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UBC interview - PBL

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i dont think there is a way to prep.


But i guess things to keep in mind-dont dominate the discussion, but make sure you say some stuff. Dont raise your hand either, its a group thing. Be friendly and dont shut other people's ideas down.


I believe if you talk to a lot of people that did UBC PBLs they said they didnt get the point of it/what they were really looking for

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Unless they changed it from last year, they don't use a "PBL format" for the interviews. There are 2 parts to the open house selection weekend. They are separate things.


1) CDA structured interview - You can definitely prepare for this stuff using good prep resources.


2) PBL session - You can't prepare for this at all. Just be yourself and enjoy the ride.

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No email.. I'm checking my email every 30sec. Cant get any work done:(


I hear you! From what I've heard UBC usually hands out rejections first (early this week) so I guess you can be glad you haven't gotten an e-mail yet :P


I may have heard wrong though...

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I hear you! From what I've heard UBC usually hands out rejections first (early this week) so I guess you can be glad you haven't gotten an e-mail yet :P


I may have heard wrong though...


really? well we do have a whole week to wait. I heard that last year emails were sent on the 19th.. hopefully itll be earlier this year.

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I just talked with Jackie from the admissions office, and she said it's coming out in a couple days now! I am so nervous, scared, and excited at the same time. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!


did you happen to ask her when the interview/pbl sessions would take place for those who do receive invites?

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Don't stress about the PBL session. It's mostly to evaluate if you will be able to function in a PBL-heavy learning environment. You don't need to prep for it; whatever knowledge you have already is enough because collectively as a group you'll probably have enough knowledge to solve the case....that said, during the PBL they will stress that you don't need to solve the case, AND THIS IS TRUE. It's more about working through the case and trying out the process.


Use the resources in the room, encourage other members of the group to share their ideas and get involved. Explore ideas, ask questions if you don't understand. Don't be too quiet, but don't dominate the conversation. Every group creates their own "ground rules" at the beginning to get everyone together, and if your group decides on raising hands, just roll with it. Mid-way through they'll stop the group and allow you to re-evaluate your ground rules if necessary so you can tweak things.


Good luck to those of you waiting for the interview email! Fingers crossed!


i dont think there is a way to prep.


But i guess things to keep in mind-dont dominate the discussion, but make sure you say some stuff. Dont raise your hand either, its a group thing. Be friendly and dont shut other people's ideas down.


I believe if you talk to a lot of people that did UBC PBLs they said they didnt get the point of it/what they were really looking for

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