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Marks in High School^^

Guest Mariko 8

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Guest Mariko 8


I heard that med school doesn't look at your high school marks, they only look at your university ones. I was wondering if this and true? and if it is why?

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Guest UWOMED2005

Yep - the only way your high school marks can affect your admissions is if you don't get into the program you want in university. Or, if you won a bunch of awards that can look good when you're applying.

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Guest Ian Wong

High school marks aren't used, probably because that would be extra work for all involved, and more likely because university marks are somewhat more standardized across institutions and are more recent. I don't think there's a single English med school in Canada that looks at your high school marks for any reason when deciding whether or not to admit you.



UBC, Med 3

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If Med Schools don't look at yer high school grades, how about AP course marks? I understand that it's best to retake the course in university even if you receive the credit, but how about mark such as English, which doesn't involve labs like other science subjects.


Can anyone tell me how university such as UBC calculate your GPA if you take AP English and receive a score of 5 in the AP exam?

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Guest Ian Wong

You should check with UBC directly. I think I had checked up on this when I was applying, and that UBC would simply recognise it as being a credit, but that no mark was attached to it, so it wouldn't affect your GPA in either direction.


However, I could be wrong, or this could have since changed, so you should contact them directly.


Here's a link from the UBC website:




UBC, Med 3

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