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On Mar 16, 2015, at 1:30pm, Robert Everett <beverett@YORKU.CA> wrote:


More Classes Resume on Tuesday, March 17 and Monday, March 23

Disruption of Academic Activities Reaches Fourteenth Day

Communication from the Executive Committee of Senate


March 16, 2015


Consistent with institutional guidelines and Faculty-specific remediation frameworks for the resumption of classes, and considering the need of some Faculties for additional time to prepare for resumption of classes, Senate Executive Committee has determined that classes in the following Faculties will resume on Tuesday, March 17:


School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design

Faculty of Education


Faculty of Health classes not already resumed

Faculty of Science

Classes for the following Faculties will resume on Monday,March 23 :

Faculty of Environmental Studies

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies classes not already resumed


Please bear in mind that some courses will not resume – notably those that are directed by CUPE 3903 Unit 1 members who remain on strike. Tutorials and labs associated with these and other courses may not be active. Some assignments may not be graded until after the disruption.


The disruption of academic activities that began on March 3 has now reached its fourteenth day. A disruption of two full weeks means that adjustments to class schedules and normal academic regulations will be necessary. It has already been confirmed that the last day to withdraw from courses without receiving a grade will be extended, with details to be announced. Senate Executive has authorised a reduction in the length of the Y and W terms of seven days. Additionally,the formal examination schedule will start later than originally planned. More information will be forthcoming.


Although classes throughout the University have resumed, the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of Disruptions or Cessations of University Business Due to Labour Disputes or Other Causes continues to apply. Students who are unable or unwilling to participate in academic activities because of the strike are entitled to immunity from penalty, to reasonable alternative access to materials covered in their absence, to reasonable extensions of deadlines and other forms of remediation (for example, changes in academic regulations) that are necessary and consistent with the principle of academic integrity. Senate Executive will communicate promptly changes that it authorizes.


Roxanne Mykitiuk, Chair of Senate, March 16, 2015

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Are you guys going to cross the picket lines?


Lol can I cross for some classes but not for others?



I'm not crossing. And no, I don't think you can cross for some but not others lol


Here's quote I found that someone's prof wrote to his students:



Students cannot be penalized for not crossing a picket line. I would assume however that if a student shows up for even one lecture during this timeframe that they in fact do not hold sacrosanct the picket lines and instead are using it as an excuse to get out of work. If this is the case I will freely level penalties if they need to be levelled.


Dun gone ahead and pulled out the sacrosanct!

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York U senate has deemed classes in the following Faculties will resume on Tuesday, March 17:

School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Health classes not already resumed
Faculty of Science

Classes for the following Faculties will resume on Mon,March 23 :

Faculty of Environmental Studies  
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies classes not already resumed


Is this not official?

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At 3:00pm many of us will make our way to the Senate Chambers on the 9th floor of the Ross North building to observe the proceedings there.

The Senate Executive has announced that they plan on restarting most classes on Monday. In response, the professors in the York University Faculty Association have filed a grievance (attached) arguing that this constitutes a violation of YUFA's collective agreement with the administration.

Come join students, faculty, and CUPE 3903 members in one hour at the Senate Chambers to support our allies in the York Senate against the administration's attempt to undermine the unity of students and the York community!



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