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Who do you vote for?


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I agree, they make decisions for their own reasons that they justify, even with facts that do not exist. This is oil politics. The humanitarian aspects are irrelevant to the big powers although they will use them for reasons whenever they choose to.

oil is just one aspect of the neocon agenda... military-industrial complex, redrawing the map of the middle east, american empire, they have close alliance with the likud party of of Israel, currency wars/gold for oil....

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Mussolini defined fascism as merger of state and corporate power. Look at how many times obama bypassed congress. He went to nato to bomb libya.


Fascism is right wing tyranny exemplified by Mussolini, Hitler, the Vatican...Obama is on the other end of the spectrum.


It's impossible for the executive to 'bypass' congress since there is a careful system of checks and balances in US politics. And that attack on Libya was a multilateral approach with backing from many nations, not just the US.

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Obama is going to win the upcoming election in what I predict to be a landslide. The republican candidates are falling one by one and the GOP clearly doesn't want Romney to win despite him being the only one who can 'stand up' to Obama.


It's funny, because if someone like Stephen Harper ran as a GOP against Obama, I'm pretty sure he'd win. I have never voted for the Conservatives in Canada in any election, but I must give Harper his due as a strong leader and a great politician. The only other guy who came close to his savvy recently would have been Jack Layton, and as such I voted NDP not only because of his leadership, but also as my core beliefs align well with the NDP.


However, with the recent shakeup in the NDP after Jack's passing and along with the resurgence of the Liberals, my vote will be a toss-up in the next Federal Election between the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP.


Provincially, I support the Liberals, particularly in this election as there was no way I could see Hudak in office with his tax policies. I felt McGuinty did a fine job as Premier and a lot of the backlash against him was a bit weak. Next election, where he will likely not run, my vote will be in question again. Exciting!


Municipally, I voted Joe Pantalone despite him being a longshot for the Mayor race. Unfortunately, Ford took that title and yea...

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After inheriting what he did from George Bush, I don't think anyone would live up to expectations. At least the financial system didn't crash under his oversight, and Americans are finally out of Iraq. I expect him to get re-elected.

bill clinton got rid of the glass steagall act! there has been a financial bubble in the works for 40 years so to blame every single thing on bush is ridiculous.


Americans are not out of Iraq! There is an embassy(largest and most expensive in the world) the size of the vatican. You have over 17 000 private security/oil contractors/mercenaries etc there. A US security contractor costs the about 3 times as much as a solider. So your not going to even see any cost savings that are bankrupting the country. The real reason they claim to be "leaving" is because of a status of forces agreement(protects the soldiers from criminal prosecution) has expired and the iraqi government won't renew it. Its a joke to say americans are finally out of iraq.

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say hello to world war 3, mandatory vaccines, police state, prison industrial complex, even more of crackdown on civil liberties, middle class being wiped out, etc... then.


Obama's policies are diplomacy oriented. He pulled out of Iraq and is pressuring Iran by economic sanctions against its nuclear arms race-he is not a militant like the previously failed president was. He's not even as pro-Israeli as Americans usually are. As for vaccines, one could argue mandatory vaccinations since they do save peoples lives and we have eradicated diseases by using it (smallpox). And this whole thing about civil liberties...what about the patriot act?


The middle class is not being wiped out either-only the upper classes are:D

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Looks like we have a fox news subscriber here :)

fox news subscriber? what are you talking about? i detest fox news(and all mainstream news for that matter). Fox news is owned by neocon rupert murdoch...


Its the gambino's and the capones... The democrats and republicans... One wants to give a blank check to welfare and the other wants to give a blank check to the military. They are both controlled by the same people.

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say hello to world war 3, mandatory vaccines, police state, prison industrial complex, even more of crackdown on civil liberties, middle class being wiped out, etc... then.


World War 3 - With who? Iran? Guess what, just about everyone except for a certain Dr. Paul is willing to go to war with Iran. You think someone like Gingrich or Romney wouldn't jump at the chance for this as well?


