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Tutoring and alternative options


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Have any of you tried it for any of your courses? I am thinking about getting one for Bio because I am finding all of the terminology overwhelming, and I haven't taken Bio in 2 or 3 years.


If anyone has any other recommendations on where I can get extra help with specific course content, that would be great. In this particular course, it's one of those huge first year ones with a prof and a couple of tutorial leaders. So I am kind of unsure of who to go to for my really detailed questions.


Thanks as usual!

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Have any of you tried it for any of your courses? I am thinking about getting one for Bio because I am finding all of the terminology overwhelming, and I haven't taken Bio in 2 or 3 years.


If anyone has any other recommendations on where I can get extra help with specific course content, that would be great. In this particular course, it's one of those huge first year ones with a prof and a couple of tutorial leaders. So I am kind of unsure of who to go to for my really detailed questions.


Thanks as usual!


I've been on both ends of the spectrum, both in terms of requiring tutoring and tutoring others myself, so hopefully my advice will be helpful. I've had a tutor who was great at being able to break things down for me and explain certain concepts in a great way. I've also had a tutor who had no idea what she was talking about and seemed as though she had more difficulties with the course than me. My advice would be to ask around and see if you can get a sense of how good the specific tutors are from your school.


I'm also a TA, so I would go see your tutorial leaders and ask for help. More often than not, they are sitting in their office during office hours doing absolutely nothing other than their own work. Send an email ahead of time so that they can be prepared to help you out to the best of their abilities. If you are really lucky, they may be able to drop some hints for assignments/exams :)

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Free help can be found anywhere, and I am of the opinion that knowledge should be free. All schools have free tutor services especially the first year courses. Find out where you can get a schedule for this.

Alot of first year bio has videos online so google/YouTube them and use them.


Go to your profs and ask for help. Go to them so much that they actually get annoyed of you. I did this for chemistry, prof hated me by the end of the course, but I'm the only one he remembered after many years when I ran into him at an event lol


There are your TAs. They are science students paied to help you out.


Ask us here. Im sure if you make some post about a bio question in the Mcat section, one of us would gladly answer it and explain it better.


There are so many resources for first year courses, you only need to find these and have the time to apply them.

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