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OOP Chances??

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There are reference statistics posted on their website, but I think they're kind of irrelevant now since they rehauled the formula.


Averages for interviewed OOP applicants (n = 120):

VR 11.11, SD 1.002

GPA 3.88, SD 0.127


On the blog, Dr. Walker posted average stats for the entire OOP pool (n = 847):

VR 9.68, SD 1.585

GPA 3.717, SD 0.218


If we were to use last year's stats for interviewed applicants, your GPA is golden (0.75 SDs above mean), but VR is probably a bit on the low side (2 SDs below mean). Lucky for you, the formula is GPA*2 + VR, so your GPA could pull you up.

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Did some stats calculations...


The top 23.6-29.5% OOP applicants got to file review. So they needed their cut-off scores to be at least 0.54-0.72 SD above the mean.


Of course this means almost nothing since they changed the formula... but read into it as you see fit.

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