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I always remember that you need to take quite a few prerequisites for McMaster, but I read their academic requirements today and could not find any. Someone pls clarify this. Also, McMaster only mentioned that they want you to take minimum of 3 years undergrad, but didn't mention anything about second degree applicants. Does anyone know how they are going to assess second degree students' GPA?


Thanks in advance.

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I always remember that you need to take quite a few prerequisites for McMaster, but I read their academic requirements today and could not find any. Someone pls clarify this. Also, McMaster only mentioned that they want you to take minimum of 3 years undergrad, but didn't mention anything about second degree applicants. Does anyone know how they are going to assess second degree students' GPA?


Thanks in advance.


Yup, Mac has no prerequisites :)


I'll let someone else answer your other Q b/c I don't know about that one

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I think McMaster just looks at all UG courses ever taken, fall/winter/summer 1st UG degree and 2nd (&3rd etc). So a second UG degree won't really make up for an extremely crappy first degree



GPA = 3.0 x 40 credits (1st degree) + GPA = 4.0 x 20 credits (2nd degree)


= 3.33 overall GPA

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yup from my understanding of it Mac is both very forgiving and unforgiving.


If you don't have a science background - they are forgiving - you can get in without it. But they expect you to have an excellent work ethic (especially if you dont have science so you can catch up!) so ALL of your marks count. I even recall reading somewhere on their website that even if you took a course 10 years ago you have to include it. there is NO grade forgiveness granted. Oh! and also if you fail a class (or do poorly) and you retake it...they count BOTH the grades!


So if you did poorly in undergrad then Mac is probably not the best option for you.


hope that helps :)

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