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Wanting to apply for med school in MUN

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Im currently in my Sophomore year of pre-med and am taking this first term bio 201, chem 201, eng 101 (SAT score -.-), physics 111 and biostatistics 205 in the Lebanese American University. Though the university is great i dont feel that it fullfils my needs and i am Canadian and want to be in Canada (how i came to lebanon is a long story)


Anyways, i just want some pointers on which courses i should take (other than the ones that we are told to take) and extracurriculars i should take so my application for med school would actually be considered.


Thanks all for the help im just a bit lost because counselling here has nothing.


Edit: im actually want to apply to MUN if that helps anything.

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Well if you apply to MUN medical school you need a bachelors degree... Which program you complete is your choice, they don't take preference... As for extracurriculars, you need to do what you enjoy.. In doing so, you'll actually enjoy yourself and when explaining this to anyone your passion should really come through as it is something you truly care about... Not sure what else to add.. If that wasn't clear just let me know and I'll try to help some more! :)

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  • 2 months later...

You only need a full year of English at the university level to apply to MUN Medicine. Other than that, do what you enjoy and you may want to take courses to get you prepared for the MCAT. Some students who go to MUN Med have different backgrounds like music, arts, business etc.


Are you a resident of a specific Canadian province? Because there are seats for NL, NB, PEI and Yukon resident students, and only 4 spots for others.

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