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GAMSAT Materials for Sale


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All you need for a successful GAMSAT attempt! Prep materials are in good condition. Some pages have pencil markings. Location is Toronto, Canada and cost is $700.


Included in the package:


-Des O’Neill’s Science Revision 2009

-Des O’Neill’s Multiple Choice Questions and Exam Attendance Course 2009

-Des O’Neill’s Multiple Choice Questions and Exam Home Study Course 2009

-Des O’Neill’s Writing Better Essays 2009

-Des O’Neill’s Science Summary Outline

-Des O’Neill’s Prognostic Preparatory Test and Answers

-Des O’Neill’s Bonus Humanities Test and Answers

-Des O’Neill’s Trial Test for Section 2 and Suggested Answers

-Several other pages of miscellaneous Des O’Neill prep

-Acer Practice Test 2 (unmarked)

-MCAT Verbal Reasoning Questions, Answers and Explanations

-MCAT Physics Review, Questions and Answers

-MCAT Organic Chemistry Review, Questions and Answers

-MCAT Physical Chemistry Review, Questions and Answers

-MCAT Test Taking Tips and Strategy

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