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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


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Yesterday afternoon CUPE 3903 emailed to the University a document purporting to provide proposals on three issues which, if accepted as is, would be unanimously recommended by the CUPE 3903 bargaining team for settlement. The transmission the document side stepped and, as a result, threatens to undermine the mediated negotiation process for both parties.

As outlined in the document, these proposals alone represent a potential annual cost of well in excess of $5M.
As communicated to CUPE 3903 following receipt of the document, the University will be responding through the Provincially appointed mediator. The University remains committed to reaching a negotiated agreement with CUPE 3903 to end the Unit 1 and Unit 3 labour disruption as quickly as possible and looks forward to working with CUPE 3903 through the Provincially appointed mediator to do so.
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Agreed. I think now we wait for next week to unfold to see where the chips fall, where the leverage REALLY is, and who blinks first.


York is waiting to see how many STEM Tas return. If enough resume that those classes can finish by the projected date, York will wait CUPE out. The Pan Am games will be an issue, but they don't start until July. CUPE will hate picketing in a humid, hot summer.

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