Mandatory vaccines - Oh no, how terrible this must be for the citizens of U.S.A. God forbid that their kids are protected against illnesses that have been proven to be under control by means of vaccines. What's the opposition argument to this? The good old freedom of choice argument I'm guessing. Well, when public health is at risk, I think mandatory vaccines do more good than harm especially considering: a) How much it would cost to treat the disease rather than provide a vaccine for it; B) It's just plain common sense to be immune (or almost immune) from a disease that could freaking kill you. And for goodness sake, please don't say the word 'autism' and 'vaccine' in any sentence (might not apply to you, but it sure as hell applies to a lot of people)


Police State - This falls on the shoulders of the House of Representatives (Republican controlled by the way..) as much as it does on Obama, regarding the NDAA crap


Prison Industrial Complex - What?


Crackdown on civil liberties - Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a Republican member propose the infamous SOPA? The entire conservative wing of the Republican party is based on civil liberties particularly in issues such as gay marriage


Middle class wiped out - How?

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You think someone like Gingrich or Romney wouldn't jump at the chance for this as well?

hey ill come back and respond after. a bit busy now. But... You think I support the draft dodger gingrich who didn't even have the balls to Vietnam when he got drafted and he wants to send all of the kids to war? Or Romney who fled to France?

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hey ill come back and respond after. a bit busy now. But... You think I support the draft dodger gingrich who didn't even have the balls to Vietnam when he got drafted and he wants to send all of the kids to war? Or Romney who fled to France?


Well unfortunately (or fortunately) it is likely these two will be the opposition to Obama in the upcoming election. Gingrich is a walking hypocrisy while Romney...well if the Oxford Dictionary had a picture version, he'd the be one to go along with the word 'politician'. A shame that Ron Paul will continue to be ignored for his 'extreme' views

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Well unfortunately (or fortunately) it is likely these two will be the opposition to Obama in the upcoming election. Gingrich is a walking hypocrisy while Romney...well if the Oxford Dictionary had a picture version, he'd the be one to go along with the word 'politician'. A shame that Ron Paul will continue to be ignored for his 'extreme' views


Paul's views on economics are simply incompatible with the modus operandi of 21st century financial institutions-in this respect, they are extreme. I fear they would collapse our entire system, if not America entirely.

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Paul's views on economics are simply incompatible with the modus operandi of 21st century financial institutions-in this respect, they are extreme. I fear they would collapse our entire system, if not America entirely.

the 21st century view is keep printing money on top of bad money... the entire financial system is collapsing right now...

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Obama's policies are diplomacy oriented. He pulled out of Iraq and is pressuring Iran by economic sanctions against its nuclear arms race-he is not a militant like the previously failed president was. He's not even as pro-Israeli as Americans usually are. As for vaccines, one could argue mandatory vaccinations since they do save peoples lives and we have eradicated diseases by using it (smallpox). And this whole thing about civil liberties...what about the patriot act?


The middle class is not being wiped out either-only the upper classes are:D

sanctions are act of war! look at how many children died at the end of the persian gulf war!


As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.


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Paul's views on economics are simply incompatible with the modus operandi of 21st century financial institutions-in this respect, they are extreme. I fear they would collapse our entire system, if not America entirely.

so your saying the person who predicted all of these financial bubbles/economics crisis-es light years before they happened when everybody else was clueless would make America collapse entirely?

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Isn't the current mainstream view on economics causing the current worldwide economic downturn? Keynesian economics have lead to the depletion the value of national currencies and has lead to the collapse of many countries. Just think about us in Canada, we were starting to turn around economically well before the "stimulus" ever began to being spent and we have yet to recover from that HUGE mistake. Inflation is a tax on the lower middle class and poor; everyday examples that inflation has affected include Keynesians can agree with include the price of oil, car insurance, cost of healthcare, and cost of a postsecondary education.

can you believe that ben bernanke(public enemy #1!) was named Time Person of the Year?!!?!?!

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