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Summer courses

Guest Karma Police

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Guest Karma Police

I wanna take 2 full courses during the summer. Orgo and Math. Can this be done, or will the workload be to great?




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Guest tommygirl

How is this possible? Usually OChem labs run in the afternoon after an AM lecture.


Anyway-- DON'T do it. O CHem (lecture alone) is condensed and really heavy. And you will have labs/lab write-ups, prelabs. Those really sap your time.

With the math on top of this-- you'll be a basketcase by the time the summer term is through.

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Guest Karma Police

I found out somehting new.


UBC's Organic Chem has changed from the standard Full year of Lactures\labs.


Now it's just a half year of lecture and a half year of lab. I wonder if this change makes the course any easier.

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Guest tommygirl

1/2 term of OChem is OK if it doesn't overlap with the Math, still for all. The course load doesn't get any lighter-- you just take 1/2 the course now-- and presumably, the other half later.


If it overlaps: my advice still stands--you'll end up feeling like you had to compromise one course to study for the other.

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Guest newton

what math course are you taking? Cause i woulnd't suggest integral calc or differential equations unless you're a whiz in math, or invented calculus like i did!

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Guest newton

karma police: arrest this man, he talks in maths!


I know what you're thinking, but no i didn't invent matrix algebra. I took it a number of years ago, and found it rather pedestrian. You should do fine.

However, get ready for:

-tensor products, applications and properties of determinants, special matrices and transposes, Normed Linear Spaces, Inner Product Spaces, Gram-Schmidt Algorithm.......

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Guest newton

no, i did a biochem degree, but i took a few second year math courses out of interest. (though i found out that its a bit too dry a field to pursue, and biochemistry has much more practical applications and at times makes more sense in reality...). Then again, i know a few comp-sci/math double majors that did very well and made it to meds - thats the only advantage i can see, is that if you're brilliant in math you can get >90 much much easier than >90 in biochem. But i mean brilliant, as in you understand things the first time and can do da vinci problems in your sleep.....

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oddly enough, i'm a compsci-math double major. I love it.. and I don't think that math is "dry" at all, I found biology, and particularly biochemistry to be "dry". (Lots of memorizing, I felt that math was training me to think and problem-solve instead.) Point being, to each his own. What one person thinks is dry, another doesn't. I love math. Study what you love!


anyways, "analysis and matrix algebra" is a really odd name for a course, since they are normally completely different topics. So, I don't know what the "analysis" means in this context. Matrix algebra, on the other hand, generally includes really easy topics. Stuff like "inner product spaces, gram-schmidt algorithm" sounds MUCH more intimidating than it is. They basically just involve following rules.


I also don't really understand where the advice not to take both biochem and math comes from - it just depends on whether you're thinking of the summer as an easy-school term or a hard-vacation. Taking three half courses during the summer is nearly a full course load, but it's still less than one. If you're not working on top of that, I can't imagine what would be so hard about it.

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Guest princejr13

I wasn't going to work or have any other committments during the summer. Doing 2 full year courses in the summer is like taking 4 half during a semester .... not that difficult in my opinion. If you're a strong student then I'd say go for it.

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Guest Karma Police

You gotta be brilliant to get over 90...


aaaaaaaahhh.....better not do Math during the summer or pursue a degree in it.......I'm FAR from being brilliant.


Anyways, i'm probably going to take only ORGO durinf the summer....


thanks for everyone's help.

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hey, it also depends at which university. I personally would not recommend math and orgo in the summer at U of T unless you're brilliant or don't need any sleep. But at guelph or something, things are different.

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