesnt matter" will drop their pants at the thought of dating a doctor. Why? Cause they think of that sweet shopping spree with his credit card & riding in that lambo. Does anyone admit this? hell no. Is it true. Absolutely.


Of course most docs I've heard of take the marriage route aka divorce route (lolz).

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It will with the wrong ones and not with the right ones.


Anyone can get far with the wrong ones...


The right ones get boring after a few years and will probably divorce and take half your crap. During that time, 9.5/10 "wrong" ones will have given you a much better time.



My old family doc (before moving) owned a lambo and he worked 45 hours a week approx. I dont see why the whole money issue is "taboo" when talking about doctors...lol

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lol u believe what girls tell you?


women don't know what they want, 90% of chicks who say "oh money doesnt matter" will drop their pants at the thought of dating a doctor. Why? Cause they think of that sweet shopping spree with his credit card & riding in that lambo. Does anyone admit this? hell no. Is it true. Absolutely.


Of course most docs I've heard of take the marriage route aka divorce route (lolz).


Is being an idiot a natural skill of yours or have you had to work hard to learn it?


Either way, you're definitely a high achiever.

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Too lazy to read whole thread..


Anyway my pick-up success has increased by 5x or 10x since I have gotten into medical school.


I don't have time to type out a whole bunch of stories here, but have gotten laid plenty of times telling girls I'll be a doctor in a couple more years. Not to mention the HUGE amount of interest that girls of all types/races have suddenly started taking in me.


Down sides are that:

-I get lots of ****/snide comments from jealous friends


-Lots of envy from people in nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, etc.



It's funny, because dentists can earn just about as much as doctors, yet no girl fantasizes about dating a "dentist"... the fantasy seems to be dating a "doctor", every single time!


I didn't put much importance on these things before applying, but it's a nice benefit, eh? ;)

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lol, lets make the requisite hockey comparison... chris osgood and patrick roy are about as equally skilled, each has 3 stanley cups. however, chris osgood needed the detroit red wings to win those stanley cups whereas patrick roy's confidence, bordering on sheer arrogance, plus sheer will power could propel him to a cup... the difference, osgood had the mental stability of a borderline patient, whereas roy believed he was a god in the net, even after a bad goal


case in point: "i can't really hear what jeremy (roenick) sais, because i have my two stanley cup rings plugged in my ears"



Is being an idiot a natural skill of yours or have you had to work hard to learn it?


Either way, you're definitely a high achiever.

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