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Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that you are probably paying $20 to $30 per lecture hour in tuition? You should DEMAND that the prof lectures for 3 hours so you get your money's worth.


That's like eating an icecream cone when you're already full. Why would you just because it's there? I understand all the concepts already. I just want the class to be over.

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Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that you are probably paying $20 to $30 per lecture hour in tuition? You should DEMAND that the prof lectures for 3 hours so you get your money's worth.


I'm paying $20-30 an hour for the opportunity to obtain the credit ;).


But yeah, I normally do try to go to class, and I don't just walk out because people think it's taking too long or is a "waste of time". If I go, I stay the entire time. It's rude as hell when kids leave halfway through lecture when the class size is small.

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you're more paying 20-30 dollars a class for a cheap piece of paper at the end of your degree imo, but our universities aren't true institutions for higher learning anymore, you can choose to make your experience that, but for a lot it's more like technical school, except easier and less strict (trade schools take attendance, lol). i had some labs that were worth every dime, attached to lecture that i would never go to because sleeping was worth more. also, going to class is a waste of cash a lot of the time, some people just suck at lecturing... but you stil need class x for your degree a lot of the time. a lot of times no one goes to office hours, where profs will shoot the **** with you about neuroscience, physics, whatever you're interested in, for an hour.


Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that you are probably paying $20 to $30 per lecture hour in tuition? You should DEMAND that the prof lectures for 3 hours so you get your money's worth.
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yeah, some classes require you to go to every lecture or get completely screwed. contrarily, i had one prof i took 3 classes with, got 2 a+'s and a with, and attended a total of 15 lectures (including midterms) for the whole 3 classes, most obnoxius guy ever... fill in the blanks notes, what a joke, what am i like 5 years old... like i can't get the notes off some random person anyways (some people might know who this indvidual is, hehe).


I regularly skipped classes where I was able to learn the material on my own more efficiently. It came down to time management. My grades were never negatively affected by skipping lectures.
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