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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


Are you a Yorkie?  

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nope, motion is purely about classes that have not be resumed...


“that Senate call upon Senate Executive Committee to continue the suspension of all classes that have not yet resumed until the end of the labour disruption.”


left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Jesus

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^^ That works for me lol


Would be shitty for me, not that I  have any difficulty getting to school. Big fan of public transportation.


Anyways, with his meeting being just about LAPS, I'm hoping they resume those courses. The creation of two cohorts would be so awkward.

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York will counter and it will be ratified.


I'm honestly not so sure. Apparently at the CUPE SGMM last night they made motions that the bargaining team could not come back with any offers that did not meet the various red-line items for each unit. Now, what is offered to York as a "red-line" item and what they voted on as a red-line item could certainly differ in an effort to force the counter that is more aligned to their red-line requirements but I just can't see them accepting anything less than what those red-line items are.


I wonder if they've already submitted the offer or are waiting the results of the senate meeting. Even if the senate returns LAPS/FES classes there is still a significant amount of marking that needs to be done for which even if people are willing to scab, you can't hire enough for, and professors are not allowed to mark what is contractually obligated to TA's/GA's.


Who knows. It's all a crap shoot. 


I wonder if that Marxist prof will go ape shit again today...

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