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advice needed, 2nd degree

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Greetings and happy new year to all!


This is my first time posting so please bear with me. I've been around the site for some time now and learned a lot about the application processes etc. However, I would feel less stress and more relieve if I personally ask as oppose to relying on other people's thread. I hope none of you guys mind.


So currently I'm 3rd year in York's Hon BA program after 2 years of BScN from Ryerson. I decided to transfer hoping to be more ready for meds, i hope i did the right choice. Ryerson's nursing program during the final 2 years are heavily reliant on pass/fail courses, so I decided to transfer to have a more objective grading for my GPA. That's my background.


I have searched around and read a lot and found that i would have a better chance if i go for a second undergrad.


So far, I am looking at Queens and Western.

My question is that would I be able to apply to Queens after one year of my 2nd UG? I understand that they would look at my 2 best years and they can span between degrees. I mention one year, given that I would have enough transfer credits to be eligible.


for my 2nd UG Im looking at biology at UofT. I believe that would help me with mcat as well. However, do I need to apply as a "highschool" student? i didn't take calc and physics in highschool that's why. Would my clinical experience in nursing count as ECs? i have shadowed, observe, and participated in care in OR, pre-op and post-op, as well as in neurology and medicine floors. Finally, what are you thoughts on Athabasca for 2nd UG?


Thanks a lot, I'm looking forward to your replies. good day!

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-Queens does not look at two best years; they look at your overall cGPA to see if you meet cutoff and if not, they look at two most recent years. Western looks at two best years, provided some rules - I don't know how they will look at span degrees.


- check with U of T if any of your courses can be carried over if you really want to switch. But you can also take the pre-reqs necessary for med school/MCAT if you have a BA from york; use your elective space.


- I'm not sure about athabasca, maybe kylamonkey can aid a bit more for this.


- I don't think that the things you did during a degree/for a degree counts as an EC by definition....unless you did do the shadowing on your own time.

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I suppose it was Western not Queens. Nonetheless, I am planning to apply to school that look at only 2nd UG. I would say I did poorly during my 1st year and so-so on 2nd year.

So if i take the pre-reqs during my 1st degree would they use them to calculate my OMSAS gpa? or would they just check it off as credits to fulfill the pre-reqs and use my 2nd UG gpa?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am really not sure whether biology in UT is a good institution for good GPA..


I absolutely agree with this. I did my first degree at UofT in Neuroscience. A lot of my courses were Biology courses. I'm now doing a second degree at York, an Hon. BA in Anthropology. Anthro was my minor at UofT, and one of the few subjects I was able to excel at.


I have also taken science courses at York with success as well. My grades have improved substantially after making the switch to York. If you want to do a second degree, do it at York instead of breaking your back trying to get good marks at UofT. When you're doing a second degree, there is little room for error and at UofT there were always courses I would struggle with every year. I'm sure others would agree with me on this.

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So far, I am looking at Queens and Western.

My question is that would I be able to apply to Queens after one year of my 2nd UG? I understand that they would look at my 2 best years and they can span between degrees. I mention one year, given that I would have enough transfer credits to be eligible.


Yes, you can apply to Queens at any point during your second degree. They won't take your best two years, but will take your most recent two if your cGPA doesn't meet cutoff. Western will only let you apply during your final year of your second degree.


for my 2nd UG Im looking at biology at UofT. I believe that would help me with mcat as well. However, do I need to apply as a "highschool" student? i didn't take calc and physics in highschool that's why


...Finally, what are you thoughts on Athabasca for 2nd UG?


I'd consider schools other than UofT for a second degree. I've heard it's quite competitive and hard to score extremely well. Can't speak for Athabasca though. Choose a program that interests you. You're going to do far better if you love what you're studying. Look around at different programs and contact schools' admissions/registrars offices to see what you need to do in order to apply for a 2nd UG. It's still on OUAC but slightly different. I'm also not sure how lacking highschool science credits would affect the application.


You should read the stickied thread on 2nd degree policies. It's very informative and you'll find that doing well in your 2nd degree can help with consideration at several schools.

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i think it's reasonable to say u of t actually ruins lives, especially unsuspecting prospective students going into their 2nd undergrad.


there's a thread in general premed started by a kid who wants to go to u of t despite knowing that they kill GPAs 'for sport' lol.

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