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Application submit page question

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so many thoughts have gone through my mind in the last few days


they don't accept it - what to do?


they accept it and i am rejected - what to do? (even if they accept it the reality of the situation is that around 85% of us IPs will be rejected - but i would hate to have that go to 0% if they don't accept it all together)


rewrite the mcat, temporarily pursue an array of grad studies, work full time at some yet to be determined employment, move abroad? be the first caucasian i know to learn mandarin?


if anyone hears anything, i'd be greatly appreciative if you can share it here

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We are aware that there was a 10 minute descrepancy between the application and the actual time. Affected applicants will be notified when a decision has been made on how to resolve this.





Office of Admissions


Just got this email! And, it's relative to real MDT, not the website timestamp.

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From the admissions' blog:



I had this issue as well, and now under application status it states that the reference was received october 16th. Will this be considered?



Dr Ian Walker

Oct 18, 2011 at 2:12 pm


We are trying to work this out. It seems that referees did not get shut out 12 minutes early like the applicants. Seems the UCAN clock may have been running fast (like I said, we are still working this out). So, if it was submitted at 00:08 on the UCAN clock, then it was actually before midnight, despite what the time stamp says. We have a short list of letters that were submitted after 23:50 on the 15th. (apparently referees procrastinate too – who knew?) We are dealing with these on a case by case basis. If it appears the letter was submitted before the deadline, it will be accepted. If not, it will not be.


So, they're working on it, and recognize that they did lock us out before midnight! This is good news. :)

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From the admissions' blog:




So, they're working on it, and recognize that they did lock us out before midnight! This is good news. :)



i worry for the children on my street, there's about to be a shortage of Halloween candy


... is it a bad sign that you guys got responses and I only got the generic one?

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so i stopped freaking out ... about the app and about the 0.85 probable impeding rejection


life is a journey and there are so many opportunities - we should be grateful that we have the opportunity to pursue a university education let alone an education of any kind as so many don't even have that opportunity;


so what if it takes another yr; so what if it takes several - if you want to pursue it you'll get there and make it happen and all the adventures along the way contribute to who you are and it's ultimately that uniqueness that makes us all special :D


good luck everyone :) epson's gone back to studying


i'm confident this is going to work out


(sorry for posting my personal revelations)

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I had the exact same issue with the 10 min time difference from the actual time. I was just doing one last review of my application before hitting the submit button and all of a sudden, realized I couldn't click the button anymore! Certainly very frustrating and demoralizing :(


I sent them an e-mail with the time stamp before the deadline time as well. I also received the generic e-mail that they are aware of the problem and will contact affected applicants when a decision has been made. Hopefully everything will be ok in the end!

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Dr. Walker just posted this to the blog:


We are aware that there was a 10 minute discrepancy between the time on the server and actual MST last Saturday. As a result, UCAN shut down at 23:49, instead of 23:59. We have developped a solution to that problem which will allow us to briefly re-open UCAN so that people can go back in and finish whatever they were not able to do in those last 10 minutes.


Our problem now is that some uCalgary IP addresses, including the one that UCAN sends emails from have been (AGAIN!) flagged as spam and blocked by hotmail. Since many of our applicants use hotmail, we essentially have no way of communicating with them until that is resolved. We therefore need that to be resolved so that we can notify everyone equally of the solution and when UCAN is going to be reopened. We will also post on here once we have confirmed time for the re-opening. Bear with us.

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This is an interesting thread, keep us updated. It's even interesting to those of us who did manage to submit, since I'm still interested in UofC's response to it. They seem to be moving in a direction of transparency, and want actual humans to apply (as opposed to get-into-med-school robots), so I have high hopes for you guys.

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fifteen minutes :)


the nightmare is over (although this did motivate me to look at some not too shabby options to fill next yr if need be)


i feel so stupid too: i wrote my responses in August but wanted to use every second possible to make sure they were great, silly epson

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Submitted! Phew! :D


I'd run into the Activities glitch mentioned elsewhere on the forum, where it didn't let me submit. But, that happened at 11:30 on October 15th, and in my last-minute panic I assumed I had to fill in all 30 activities to get the green checkmark and... Disaster.


But, I'm pleased it's all worked out. The last fifteen minutes have been stressful. :D

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