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Full year of Chemistry?


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I recently switched out of my major because it was pointlessly difficult. But now I may have a problem, as I remember reading before that a lot of med schools require a full year of Chemistry? I took Organic Chem 1 last semester and was going to take Orgo 2 but opted not to as my new major does not require it. Don't most med schools require a full year of Organic Chem?

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I'm also wondering whether the transfer credits that I took basically allow me to say that I took a year of General Chemistry in uni already. Cause if it doesn't then these damn transfer credits would've not only ****ed up my GPA but everything else too.

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You should do a search to see the different schools' requirements. Off the top of my head UBC is the only school I remember that requires a full year of Orgo, maybe UofAlberta too?.


If you've already taken a year of gen chem, that fulfills that requirements, even if it was taken during your previous major. I'm assuming that's what you mean by transfer credits.

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You should do a search to see the different schools' requirements. Off the top of my head UBC is the only school I remember that requires a full year of Orgo, maybe UofAlberta too?.


If you've already taken a year of gen chem, that fulfills that requirements, even if it was taken during your previous major. I'm assuming that's what you mean by transfer credits.


Ottawa too.


I think he means transfer credits from HS, IB, AP or A levels perhaps?

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Ah, if that's the case then I'm not sure if those count as fulfilling the prerequisite requirements. I'm inclined to think not, but you'd have to double check with the individual schools.


Wow... then there truly was zero reason for me to take those credits as they only serve to make things harder. I'm going to talk to my advisor today, this is annoying.

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Wow... then there truly was zero reason for me to take those credits as they only serve to make things harder. I'm going to talk to my advisor today, this is annoying.


Hold on there ditde.


Out of Canadian schools, the only school you probably won't be able to apply is UOttawa (from transfer credits -- you still need to take Org 2 to open up options)


All the other schools recognize AP/IB credits as long as they're above the required grade (4 for AP exams, and 6 for IB sciences, 5 for IB English for UBC).


You should take Org. 2 if you want to expand your choice of schools to Western Canada (I think).

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The official answer to your question, as per the ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS OF CANADIAN FACULTIES OF MEDICINE handbook is as follows:


Ottawa: 2 full year courses in the following: general chem, biochem and/or orgo

McGill : 1 semester of orgo, full year of chem

Alberta: Full year courses in BOTH general and orgo chem

UBC: Minimum 6 credits in BOTH orgo and general chem


*I didn't understand the "prereq rule" for USask, so maybe someone else can explain it. If I'm missing a school, feel free to add to the list. These are only the schools that list some orgo as a MANDATORY prereq.


Hope this helps :)

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