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anyone out there investing ?


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Investing is a great way to screw yourself over. If you could pick a stock, invest, and have it double in value in a couple of years everyone would do it. With the amount of debt med school students tend to be in, they're in no position to take such a big risk. So personally I won't be doing it if I get an LOC (although tempted)

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Not right now. I've done it before as part of a student group where we had $25,000 to play with and was quite successful, but my approach to investing is that it should be money that you can afford to lose. I can't afford to lose my LOC funds, as I'm actually using those to pay for living expenses.


mind telling us what it was you guys invested in? and wow 25k sounds a lot.

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It's a dangerous time to invest. The markets are extremely volatile and there is a lot of economic uncertainty around the world. People are even buying 30 year American bonds at a minuscule 3% just to keep their cash safe. That being said, stocks can move 5% in a day with this volatility so if you hit it right, you can pocket some good coin. Conversely, you can also lose 5% in a day. I would not recommend investing unless you know what you're doing. A lot of people lost their shirts in the 09 recession and the same uncertainty remains. So invest at your own risk.

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Borrowing to invest is dangeresque, but if you have a bit lying around (e.g. from a part time job) it's not not the worst thing you can do with it (plus there is no real "minimum" you can invest......start an RRSP!).


Bottom line, there is always an option for you (regardless of the economic crisis). I've invested through that last bit of undergrad, gradschool, and now medschool, with minimal work and have always been in the black.


Stay away from penny stocks and other high-risk, high-return and you don't have to do much.

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