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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


Are you a Yorkie?  

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I'd be a happy camper if the liberal arts students just decided to never come back. I can find a spot in Scott!




Honestly, trying to study at York is my BIGGEST peeve. They keep adding more buildings and students without increasing the study spaces to accommodate all the expansion. 


First I first started there you used to see the class schedule outside of a room which you could figure out when it would be in use and find various rooms you could use to get work done but they don't seem to do that any longer. I waste so much time roaming that shit hole trying to find a quiet (riiight) place to work.

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Dr. Shore's website gives me a headache. He uses all-caps so much that he has resorted to highlighting all-caps.


He just posted lecture recordings in moodle. Never going to class again lol.


You can get all the way to the chem building underground, and it's a 10m walk to lsb from chem

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